Did Treasure Hunting Drops get lost in the file transfer?

Discussion in 'Treasure Hunting' started by Menace, May 29, 2012.

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  1. Menace

    Menace Member

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    Some of those "short term gold-diggers" you speak of have spent more money on Ark during it's first day of life than many of the "regular citizens" will spend during their entire life in EU. Reality is.... Ark doesn't have enough "Regular citizens" deposting enough money to sustain the planet. You should be BEGGING for tourists to come and spend money if you really want your planet to succeed! And unfortunately..... there has to be a reason for a tourist to come back to a certain destination.

    On a personal level... I probably only spend 40% of my time on Calypso and the rest on other planets. Which does I guess make Calypso my "main" planet. But they're definately NOT absorbing the majority of my deposits. Now if "outsiders" are not welcome to come and be rewarded on YOUR planet feel free to say so and I'll cycle my 5-10k PEDs per day somewhere else. Every other planet in the universe welcomes my ped card with open arms but yet Arkadia seems to have this "This is OUR planet.... visitors are not welcome here!" Attitude. Kinda like the province of Quebec here in Canada. For the past 6 mths I've been witnessing this attitude coming from "Arkadians" and I for one think it's an enormous display of ignorance towards the game, it's systems, and it's mechanics.


    P.S. It'd be interesting if we were able to compare how many hours YOU'VE spent partaking in the economical side of things on Arkadia (hunting, mining, trading, crafting) vs. the amount of hours I'VE spent partaking in the economical side of things on Arkadia..... I'm sure it would probably surprise you! (Oh yeah... standing around wearing new arrival mission rewards dancing to the beats on the radio doesn't count.)

    Oh wait... I checked your tracker...... (Granted you haven't had a hunting global listed since 2010)

    [​IMG]Clytemnestra Cly Darksteel

    Favorite Mob: Cornundacauda (0 Arkadia globals - All globals are Calypso mobs)
    Favorite Mineral: Lysterium Stone (could have been on Ark but only 1 global on tracker)
    Favorite Item: Settler Shin Guards (F) (Going to assume this was on Calypso cuz I can't see you crafting something that came from a "Non-permanent citizens" planet over here on Arkadia)

    Feel free to check my tracker out if you wish.... I think I've got around 50 globals on Arkadia.... So maybe YOU are the "day-trader non-permanent" one and I am the regular citizen here on Arkadia! Maybe YOU don't deserve to pull nice loot off MY rock.

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  2. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Menace, please let's try to keep discussion here civil and not personal towards anyone else who has posted. Opinions are allowed here, no need for flames. For my own opinion, I'm sure income from visitors as well as permanent residents are all useful and appreciated, but then I also don't believe anyone but Arkadia Studios has been looking in their financial records to be able to make statements that say the regular citizens don't deposit enough and aren't active enough to sustain the planet. Have a cool drink and enjoy your time on Arkadia :)
  3. Menace

    Menace Member

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    Lee I respect both your opinions and your reputation here in Entropia. So thanks for your response.

    That being said... I don't think players who don't spend 100% of thier time on Ark should be looked at as "non deserving" of anything here on Ark. I'm getting quite tired of this "mentality" that many (And maybe just a few bad apples) have. I witness it EVERY time I'm here. In chat I've heard players stating things like "go back to your own planet"... "Your Calypsian opinion isn't welcomed here".... "This is our rock.... go resell somewhere else....." and many more comments of the like. Granted... none of those were directed towards me cuz I don't NORMALLY hang out in quarry chatting. I'm usually playing the game. Still.... considering that the OWNER of Arkadia comes from a country that is currently REQUESTING skilled tradesmen/women immigrate to Australia to help fulfull the requirements of the economy.... you'd think that Dave's "customers" would understand better than any planet's player-base that "tourists" and "outsiders" are important for an economy to thrive.... especially a young economy. FULL TIME permanent residents are also very important, but outside cash really helps out alot in the early stages.

  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I think it's pretty clear... if you want to loot a special item you need to hunt, mine, or craft a lot, in the ways that maximize the chance of looting something big. I'd say, if you're not getting globals on a regular basis, then you're not playing in a way that gives you much chance of looting a special item, since those normally come in globals or hofs. If players from another planet are going to come and loot items, then let them... it's more income for the A-team. Just make sure to repair your equipment before you go back home! :D

    I'm sure Arkadia Studios understands that "tourism" is an important part of any planet partner's income. And if you look on the forums here, you won't find any of the A-team discouraging tourism in any way. You also have to realize that many players originally came to Arkadia to get away from things they disliked about Calypso. So, it's only natural to encounter some hostility from them if a player brings those things with him from Calypso.
  5. firejuggler

    firejuggler Member

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    Allow me to remind everyone of jdegre unlocker http://jdegre.net/pe/unlocker.php
    When it say 25%, it is not 25 % of the profession level, but 25 % of the skill count toward the profession.
    Oversimplified example :
    A profession has 5 contribution skill, each one with a 25% counting toward the profession
    You can have 5000 in one of the skill, and have a profession level of 1000 (10)
    Or you can have 2500 in two skill,1000 in five... That would still give you a profession level of 1000

    Another example : 4 skill are used by the profession, A, which has a Rate of 60%, B, 45%, C, 5 and D,1%

    If you have 1000 point in skill A (and no skill in any other) you will end up with a level of 600
    If you have 1000 skill point in B and D you will end up with a level of 460
    If you have 1000 skill point in all the skill,you will end up with a level of 1110
  6. Menace

    Menace Member

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    You have unlocked a new skill! Ability to Ignore Planet Nazi's!
  7. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    It's not often that I find myself in agreement with Menace but if you boil his statements here down to the bare facts, he is correct. The simple truth is that for ANY planet in EU survive and prosper, they need a population to regularly deposit...and to do that the planet needs to have a certain something that makes it special to attract people to it. Arkadia is getting there but its not so much of an Arkadia only problem it's an EU wide lack of population, something that all the PP and MA acknowledge and are in the processes of trying to address. In the meantime, it is the people that deposit heavily and/or regularly and that are making the rounds of different planets that are the ones that help sustain the economies. If we want this to change, the only way is to get more people in to each planet and to persuade them to deposit and spend money. Quite simple.

    Agreed. I spend at least 50% of my time on Calypso (I have a business to maintain; you may have heard of it ;)) but I come to Arkadia when my IRL time allows and I try to spend my personal money here as well as increasing amounts of our businesses money. But because I don't spend all my time here, does that make me any more or any less welcome? Yes, I have also started to notice this attitude from certain sections of our community and it does not help in the slightest.....and it's certainly not isolated to Arkadia. I've experienced the same attitude on Caly and NI (happened to me just the other day in fact) and I'm sure you'll get the same thing on RT and Cyrene in certain quarters. This silly attitude is born out of nothing more then frustration and jealousy and has no place in our community. Furthermore, it also has no place on this forum and will be dealt with appropriately when and where it is encountered.
  8. Nobleone

    Nobleone Member

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    There is a noticeable and defined 'Arkadian' mentality and some of those Arkadians are very much against players that they consider to be 'outsiders'... As Menace has pointed out, Ark needs outsiders coming and going to either trade, craft, mine or hunt in order for the Ark economy to grow and survive and thus the planet itself.

    Getting the discoveries or big loots depends on a player being in the right place at the right time, using the right gear set up and getting lucky... So may I suggest that you stop standing around the Quarry chatting, dancing and telling 'outsiders' to go home and start crafting, mining and hunting yourselves.

    That comment is not aimed at all Arkadians, just the few 'isolationists' and they who know who they are.
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Since all the issues in the OP have been resolved, might it not be time to close this thread?
  10. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    True enough they have been, so i will close the thread.

    However, a very important point has been raised regarding this mentality of shunning outsiders and I think it needs to be addressed and discussed so would suggest that someone starts a thread on it in the General Discussion forum. Also note that the isolationist mentality IS NOT exclusive to Arkadia. In fact, it started with the first of the planets to open up and has subsequently become an issue with all others since. In fact, it borders on a form of "virtual racism". I for one would be most interested to see a constructive and informative community discussion about it, but that's up to the community.

    OP, if you have any issues with me closing this thread please PM me and let me know. Cheers

    *Thread Closed*
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