Defend and Protect Steadfast Firebase

Discussion in 'Events' started by Zephyrus, Aug 20, 2023.

  1. Zephyrus

    Zephyrus Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator PAF Senior Mod Planet Arkadia Official

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    Warning all colonists and IFN personnel!

    IFN intelligence reports are indicating massive Oratans are gathering on planet Arkadia at 20:00 UTC this Saturday the 26th August to attack Steadfast Firebase, if the reports are correct they are sending their best warriors to test our defenses once again.

    /wp [Arkadia, 18584, 13747, 182, Steadfast Firebase]

    Calling all IFN personnel back to service to defend and protect the base and for all colonists in the area to arm themself and prepare their armor for the upcoming 3 hour glorious battle!

    Good luck and be safe out there!
