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Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, May 27, 2014.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    [h=2]Explore even more![/h] [h=3]New starter packs to be released[/h] Starting your Avatars life is about to get much easier. With a selection of three brand new starter packs featuring the new Harrier Armors, Weapon, First Aid Package and more you will be ready to jump right into action.
    The new starter packs, labelled Bronze, Silver and Gold will be available for $5, $15 and 40$ respectively. The Silver and Gold packages will also contain an amount of the ingame currency PED so you can take part in the ingame economy from the start.
    Starter packs will be available to new players at account creation. For existing players the starter packs will be available in the soon to open web shop at
    We plan to release the starter packs for new accounts in early June and the webshop for existing accounts within a couple of weeks.

    -Note that the Starter Pack items are non-tradable, i.e. its items can not be transfered between accounts.

    Originally posted here...
  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I like the look of the armour...might be worth adding to my collection.
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I'm curious about the stats on the items. Anyone have details?
  4. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Apparently they're UL from what I've seen on EL, but I don't think it's been confirmed.

    No clue about the stats yet; although I know it's been discovered in game so I'm sure it'll be known soon enough.
  5. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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  6. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Cripes that item description is awful :(
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Google translate maybe lol.
  8. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    That speed boost could be quite attractive for new players. Stats wise its no worse than settler or bodyguard. I used to use settler quite a lot as scaffolding for plates.
  9. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Thanks :) Very interesting.

    Overall I think this is a positive addition to Entropia!
  10. May

    May Active Member

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    Thoughts on this? Kinda split actually. View attachment 9468

    - It really seems a good move to give starters the choice of adding to the freebies starter gear they get in-game. Having someone invest money in the game from day 1 can stimulate people to remain longer, to get their entertainment's worth back.

    Though tbh for 50, 150 or 400 PED, you can buy a lot of nice (newbie) stuff in-game too. And once you get a bit familiar with the game, you might regret buying the non-tradable packs.
    But yeah, for the first impulsive buy it's a good way to hook starters, and it's making sure short-term money for the MA coffers. More deposits are always a good thing.

    - Unlimited, but non-tradable gear. Somehow I get the idea that this is not the style of account bound items that David proposed to MA. Isn't the whole premise of non-tradable gear that it is unique, because you obtained it through hard work, and can see it as a (Planet specific) badge of accomplishment? Which you consciously decide to work for, like for instance the Viceroy, and the future IFN uniforms.
    This starter pack armor doesn't signify any status. Since the starter packs will become available to existing players too. So they are non-tradable for a different reason. But this will still be able to add oil to the fire of opponents of account bound items.

    And from the Viceroy you can at least get the TT value back, should you decide to you don't want it anymore / are quitting the game.
    I really hope that the starter pack gear can be sold for TT value at least.
    Yes, being non-tradable helps to prevent Alt (against the -not enforced- rules) farming. But as a newbie it could disappoint if you learn that practically everything in this RCE game is tradable, except the starter pack gear you bought.
    Once you receive your graduation armor; what use is the Harrier (not adj) to you? It will be ages before you would want or need a plate-holder. So it just becomes something stuck in storage that binds your PEDs, instead of circulating back into the game. And when you are a newbie: every PEC counts.
    While it's untradable and not TT-able; why not making it very eco limited gear?

    - The Adjusted Harrier has a 8% speed buff. Something that according to another post I read:
    "You have to be level 25 Pyro to use the Metabolic Acceleration Chip I (L) that costs 400%"
    So what now takes 1 minute, took how long before? A year of skilling to obtain this feature? More/less?
    I can imagine this could be frustrating to those who did spend time and money to skill MF, to unlock the unique abilities from that profession. Sign of the times I guess.

    - Why a MA webshop? I thought that the trading among players, to obtain the materials and gear needed, was one of the cornerstones of this RCE.
    Introducing the ability to buy universal gear directly from MA, is like the government is suddenly starting to sell generic cars, tools and clothes too. Hopefully this will not expand to higher and higher leveled gear.

    But who knows, maybe the webshop will be used to create Planet specific (sub)shops, which sell unique features. Like upgrades to shops, LA's, or RL Planetairy items.
    And the MA webshop would be limited to actual MA territory. Like Space, Gold Card or RL EU (logo) items.
    That would make sense; but a MA shop selling generic gear in direct competition with PP's gear, would not.
    (Unless I'm misunderstanding the current setup, and the PEDs you spend to buy items from a TT terminal are going 100% to MA already?)

    - So yeah, mixed feelings on this one.
    The armor looks awesome, and the idea of starter packs and a webshop are great. But the implementation raises some questions.

    Heh, to my mind, it gives the impression that at MA meetings, the 'marketing' guy has a bigger mouth than the 'economy' guy... View attachment 9469
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    The metabolic acceleration is exciting for miners. Does it only work if you have the whole set equipped?
  12. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    My comment from the same thread on PCF: