Well last night to my shock I got the message that I won the bid for Herman ARK-20 Arctic (L) Blueprint for 200 ped. I totally thought that I have lost the bid on the BP. So what do you think. Did I overbid on it sins no one outbid me or did I get it for a bargain because of the auctions getting split right after I made the bid and the others intrested in the BP could not get off planet to go bid on it ?
ehum I think that is hard to know since it depends on the markup of the ressources and product. In general if the MU of the product is twice as high as the ressources MU it´s a nice BP. So if that is the case then gratz for getting the bp. Ohterwise it might not be worth it to click it much.
In case you feel you overbid, i am willing to take it off your hands for 200 peds. (So yes i think you got a bargain)
Sorry Harmony Not trying to sell this BP just wanted to know if I made a smart move listening cause a friend talked me into bidding on it to start crafting weapons with. Now all I need is some more crafting skill coz im only lvl 7 blp weapons engineer. And thanks for the feedback sofar.
Im outside in space right above the planet posting to here . Im just waiting for a friend to packup already so I can go pick him up and bring him here. Dont know what the situation is with getting in to space from arkadia so im staying in space for now. Should be on planet at latest next week Friday. Gonna use spare time to readup on crafting L items a bit (Im a total crafting newb )
BP is very rare, to sell or not to sell. I have some BP(L), when i loot it crafting, i see markup and say "Wow, silent HOF". Was more than 30k% markup. I try to sell, but no one buy it. And if you try craft this BP, and you have success, is a problem sell the item and have the market value. You do not know when the buyer you need will be online. Good luck, mate.
200 ped for that BP I dont think so. Great value. BTW if not to much diffuclty can you craft on for the museum ? i need one
Yep its an unlimited BP Ill craft a few when I get planet side witch should hopefully be latter today or tomorrow. Erm Quantity (and loads of mettal or enmat res) or Condision (with no res mats) ?
ARK-10 Arctic is the BLP gun a noob will need after the ARK-10, so it is needed. As of today, I have only seen maybe 3 listed in auction around 200 PED if I recall correctly. Should have grab it when I saw it. Now I am able to use one, none is up for auction ... jc
Damnit pickedup the BP this weekend and one of the BPS I also need for this weapon but could not find a magnet BP. If anyone have a spare one let me know. I will pick it up some time this week. Also did my first hired heal on Arkadia yesterday Currently back on Calypso (Grrr hate that planet but have a few stuf that needs to be tied up including a friend that still cant manage to get up to space because of technical problems with his computer . PS thanks to the pilot that refunded him after all those attempts and disconects)