[Please close] Do you like scratch cards? Then hire me :D

Discussion in 'Services' started by Lovefall, Mar 22, 2015.

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  1. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Were you expecting to actually turn a profit this way? Well, this isn't how any type of casino works, and in essence this is just one big gamble hall. You may get lucky, if you have a winning streak and then manage to get over yourself and walk away. But we don't want that, we want to play on, that's why we're here. With wrong expectations, you set yourself up for disappointment.

    My mentor sent me mining for a while because he thought my only shooting turkeys was a bit one-sided. He bought me probes for 100 drops for the promise to bring back whatever I could dig up. We did quite a couple rounds of this, and of course it was a loss ped-wise. But nothing else was expected. I got some skills, he had someone do the legwork for still fairly cheap.

    So, never mind! An experienced player knows this and would not expect you to come back with a kettle full of gold. If it happens, great, but the chances are known and it's all for the fun in the first place. Your passion is already contagious, that's why others are engaging. Keep it up, please!

    Cheers, San
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  2. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Thank you a lot to everyone for encouragement. :)
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  3. spardax

    spardax Member

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    Yes this looks like a great idea. I would love to be part of something like this and rent myself aswell but I still cannot do the daily missions, so maybe when I get those I will make a competition with you :p atleast its good for us to get some skills and the uber players can gamble a little :p
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  4. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Log file: Day five of being a scratch card

    Hired by: [LUCKY dpatc3 PATCHY] (dunno the forum profile) - third try

    Time to complete: 02:15 hours

    [MANTA K-TT (L)] for fighting (provided by my employer), [S.I. HK110] for pulling (own)

    - [MANTA K-TT (L)] usage - 22.78 PED (27.00 PED - 4.22 PED)
    - [S.I. HK110] repair costs - 0.35 PED
    - USED ammo - 0.64 PED
    - Total - 23.77 PED
    Lowest of all five days and first time I manage to get bellow the expected 24 PED expense.

    - Universal ammo (reward) - 2.40 PED
    - Ammo (sellable) - 0.44 PED
    - Loot - 12.62 PED tt value
    - Total - 15.46 PED tt value
    An all time new lowest... 105-110 kills and an average of less than 15 pecs per kill. :(

    - Net lose: 8.31 PED


    - Really sad :( Once again, bad results; I wonder when these terrible streak will finally end... not like I want globals or stuff... but five days already without a single mini of over 1-2 PED. :( That's already not only bad, but terrible. :(
  5. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    Hunting has been very bad since the last update.
  6. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    I thought a lot over the last 24 hours (including a night where I most thought and turned from one side to another than sleep) and I finally came to the decision to stop doing this and I want to explain why.

    Truth is that I'm a coward, and probably the main reason (beside the lack of a PED buffer to keep hunting without selling the loot) why I tried to do that is because I tried to move the risk from my head to someone's else head...

    I haven't done it with bad intentions or anything, and judging on the numbers I have heard around, I figured that could be a fun and fair solution... people seemed to agree that you get like ~90% return in loot, which, when added to the ~10% represented by the mission reward (2.40 PED reward on a ~24 PED run) should have resulted in general in a break even result (with a small profit because of the MU) - sometimes a bit better, sometimes a bit worse, but on average breaking even.

    However, the reality was far worse than my plan... 4 out of 5 days turned out in quite a big lose, summing up to almost 30 PED (29.69 if someone wants the exact number)... over 500 mobs killed and not even a decent mini... and I just realized that if losing my own money feels really worse, loosing over people's money and having to deal with the guilt feeling of doing so is far worse... leading me to the point where I end up not being able to sleep and cry (yeah, I know, I'm a freak!).

    To the two people that shared the loses of my unlucky runs what can I say... I thank you from all my heart for hiring me, trusting me and believing in me... and I am really sorry and I apologize for the results... I really really hoped that I could have brought you luck. :(

    As to myself, that was a really valuable live lesson - don't ever gamble with money that are not yours; if you'll win big, you'll feel bad when you'll have to turn in all the coins; and if you'll lose, you'll feel like the worst person in the world.

    So I'll just stop doing the missions for now, will return to what I know I can do with a profit - sweating - and eventually return to it later, when I'll really afford to do it on my own cost.

    PS: Please don't try to make me change my mind again... I really appreciated the people that did and I thank you all for the nice words and for your trust... but the guilt feeling when returning to my employer with a net lose day after day is just a burden I can't hold any more.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Since I stopped doing it, this thread can be closed (you know, just decluttering the forum)
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