Important! Curb The Oratan Food Supply Event (3rd Sept to 16th Oct, 2011)

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by Cyrus, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. m0000

    m0000 New Member

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    Nah, but getting tired of insinuations and baseless accusations, anyways i offered, if you prefer to write stuff here instead of actually checking for yourself, then ok.
  2. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    Well my first reply was to Cyrus.....
  3. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    I see what your saying about IP adress's, the only info this may provide is the fact that 2 players have access to 1 account. I dont think this is a violation? Maybe it is, I am not sure about that. I know that having 2 accounts is a problem.

    A lot of the people grinding hard in my opinion are trying to get there cusion on the rest.

    I myself am leading category 1. I happen to have a few days a week that are completely free to me. So for the first couple weeks of competition its exceedingly important to distance yourself from the others. (If you plan on winning your category)

    Which is why myself and people like me grind so hard at the beginning of these competitions. If you want to win, you need to clearly be winning. It surely would suck to spend 6 weeks and all the decay ect to fall a few globals short.

    In short, Many people are grinding hard. But I do not feel this pace will keep up. People will start to realize hope is lost and quit, the leaders will shoot way out ahead and that will be all she wrote.

    Theres endless ways of running a competition, each will have its ups and downs.

    One thing I seen in a earlier post about traders being important... I know what you mean. I may be one of the most used Arkadia traders since its launch (I have been away from planet for a while due to lack of customers)

    I would love to open up business again on arkadia. I was very used and abused in my short stint trading the planet. Missing so many parts of the puzzle though, shops, viable economy, players... ect that its not even worth the time right now.

    GL in the competition all. If this one isn't for you I'd pick up a rockripper and go find resources. I been crafting lots of weapons and the lack of materials is incredible! So much opertunity here, Dont pass it up simply because a competition doesn't aim to your play style, adapt! :)
  4. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    This is a win win for everyone, competition winners, if they do not recieve a high tt loot will still have nice weapon prizes, and all the tt left in the loot pools of these mobs will benifit everyone.

    These competitions as much as we want to believe are for us.. are not..

    The mail goal of any competition is to create a sudden rush of peds used. And cycling nearly 10k peds for category 1 weekly is what im doing...

    I would never consider spending this without a goal in mind....

    Just play along, if its for you, its for you, if its not... find the oppertunities on the planet and go with it.. theres so many it makes my head spin thinking about it... Which is personally why I want such a big lead before I settle down. Would like to get some time back to mine / craft as those professions on arkadia are a boom town at the moment!
  5. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    What's with the continual double posting?
  6. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Yes I was going to address this myself. PM sent
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  7. Fishfood

    Fishfood Member

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    i am pretty sure that cate1 is the hardest to get a global.

    however, after a few days' hours of fruitless :huh: killing halix and ostelok and wondering when will my global come ..... yeah, no globals at all for 2 days.
    (spent 1000+++peds in ammo and guns.)

    then, someone just comes along and clocks 1212 peds (with a smuggler ark-10)ATH :mad:.

    and previously, same thing happened for a 300++ ped ATH:mad:

    what a fruitmachine this is...

    (this is making me want to give up:surrender: this event, at least the atrox queens made me excited.)
  8. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    fishfood, are you kidding??
    The guy who got that ark10 has been hunting them everyday since the first day of competition, most of the day, look how many globals he has. They are the hardest to global on I would agree, but 2 days without a global on them isnt really that bad, when the event to global on them for vehicle was here i killed 2000 each day of the event, which i think was 2 weeks. I never globaled or profited or broke even on a run.

    It can be done, just keep at it. dont get discouraged, it will come... and when it finally does, maybe u will be lucky enough to have a UL gun in your loot too.
  9. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    I can actually tell you how soc chat went the night Bjorn got his uber.... he logged on and told us all about all the peds he has cycled the past two nights into big ostelok without getting even a single global... further confounding was the fact that someone else had gotten an 300ped hof then after he had left. He went out anyway and got a very well deserved uber.

    On another note my ava is out for rent if anyone wants to have a easy shot at winning cat 4 just need to provide collaterol for my gear and skills ... hehe :fineprint:
  10. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    this is all fun and games. Complaining about loot and frequency blah blah. The odds suck for us all, Im sure many others think because ostelok globals are low somehow you deserve this or that, or it will be easy to get in first place with a few hours grind. I had killed more ostelok in the past 2 weeks than anyone in the world, and I have got a 58 ped global to show for it..

    Smile and move on!

    Luck is ruthless, when you least expect it you will recieve :)

    100hrs +

    15000 + PED cycled

    loss of about 2000+ (w/mark ups of weapons) ped on my total runs so far with about 4 weeks to go, even with a HOF you should be expecting to lose a significant amount doing any of these competitions
  11. Fishfood

    Fishfood Member

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    Oh well, thanks guys for the encouragements.....

    just very pissed at the low rate of global, then the next moment an uber global just came on.
    before him, i was on for around 5-6 hours.
    then i also saw him(bjorn) hunting along. (also saw oboy running around)
    i gave up and went to rest for the day after another few more hours of hunting.

    next morning, i saw this uber global on forum. and i was like WTF......:soangry:

    same thing happened to me for the 300 ped global.

    anyway, i was happy for him, but feels sad for myself.
    you guys understands my feeling, i hope.:confused:

    well, i try to continue to stay on for the event.
    i hope the next uber global is mine...... :p
  12. girtsn

    girtsn Member

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    I want to report a bug. Teladons started giving no loots after the VU. I shot two stalkers and then one alpha, same for all. If this one was a planned update to screw with the event participants, I am out of here.
    Update: also true for teladon youngs, korwils and yukas. Nice screwup in a time of the event :D I just hope its for everyone.
  13. m0000

    m0000 New Member

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    confirming on Korwil.
  14. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    If you are finding this issue with no loot after the patch today, please post in the bug report section rather than in general discussion, and file a support case as well. The A team are aware now and should be letting us know something as soon as they can.
  15. Sententz

    Sententz Member

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  16. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    I was getting a much more disturbing bug after the vu... no peds from my sold auctions was transferring to my account. After the mini patch last night and a not so nice suppport case it has been fixed. I advise everyone to double check their ped cards.

    To keep this on topic GL with the event hehe
  17. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I can confirm my ped card just got bigger after someone purchased my auctioned loot
  18. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Hm...Almost the same with me!

  19. ntelinatsos

    ntelinatsos Member

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    same on ostelok, after last update ostelok sucks.. for examble, in my last run of 160ped ammo i lost 81ped (with decay on armor + weapons/amps).
    the non loot system is very high sometimes and the "big loots" are rare
  20. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    What girtsn mean, is that right after that vu no mobs had ANY loot at all.

    The low loot you mention is probably just part of your low period, even tho it sucks it's not that uncommon in a bad period