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Cyrus FTW! Happy Community Manager Appreciation Day mate! It most certainly wouldn't be the same without you!
Cyrus, you are the most effective and efficient Community Manager I have ever met online, bar none, so Happy Community Manager Day. I also thank Dave for his awesome choice! This community is definitely in good hands! The A-Team ROCKS!
We have to give Cyrus a hug? But he is probably all sweaty from all the things he does.... Run him thru the people wash first and Ill have Trina take him out on a date. But all funnin aside Cyrus you do Rock bro!! Happy Community managers day!
yes thank you very much Cyrus for the work you do in this forum and for your activity in the german entropiaforum. Community manager is a really tough job since you are directly at the front with the rowdy bunch we MMO players sometimes are but I hope you enjoy your job nevertheless.
I agree with MS9 Cyrus is indeed the best community manager I have ever come across (OK I did not come across to many). The guy is great and very helpful here on the forum and in the few emails I have send him, always helpful and fast with an answer. So yes a big thank you to Cyrus !!
Cyrus your sick! or is it beast ! (for the older generation sick = beast= good ) Simply the best ! [video=youtube;ra12L1Bl0Z4][/video]
Thanks guys. You lot have been very kind to me. Really makes the job worthwhile to get appreciated like this.
When a job is done as spectacularly as you do it, you deserve to get appreciated! Keep up the great work man Now how about some more teasers? haha
(huh have to give cyrus thanks??? humm what kind customary to do proper to give thanks??) I have no idea what nationality he from? 1. Bowing head. 2. Shake hand 3. High Five 4. {it depend on ppl} Giving u flower/food/candy 5. Hugs (huh aint that illegal in some country..??) who know... 6. Thumb-up and saying "Good Job! Keep it up to make ppl happy!" 7. (deaf ppl use sign langauge) I know there are many different countries sign langauge. so u get the idea. Hey cyrus..congrulation!(blinking) can u give me any more secert details abt how soon it release? and any new info?? LOL nah that will not happened. keep up good work! also keep remember let ur staffs some break to give them some relief stresses!
Yea i know few of them do high fives. but that sound not proper manner way to do this at work office area. but it can happen in any offices in other countries who know. but i know it sound funny.. I hope this cheer u up
a few days late, but of course thank you Cyrus for the good job so far Here's hoping for you and all of us the rest of the year will not have you pulling your hair out with the 'community'
Hehe I thought about a flying belly bump but Cyrus is a tad smaller in the belly then I and we dont need him out on injured reserve.
No flying belly bumps offered, but just stopping by to offer a virtual hug and a fresh 'well done'. I know you are one busy bee at the moment, we appreciate all that you are doing behind the scenes just as much as all you've done so far for us. Countdown moving fast now, fasten your seat belt