Welcome to BIG ind Monthly Special SSI event on Arkadia, every last Saturday at 15pm to 18pm for 3 hours of sweating and free heal support. Event consist of 3hour sweating with free healing , 10k sweat buy from any player - 1k sweat for 2.5ped and Quiz for several items and other fun giveaways. We have a kill-team that are active thru all event with taking care of the dry mob and other mobs that come to close to the circle. ( you can join the team if there are room, people come and go) FREE WARP from Calypso 14:00pm Saturday (SpecialSSI starts 15pm-18pm) and back 17:00pm Sunday (day after) to Cyrene Calypso or NextIsland , you have to join in-game channel [#sf28] for warp (/J #sf28 to join the channel, and send a friend request to warp ship owner [Rawr66 Rawr66 Rawr66] and he will call you up at 14:00pm) Time: 15-18pm ingame-time (warp goes 14pm from Calypso) Where: Teleporter: Cobra Digsite /wp [Arkadia, 27697, 27008, 444, SpecialSSI] What we sweat: Nusul Stalker-Prowler