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Discussion in 'Wiki's and Other Resources' started by jjmatrix, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    Hello everyone. There are a great many resources for our beloved planet... and there are many issue with them, mostly outdated data. Also, things move and change constantly making things hard to find sometimes.
    Until some time ago, I wasn't sure I would ever want to take on such a task to create a reference Site' the reason being that I know how time and effort consuming can be.
    A few months ago I moved on Arkadia (which I previously visited briefly) and I love it! Unfortunately, I don't have much time to play and as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, I need resources! I like exploring and finding things on my own but sometimes I just can't do it. Also, as we all know, in this game game mistakes can be literally costly.
    Since I have a hosting deal (business account) I thought I might give this a try, so without further ado I present to you ARKPEDIA !

    Please be patient and note that it's just a start without much data in it at the moment; on top of that, I'm also occupied with figuring out how the whole MediaWiki works.
    The platform is LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySql and PHP... to which I'm new, except for Linux, and MediaWiki 1.24.

    Needless to say I would need a lot of help; the most stringent is to implement a method so that people can update the DB via the wiki interface.

    I will update this thread as I add new information; I'm looking forward to everyone's comments!

    Cheers, JJ
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  2. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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  3. fredzepp

    fredzepp Active Member

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    This is a nice initiative but wouldn't it be easier to update entropedia?
  4. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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  5. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    @fredzepp and @Dan59

    I am going to answer you both, as it's related:
    1. I did not take on this initiative lightly; I spent a lot of time trying to get Entropedia going. I've offered support, I've never got any answers.
    2. It would definitely be easier/better to update Entropedia; that being said, there are a number of issues.
    3. I have submitted quite a few updates... which never made it through; I'm not sure what the process is/was.
    4. Only data/info updates are allowed AFAIK; we need to go beyond that i.e. the Locations/Maps page.
    5. I don't want to get into all planets; the work is WAY to much for a single person. I understand people are using tools etc from different Planets, but I don't want to get into that right now.
    6. Related to #5: the bigger it is... the slower it becomes.
    7. I'm not sure what $5 has in mind; back in May we were supposed to see something.

    Don't get me wrong, I hate duplication of effort as much as anyone but I'm seeing the same pattern everywhere leading to outdated data... for months or even years and the the hunt for info starts :biggrin2:

    That may very well happen with Arkpedia as well; but I thought at least I can give it a try. When it's close to being usable, I'll start watching the traffic and we'll see how it goes.
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  6. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    Yes. We had the prototypes and everything ready to go.. as I began assembling things.. the issue became the data and server costs. For the data, we ultimately would have taken it from entropedia and in the process got warned by serica as to implications of doing this.. and then server costs would need to be mitigated by a well placed ad or really nice premium things to facilitate donations. After 2 weeks of debating, my partner in this project and I ultimately got sucked into pcf drama and determined the drama that would ensue from the warning and the server cost mitigation was not worth injecting into our daily lives.

    I also tried again to take over entropedia instead of reinventing things and just like clockwork (for a 3rd time), I got a visit from siniko explaining he was about to publish something.. and to see where I'm at.. but just like all other times.. he did nothing.. and fixed nothing.

    I'm all for doing this but only by taking over and polishing the existing.. not setting up something completely new.
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  7. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    Thanks for the info.
    What was the issue with Entropedia's data? If you feel the need, please PM me; needless to say, I'm very interested.
  8. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    Witte owns the data as it is in the database and thus is subject to European copyright law.. so I could not reproduce... and claiming fair use might be dicey. In the end, time/effort and the hassle wasn't worth it. I have very very low tolerance for drama and I felt that I would burn out in EU... and burn out is historically final... as in.. there is no return.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  9. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I find this strange. If anyone owns the data, it is MindArk as its creator, and the planet partners for their parts. That they don't publish it outright and others take this upon themselves should not matter. But, of course I could be wrong. Copyright is such a murky realm.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  10. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    Hmmm... Witte doesn't own the data. He may own the Tables and the Database, but not the data; morally, the people updating that information owns it. Legally, MA owns it.
    Anyway, I understand where you're coming from, as I don't care about drama either; I already started to have a bitter taste about all this, and I won't go further.
  11. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    yes, but what matters is where the DATA is located that you would be otherwise scraping.
  12. dakijevski

    dakijevski Member

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    It is good idea, I always support people that make some effort to do useful things.
    If you think adding loot table my suggestion is to be level based.

    For example separate loot table for Nusul Puny, Nusul Young, Nusul Mature and so on.
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  13. fredzepp

    fredzepp Active Member

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    Well that's a real shame. I was only trying to be helpful :(
  14. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    There is even a download-as-CSV function for every table, which was explicitly coded. Also the Wiki software itself has a built-in API for downloading content in several formats suitable for further processing (see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Query). Scraping would mean you have no other way but to parse it out of the HTML source, which is seldom liked by the content owner. The whole idea of Wiki is built on uninhibited sharing of information, if it was illegal to reuse then it was illegal to put it in the Wiki in the first place. You would not choose to install Wiki on your website if you wanted it any other way.

    Furthermore, there is no impressum at Entropedia and the only hint at ownership or copyright is in the page footer: "Hosted by EntropiaForum.com. All data is collected from users. There is no guarantee of accuracy. Use at your own risk. All images are © MindArk PE and are believed to be used under the terms of fair use."

    Probably the safe and straightforward way would be to send a support ticket and ask MindArk directly if they have anything against further efforts in that direction. They have not intervened against Entropedia, but you should be on the right side if they just said it once and for good.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
  15. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    My bad.... what I meant my friend was that I won't go any further with the discussion around who owns what.; also, I am a big boy that can take criticism, hence my asking for your guys feedback.

    I will definitely go ahead with the project; I will copy everything myself by hand from within the game if I have to :)
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  16. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    OK... to more serious things :D

    I have designed a Mob Map for the Underground; I've tried to keep is as uncluttered as possible even if the elements are a bit subdued at times (see TPs name). Please let me know what you guys think; if OK I'll upload it on Arkpedia.

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  17. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    I don't disagree with you but it was a lot of hassle and considering the time and money involved.. we didn't want to risk major loss and burn out.

    Gl to the project.
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  18. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    UPDATE: I've created a mining page for the Underground, with resources and a map from this forum - Arkadia Underground Mining.
    Any updates, suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  19. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    UPDATES: Single Mob page is created (except for a Loot table) - see example HERE.
    Also, I've finished putting together the first page for single Instances: Sal'diresh's Vault 1.
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  20. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    Oct 17 Update: The Armor Sets page has been completed.
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