Celebrating 8 Years in EU - What a Journey

Discussion in 'Achievements' started by MindStar9, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    Who would have thought that 8 yrs ago today, that I would have stepped inside a virtual universe that has taken me on a neverending journey with adventure after adventure, and present opportunities that have been nothing less than amazing.

    That I would meet some of the most incredible people in the universe from parts of our Earthly planet that I otherwise would not have, and develop long-term friendships that continue to grow, while meeting new people along the way that have added a richness to my life so unexpectedly.

    That I would connect with like-minded professionals to explore the realm of mind and matter, or to be presented with such an incredible platform at varying degrees and dimensions to release my inner writer at such a depth it even surprises me.

    That opportunities continue to expand and present themselves in ways that allow me to step beyond the ordinary, to entertain extraordinary challenges that teach me more about my ability to take chances to see just what I'm made of.

    Thank you Entropia Universe for horizons I never thought possible, and for being blessed with the friendships and support from so many in our amazing virtual community over the years with my efforts to make contributions to our universe experiences.

    And sometimes out of the virtual blue, we are even gifted with something so amazing, that it changes our lives completely, and for that, my gratitude is immense, but more than that, I have learned that anything is possible, even when you're not trying.

    I also wanted to wish my brother (Jetboy) a Happy Birthday today as well (IRL), for he is the one who invited me to Entropia Universe 8 yrs ago, and I haven't been the same since.

    I wish all of my fellow Entropians a continued amazing experience in their virtual life travels, and say thank you for being a part of an amazing adventure that I see having no end.

    Cheers! :)

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  2. OberonNightSeer

    OberonNightSeer New Member

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  3. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    Awww ... thanks Babe, and that photo is definitely a reminder of how much fun we have on Arkadia! :p
  4. Lazz

    Lazz Active Member

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    Happy B-Day my friend :)
    Yea times fly dont they hehe, but still i also think its a amacing travel im on here. And i sure hope it will continue for a long wile still :)

    I still remeber first time we met, it was together with Lykke and Peter we was chasing chirpys all around Camp Caravan and more places to i think hehe. Litle later u become my favorite storry teller when u wrote about the storry at CND, it was something about inside walls if i remeber correctly here :)
    It sure is alot of sweet memories anyhow :)
    Have a nice day and may Lootius follow u kindly in future MS9 :)
  5. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    Thank you Lazz, we definitely have been friends for a very long time, and it's nice to reminisce about the good old times.

    With regard to EU Storytelling, I started doing that in the Summer of 2005, and it just escalated from there into so many opportunities over the years that still to this day amaze me.

    I also know which story you're referring to from CND ... it was a 2-part feature about Wall Art, and it was one of my favorites, but unfortunately, the old CND storytelling section at the ND site is not available anymore. I copied everything and have it saved, but it would be a big deal to have to recreate it. Perhaps one day that might be a project I'll undertake for the MSM site for a walk down memory lane that shows a history of what PE/EU was and has become - depends on time of course, because I have projects already in the pipeline.

    Thanks again Lazz, and it's always nice to connect with long-time friends we have enjoyed great experiences with.

  6. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Wow 8 years? Congrats on the huge accomplishment, and here's to 8 more good ones :)
  7. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    Glad your still around even though we may have not always seen eye to eye those 8 years ;-)
  8. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    Thank you Rex ... where we were in the past is one thing, where we are now is another.

    I think we've done very well considering, and it's always good to entertain different perspectives.

    Glad we've connected on FB as well. :)