RSS Feed Ethereal-Armor--Barely-There,-Protection-Everywhere

Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Ethereal Armor: Barely There, Protection Everywhere!

    Real Money for Imaginary Items in a Virtual Universe?! Are you Serious?

    That’s a reaction commonly encountered when describing the uniqueness of Entropia Universe to ‘real worlders’.

    Considering that the items being offered for Entropia Universe’s 2015 year-end sale are not only imaginary but also invisible, those types of reactions might become even more frequent!

    Introducing the Exclusive, Limited Edition Ethereal Armor

    Completely transparent, Ethereal armor keeps the apparel beneath visible, while providing supreme protection against all types of damage. A slight shimmering effect is apparent when in close proximity to an avatar wearing Ethereal armor, but foes in dangerous PVP areas might easily assume that such an avatar is unprotected.

    Twenty-five sets of the soon-to-be legendary Ethereal armor will be available in the Entropia Universe Webshop for $5000, starting on Friday, December 18 2015 13:00 UTC.

    In addition, a single set of Unique Ethereal Armor will be made available on the same date and time in the Entropia Universe auction, with a starting bid of 50000 PED. The Unique version offers even more spectacular protection and durability than the normal Ethereal armor, as detailed in the list below.

    Ethereal Armor:

    • Durability: 5500
    • Penetration: 34
    • Impact: 30
    • Burn: 42
    • Cut: 30
    • Stab: 24
    • Cold: 7
    • Shrapnel: 15
    • Acid: 7
    • Electric: 7
    • TOTAL: 196

    UNIQUE Ethereal Armor:

    • Durability: 6000
    • Penetration: 44
    • Impact: 33
    • Burn: 46
    • Cut: 32
    • Stab: 26
    • Cold: 8
    • Shrapnel: 19
    • Acid: 9
    • Electric: 11
    • TOTAL: 228

    Payment Options

    The Entropia Universe Webshop accepts credit and debit cards and PayPal. For purchases of the Ethereal Armor you can also pay via Bank Transfer. For Bank transfers please allow a few days for manual handling before the Ethereal Armor is delivered to your Avatar’s inventory.

    If your card limit is lower than required for a desired webshop purchase, please contact Entropia Universe Support.

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  2. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Well is a release just for a few... as always.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    wow now they get to charge silly money for inventing 'absolutely nothing' wtg MA.
    does the words 'Emperors New Clothes' ring a bell

    that said think of the consternation on an attackers face when a naked miner in pvp doesn't appear to be taking hits, tho for 5K dollars I think I will stick to (L) armours a while longer
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I think this is a very cool idea actually, and "Emperor's New Clothes" not really a valid comparison. The "nothingness" of this item is an optical deception from something which is actually there (in the simulated world), whereas the classic fairytale describes how make-belief is used to cover-up something which does not exist at all.

    I keep choking at the sums of money people are willing to fork out for "nothing", but it is as it is, and we're all doing the same just on our own respective levels. The price seems carefully calculated to be in line with existing items offering comparable protection, e.g. Eon, and to not hurt the market value of these. It might even have upside potential for the serious investor.

    The equivalent PCF thread has many pages already of folks crying foul and the sky is falling, because it is one more item from the webshop and not made available through crafters. I mean, come on. A limited edition of things which only very few can afford does not make a dent in the mass market. It remains but a dream for almost everybody. Has the Ferrari edition hurt quad crafters? I see prices for the latter are going up instead of down.

    Or maybe we're all conditioned to the MA-bashing routine (I have my own pet gripes) that we can't easily break from it and actually appreciate something they have done. To me, this thing is positive because it is not destructive to the virtual world I've grown to like as a mental home -- a principle which to my dismay has been violated many times especially by Calypso. I can safely ignore it as long as I'm nowhere near to affording it. Those who can have no unfair advantage over me, they just play in a different class. From the collection in my signature: >>>

    All good?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. RavenJade

    RavenJade Active Member

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    I'm not sure they are complaining from the crafter's view on pcf.. but rather it would of been nice for these items to have dropped in the loot pool over the merry mayhem season. Much like the caramone armor did from years past. It's exciting to think about the possibilities of looting some uber item rather than going to the webshop and forking out 5K US for it.

    It is an interesting idea for an armor set. I'll be interested in seeing if they sell faster than the equus did for last year's christmas buy. :)

    I'm not complaining, nor cheering. Just watching with interest. :)
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I expected this kind of thing to be mindforce instead of regular armor. Also it would have been nice to see it drop in loot instead, maybe a multiplanet event. I wonder if MA needs quick cash at the end of the year? They released the Equus around this time too, IIRC. I'm definitely seeing a shift away from the integrated economy toward a webshop based game, I wonder how far it will go, will we soon be able to buy lyst and wool on the webshop?
  7. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    That's exactly what I meant, Neil. No, I don't see it going that far. I mean, it would be ridiculous, there would be no point for any loot anymore and the whole game would cease to exist. A handful of high-end items, even if they make it a year-end tradition for a cash injection, does not affect everyday affairs at all. But it was suggested somewhere that they missed the chance to create a positive effect at least. They could have done it like the Galactica mission, exchange it for payment in a truckload of thyroid oil or whatever (PCF member suggestion if I recall correctly). Maybe the difference is that these armours are to be strictly limited in number, while the restoration chips are not. But the price alone sorts this out in my opinion. The limited edition only creates a speculation object which a few can use to their advantage, but the community does not benefit from. Maybe if a lot of people write in and help them see it that way...
  8. Mr Super Muis

    Mr Super Muis Active Member

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    #ExplosiveProjectileBlueprintsMustFall o_O
  9. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    I have my own set of barely there armour - Rutuba :) Really though, I bought my ship Starfinder IX for less than what they are asking for this.
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