Economy is terrible on my favorite planet!

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by David Joker, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. David Joker

    David Joker Member

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    I am just wondering why the economy is so bad here on Arkadia. It is my favorite planet to hunt and mine, though it gets really old really fast having to sell all the stuff I find to the trade terminal. How do we go about getting someone to actually buy ores on this planet? I know I am not the only one with this problem, I know a few people who do not even come here because they know they will end up TTing ores. It is a shame though, Arkadia is the best planet for miners so far; it is pretty nice being able to actually mine without swarms of creatures everywhere you go. That is the main reason I do not like Calypso, I get tired of the creature density. It seems like there is a nice balance here on Arkadia, I just wish I could find a real reason to stick around.
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    The only ores I ever have to TT are Zulax, ferrum, xelo, henren, pel crystals, occasionally zolphic oil and growth molecules when I don't want to bother with the 101% MU. The ore market is depressed everywhere atm, not just on arkadia. Not everything sells in huge quantities here, and you should set your buyout price carefully. Some ores (a minority) sell for a higher price on other planets, so if you want to make a few peds more, it makes sense to export those ores.

    Share which resources you're having trouble selling and in what quantities and maybe we can give some pointers on how to sell them better.
  3. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    Ark is still a low population planet, and its very hard to keep new players there. New players also typically don't have much ped to spend.

    Combine that with MA nerfing ark guns to hell and back, no on from other planets has much of a reason to go there :(
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I'm still getting ok sales turnover (around a dozen sales over the weekend) but it is definately down from before the change to Hermans.
    So my demand for ores is down. Also impacting:
    - if I cant get one ore I need, due to reduced miners (last time it was erdo) then I probably don't need to buy other ores. Sure I could import it but MA doesnt want us to do that, allowing piracy to make importing more difficult.
    - for some reason the MU of residue is steadly moving up, that makes it less cost effective to craft at a price that is sellable.

    End of the day I craft less and hunt more and miners get less of my business.
  5. David Joker

    David Joker Member

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    Does anyone even know someone on Arkadia who frequently buys? I've been looking off and on in the quarry for a few days now. I got 320 peds of various ores and really really hate to TT them.
  6. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Part of the problem is way to many crafting Blueprints have been released. This mistake meant that every tom dick and harry has most of the BPs or is able to buy them from auction for 1Ped. This has translated into the market being flooded with items that have been undercut so badly it is barely worth crafting them.
    The response has been to limit the key ingredients for the BPs, which just inconviences players. I stand by my comments in earlier threads. There is only 2-3 Master coat BPs in game, why on earth is there hundreds of Arkadia clothing BPs dropping? At least the weapons and high end furniture was caught in time.
    My advice regarding selling ores and mats is this
    1. Sell in stacks of 500 - 1000. It allows crafters to get good quantites at good prices.
    2. Mining is hard to target the items you want, but if you target certain mobs you will get the items needed by crafters.

    The Arkadian economy has been fairly steady, I last think it was sitting around 129 pages on auction. As the playerbase improves so will the economy. Most new players prefer Arkadia as a new place to hunt and mine, so it will grow slowly as it has been. Also it is out performing Cyrene, NI and RT.

  7. saradu

    saradu Member

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    What I would like to know is if the Global Auctions work and if so, would be nice to see more people use that so we would not have to fly to a planet to bid/buy things. I keep forgetting it is there and next time I put something up for auction I am going to try to see if that works, unless of course it doesn't work like the MUTE to mute a person ;)
  8. Kevlie

    Kevlie Member

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    Marty Anderson buys my ores on Arkadia :) he is often on Arkadia.
  9. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I know we are chasing stuff too atm...There's noone at the quarry and we have ped to spend. Even the auction is empty of the stuff we need, so there are buyers around.
  10. ZAN ZAN

    ZAN ZAN Member

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    MA made a complete mess with the weaponcrafting nerf. This is the result.
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    If you're talking about the florican I saw Fiona buying today... well... tons of that stuff just gets thrown in the TT. It's hard to find a regular buyer for it, so I think most miners don't give it a second thought or even check the auction orders, it's just automatic TT food. For something like that, I think a forum advertisement might work, so the miners know there is actually a need for it.
  12. David Joker

    David Joker Member

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    Well, I am going to be in the Quarry trying to sell my stuff for a few hours again today so that I can get back to actually doing what I enjoy. If anyone needs some ores, send me a friend invite - David Joker Potanus.
  13. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    The main reason i craft less and less on arkadia is because there isn't enough supply to do a decent crafting run. Maybe with a good next VU there will be more players again and thus increasing supply and demand.
  14. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I have been looking for vorn and epoxy stacks for weeks o_O
  15. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well I personally think most think EU is a fast paced game where things sell and recycle as fast as a person can click, and really that just is not so. EU is more like a RL economy, it does take some time to turn over sales of materials, resources, and items. If you don't have that patience you definitly will not succeed in the game as you will be tt'ing all your stuff and there has been a lot of research done that you will only get about 70-80% (some say 90%) return tt value from playing and tt'ing everything over your lifetime in EU.

    I suggest slow your roll a bit, there is no need to play EU 10+ hours of the day, if you truly need to live on cycling peds consistently because of a smaller bankroll and you don't want to socialize a lot. Play EU in combination with other games, come here to have fun when you can and wait patiently for stuff to work out in sales etc.

    It is not that the economy is bad it is more that EU is not a super fast paced game of gathering and selling, which you probably had thought with your first impressions. There is a lot of patience and thought that you need to consider to come out ahead in the game. But it is not the game or the planets fault it is the way an economy works, not all items sell consistently at all times and most are hardly ever in great demand most of the time. Just look at RL stores etc how much product sits there for long periods of time before someone purchases, same applies here.
  16. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Those two are easy to find on ark... the problem is they're also easy to avoid and the lack of stellar markup means that I limit my vorn claims to what I use myself and I avoid binding epoxy completely. If people would buy binding epoxy for 115%, I'd mine it.
  17. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well from a miners perspective.. I stopped mining pretty much because its such a pain in the ass to sell stuff. I try to use auction as little as possible as I refuse to pay MA any more then I have to after being treated like shit for so long. I stopped trying to hawk stuff in quarry or anything like that cause the second you do some ass hat thinks you are desperate to sell and trys to give an experienced miner the bullshit line that things only sell for half MU on Ark cause there are no buyers.

    There are not many resources on ark being sold because like I stated when Ark started.. Certain people pushed to have it all start at zero and played that "well the market value will balance by demand." crap. Thus no one came to bother starting the economy because selling stuff at 101 to 105% is flat out stupid. So you can blame alot of this on the crafting cartel that stuck together in the early days and made Ark markets what they are today.

    Now as far as current times..normal thinking people are not going to piss money away into a game where only exploiters and cheats get ahead. PVP "Mods" from other games have infested EU and MA refuses to even acknowlege they can work here let alone get off their dead asses and do something about it. Then as a Miner.. when at level 53 prospecting I cant get a global once a month and only hof about twice a year I get extremely pissed off when I see someone on FOMA holding 50 fucking % of the entire hof board and noone thinking that is suspicious. It simply is no longer worth the aggrivation to even bother to play any more, and I refuse to play only to be the one paying for others enjoyment all the time who cant seem to live life in a respectable manor.

    That being said.. I will go find stuff for certain crafters if you let me know what you want. You know who you are so pm me or hit me in skype and we can gather a list of what you need.
  18. David Joker

    David Joker Member

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    Sadly I agree with a good amount of this post. It really does seem like the game somehow picks favorites and the others are left behind. I know a person in real life who plays EU and lives off welfare because he is too lazy to work. Apparently he is alot better off in EU than I am and does not put anything into the game. Kind of sad to see someone sit on their ass and exploit both situations.
  19. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I'm sure that if you dropped 50k ped on level 13 amps in foma like they do, you'd fill half the HOF list too. When you say you only get a global once a month, how much ped are you actually cycling in that time?
  20. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I have tried the dump a shit load of money in big amps and I have also played cycling over 5k ped each night for months and the system has not changed.. there are favorites in the game and not all avatars are remotely close and in no way does every avatar have the chance to loot the same things.

    I can find stuff dam near anywhere I drop. I have proven to people that I know what I am doing as I have shown many many people who doubted me getting 7 to 20+ claims within the two inner rings on radar. I can find the stuff . Its MA programming determining how big gets returned. There is no way in hell you could ever prove to me after 6 years of doing this that there is something limiting or boosting specific players.

    I entered a mining comp on caly once and spent over 2000 dollars on 105 to 109 amps in the first two weeks of the competition and was doing well til someone came in and started seeding the common areas people were hitting by the screen shots that needed posting and everyone but the person who was doing that stopped getting globals and hofs within a few days. So dont give me that bullshit about ped cycling and knowing how to mine.

    Now applying that to the topic of Ark economy people who dont cheat or have ethics can not compete in the current system and there fore wont spend money or any major amount of time doing anything other then socialising and casual play within their choses professions. Your arguements only point to the shear fact its not what your skills are or your gear or even you in game knowlege that makes a good player able to profit but simply nothing more then how fast you can spend ped. Thus elminating 90% of the players in the game from any semblance of success. Is that the point you wish to make?