Are there are missions that involve killing caraboks? Also, what is the most Eco way of killing them?
There are no missions for carabok with the possible exception of starter missions at the Firebase Acadamies (it's been so long that I dont really recall). Eco hunting. Dont use armour. Get a TT weapon. You want to minimise the chance of overkilling (doing more damage than you need) so its better to do several small its than one or two bigger hits. Consider swunting - sweat the carabok till it is dry then kill it. That gives u some skills including evade and you may be able to sell the sweat.
No mission besides the one Kikki posted about. There is this though...!-Win-peds!-Hunting-Carabok!-006 Best way to minimize carabok IMO is teh assault rifle from RT. 1-2 dmg. cant beat that