C:\Program Files (x860\Entropia Universe]bin32\ClientLoader.exe - The application has failed to start because it's side-by-side configuration is incorrect. I wanted to try this game out but can't play it. Anyone have any ideas? Tried the basic and redownloaded, run as admin, ect. EDIT (Snape): I think this is a good one to post as more and more people will be having to use Windows 8 (unfortunately).
http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windowslive/forum/messenger-wlinstall/the-application-has-failed-to-start-because-its/3f8a8186-9e97-4962-be5d-b453b1597a78 This seems to be the same thing for several programs so might try and follow the instructions there. Some C++ thing is missing or corrupt