Entropia soon to be playable on everything!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by RexDameon, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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  2. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Something like this could hold some real potential Linux / Mac has issues with entropia atm right?
    Also if putting this on a phone I would assume that would be mostly AH.

    Tbh the thing I hope for the most is that they ditch this BS GC system and put something into our phones instead :p
  3. Danton

    Danton Active Member Pro Users

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    Most of long time players are knowing about the trouble switching to Cryengine (VU 10). Some stuff we have had is not back until now.
    And now, reading this announcement, I am really worried about what we will see in future. Bringing CE2 to portable devices is no option I think. So will we have complete different systems, offering same content and gameplay? How much more work for developers will bring this?
    Is it really possible to make a second client offering all content that is build up with CE2 now?
    Or will CE2 be left behind and we have had all the trouble from the past years for nothing?

    You can see, there are many, many questions about all this and I really hope someone will tell us more than what can be read in the announcement. I will start to be happy when having more info (maybe). For now, there are only questions...
  4. nirfu

    nirfu Member

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  5. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    I hope they dont try to make it playable no portable as of yet I dont think its even possible. However the portable part holds some valid thoughts imo Ap wise MA is far far far behind most other games.
    Portable AH
    Authenticators on cellphone
    Mailfunction to your cell from IGM
    etc etc if MA makes things like this work it could be cool.

    Would of course also be awsome if they acctualy finish the things we al are w8ing for :p
  6. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    CE2 can already run on Mac/Linux/XBOX/PS, etc.. so I don't see it disappearing but being utilized to bring game content to other platforms. And I presume the reason for partnering with Project Whitecard is to bring more developers to the project. Project Whitecard will likely be the ones responsible for developing the client for other platforms while MindArk continues on their merry way bringing in new and older systems. IF we had mobile content, I doubt it would be more than possibly an auction or transfer center interface. But even that I doubt. More likely (in my mind) is a mobile-friendly website.

    Ridan: You could say issues.. It currently doesn't run on Mac/Linux without Wine or Parallels (or something similar). And then, not reliably.

    What makes this so surprising is that MindArk has repeatedly said they had no plans to support other platforms.
  7. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I just think all this effort is wasted when you can't work on changing the way things loot to make it more enjoyable
  8. AlexSolo

    AlexSolo Member

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    it would be possible to create a complete entropia universe for smartphones and tablets.

    There are already games based on FPS engines available for instance on the iphone:
    - Infinity Blade 1&2 and the Epic Citadel tech demo which both utilize the Unreal Engine 3

    - ID software got a version of the game Rage already on the iphone using its Engine on high res and its a FPS game.

    Crytek got a arcade type game driven by the Cryengine on the Iphone though yet no version of Farcry or Crysis so I rather believe that these Entropia Apps will be to have access to things like messaging, auction, Chatwindows, Hoflist, Skillsoverview, Inventory or the proximity client. these things can be accessable through api's of the databases by any application you create for that. Some kind of terminal client app.

    If Mindark wants to release Entropia Universe with all functions of the 3D surrounding it would be interesting. Drag the mob health bar with a simple finger stroke and tipping at it shots the gun. Not bad.

    Depositing could be done over the itunes account on apple devices.

    But since there is no real fps on cryengine 2 available I cant believe that we will see such soon. We would see an anouncement then that mindark works with crytek on a portable version etc. and what shall the app cost then in the end?

    And that is an interesting point which could be discussed in community.

    What price are you willing to pay for an Entropia App with full functions of the 3d surrounding?

    What price are you willing to pay for an Entropia App with functions reduced to auctions, inventory and such?

  9. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Oh yay a new client, back to ground zero and all the bugs start over. Poor Tamers they will never get their pets back.....
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    This will fall by the way side as all other extreme endeavors of the MA we all know and love sooo much.. How are they going to support all that smart phone crap when they STILL cant figure out how to make this all run properly on the current base. They gonna rely on buisnesses like the ones that the apartment voting got tied into? This is just more revenue being pissed down the drain at our expence as a loyal playerbase. You need dam near a super computer to play this game as it is now and they think they will get it all to function on a cell phone? Just more fanciful stoner logic.

    Will someone PLEASE let MA know that all the friends on FB are only friends to get more friends and NO ONE on there gives a shit about what goes on on their "Friends " lives.. They will all say hey yer ideas are great I Really think they are awesomezzz and will makz you lotzzz of monizzz and if you friend my other 6 accounts you can haz even more friendzz to boost your ideas.

    MA social networking is the BIGGEST bunch of fake ass BS to ever be concieved. Its a fail on a massive scale no matter what direction you look at it from unless you are a govenment bent on counting sheep or like throwing advertising dollars into a virtual fireplace. Trying to push EU onto the social networking types that cant set their cellies down will only contribute to more traffic deaths not actual players of EU. Of course Stoner logic says "Hey!!!! dead people cant withdrawl.. This could be HUGE!!!"
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  11. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Active Member

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    Personally I think this could be awesome. It could bring in the console players and others as well. I know of alot of people who play only on their consoles and nothing else. They pay hundreds of dollars every couple of months on games and subscriptions. Sounds like the perfect people for EU to me..

    As for if they can do this or not, I believe it won't matter. From what I heard about the people making Planet Theryon Wars, they make lots of games for consoles, so they could be the perfect company to help. Also this company that MA is partnering with, seems to know about consoles as well. This could also help with experience in fixing the problems we have now.. So all of this, only makes sense to me.. :eek:
  12. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I personally thing the console market is woefully untapped by MMOs in general...I think it could be the perfect move to bring in a lot of badly needed cash as long as certain things are addressed in the meantime and going forward (i.e Loot returns etc).
  13. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Cryengine 2 ... can be whit right cfg , playable on allmost anything ... but we CANT ,change it
    making diff versions of setting will make EU playable on "Ultrabooks"

    to console idea .... i would love to play EU on my 3DS XL:cool:
    thx McCormick for vid[video=youtube_share;dXNTqWUSY6E]http://youtu.be/dXNTqWUSY6E[/video]
  14. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Sounds interesting, the only problem is that it's using Cry2 which isn't really portable other than on the PC. If I'm right Cry3 is much more cross platform compatible. Anyone have any feed back on this?
  15. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I can see no one is really thinking this thru. Lets break this down step by step.

    smart phones...Even IF they can somehow manage to make the gfx livable for that platform no one is going to waste a ton of time playing on one wasting their precious "Minutes" At best MAYBE resellers will use it regularly to check auctions or set prices in their shops ( thats a good productive function for a phone. access to stuff like that has a function) Next you have the tiny screens to play on.. Not sure about you but I sure would not try to go on a hunt using real money trying to hit a tiny ass mob on a 3x5 screen... thats financial suicide. you guys dont miss enough now on the big flat panel monitors and tv's you use now?

    Consoles...consoles are traditionally for button masher type games. they tend to appeal to kiddies and teenagers mostly. they demand new content every 3 to 6 months of a title dies out. they also tend to be the "I want to be a maxed out asskickin avatar in the first 2 weeks personalities MA is already drifiting twords now with skill events.. easy attrib gains and all that. ( this can only lead to more nerfs which only screw over the ones who have been grinding in here paying the bills for years making the glass ceiling all that more unreachable) at least 50% of them can not play a game without using a cheat or hax. Sooo heres what I see. MA will spend TONS of money to attract kiddies with no money to play EU on a console. (you think the flames on forums are bad now?) The ones that they do attract will get bored really fast because EU is NOT a button masher full of excitement.(not sure about you all but I play RPG's because they are NOT button mashers for the most part) the ones that cant play without using cheats and hax will leave instantly or become the next generation of scammers to deal with. Finally most importantly for MA is the money..This is spending tons of money trying to gather players from a financial base that relies on an allowance or lawn mowing money mostly. (my suggestion is to kick the marketing rep that told them this is the way to go in the balls and push him out the door before more damage can be done) who will take the hit to pay for the loss to MA for going this route..Us the ones who are not ubers nor "lucky noobs" have been here for years feeding the machine so others can have fun.

    again this is only from the world according to Bill. I dont subscribe to stoner logic so I guess I shall now prepare for the standard take one sentence at a time pick it apart as what is written and not part of the over all view and point of the post.

    No matter how they look at this and try to grow EU beyond what it is is to take a realistic look on the avg cost to play and get their head outta the clouds of grandure that gaining more people that will only be unhappy in the end will somehow change the fact people DONT play EU because of the caustic financial set up it is for most players.