I am on Arkadia for a few days Treasure Hunting and if anyone wants any of the mined treasure let me know. I currently can only use the items for the two new Technician BP's for Key 1 and the Boots. All other mined loots are up for sale. TT+whatever is what I am asking as I am TT'ing the stuff to continue mining. I figure if someone else can use them and I am just TT'ing the things may as well sell to them for cheap. Add me to Friends list in game and let me know what your looking for and when I mine it I will contact you for the sale instead of TT'ing it, if your not online or or never requested me to keep stacks for day or so for you, it goes into TT. Thanks.
Added more loot types. PM me if interested in anything. I also broadcast in Sanctuary Cove, Celeste Quarry, Celeste Outpost and Celeste Harbour before I sell. But reserved loots and online get their pick first.
Added list of items also for sale upon request and link to large list of blueprints I have for sale way below markup prices.
Check first post, I am on Arkadia for a couple days and willing to sell Treasure Hunting loots for dirt cheap.