As most of you know already, I'm back in the game after an extended break. I have decided to farm Bokols at max maturity and see how I do. I'm only tracking the stage 6's that I do. Weapons; BLP pistol or rifle + beast amp. Depending what is available on the auction. Tools; Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI (tier 2 + eco enhancers) Armor; Gremlin, no plates or enhancers. So why farming Bokols? Stage 6 gives a very nice Athletics reward and Bokols have been good to me in the past. Goals; - Finish Bokol stage 6 at least 10 times - Get the all time highest Bokol loot - Reach 180 HP - Have the most globals on Bokols Loot; If anyone wants some loot that comes from Bokols, let me know you want them and I can save it for you. Total Results; Total Decay; 16948,27 TT Returns; 17703,5 MU Gained; 317,32 average % Returns; 106,37% Profit/Loss; +1072,55 Globals; 51 Hof; 0
Bokol stage 6, run #1 Total Decay; 8290,24 TT Returns; 8818,54 MU Gained; 177,61 % Returns; 108,51% Profit/Loss; 705,91 Globals; 26 Hof; 0 I got a few rare Bokol Plush Toy HoF's *sigh* One global was 3 ped off being a HoF *D'oh!* Second stage 6 is underway!
Finished the run, gained 37,88% in my evade skill and 0,5 HP from the Athletics reward. Bokol stage 6, run #2 Total Decay; 8658,03 TT Returns; 8884,96 MU Gained; 150,35 % Returns; 104,36% Profit/Loss; 377,28 Globals; 25 Hof; 0 I got 1 rare item HoF for Bokol Flesh. I also got one global that was 2 (!) ped off being a HoF!
Now I got 24 hours off, so i will work on my smuggler missions I guess. Happy that for both go's at stage 6 I ended with profit. Changed my Opalo with the M2100 for #3 for less ammo use to pull mobs.
Nice high avg return.. where do you hunt these? PS: typo TT Returns; 177703,5 - I'm sure you meant 17703,5 xD. Otherwise it would be over 9000% !!!
Need to take a little till after my vacation. My new smuggler outfit had a hole in it's pocket and I lost my pedcard. Requested a new one from the MA authorities. Will sweat and offer healing services meanwhile for my AUD fund.
Decided to step off the melee path, as I do strongly believe that ranged is more helpful in the long rung. Besides, doing 46-47 runs of 30 minutes of hunting on Bokols was too short for me. This does require adjustments to my excel sheets and what not.