Watch This Arkadian Underground Deed (AUD) Payout History

Discussion in 'Arkadia Underground Deeds (AUDs)' started by Snape, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. TechKen

    TechKen Active Member

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    I had never even known about it, so my 2 AUD's payed out almost 6 peds since I bought em the first month they came out. lol Bought me some ammo to keep hunting with. :D

    So, thank you all for the info on WHERE to go to take care of this... Much appreciated and most helpful!
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  2. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Did a bit of work on the wiki page and split up both the graph and the table to 2014 and 2015 (as you can see in the first post of this thread). This way we can see what is happening in 2015 with our AUD's. And added the data up to today.
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  3. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Tried some things too, let me know what you think.

    Removed the values from the graph as you can not see those anyway when the amount of data grows, BUT when you hover your mouse over the data points it does show the value for that point.
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  4. BubblesTheTormentor

    BubblesTheTormentor Member

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    I love it, though if you could I'd suggest making the trend line a different color. Great to see that 2014 had a pretty steady return rate even if it doesn't appear that way just from looking at tables
  5. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    yeah tried that, not sure if the wiki graph thingy can do that. Asked around, will change if possible and I can find out how :)
  6. BubblesTheTormentor

    BubblesTheTormentor Member

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    Now that the mining portion of gold rush is over, I figured I'd ask how everyone thought it went with regards to the AUD payments. I have the average % RoI as 15.3% on my end (Tried updating EP, but without an account I can't seem to). Note that this 15.3% is for January, which means it includes one day without gold rush factored in (since the January 1st payout would look at December 31st activity) and does not include the last day of gold rush.

    Personally, I'm pretty pleased with the deeds this month. I think the lack of any ATHs, while disappointing, shows that the area just needs consistent activity in order to pay out nicely. If anything, I'm actually more excited about the prospect of sustained hunting boosting these more than I would've guessed. Togos seem to be growing in popularity, and the prospectors seem to attract a following as well.

    If there's a thing I was disappointed in, its the overall sale of AUDs from the broker. Obviously only the A-Team knows how many sold, but I doubt it was many at all. Seems many holders took this as an opportunity to unload their deeds at a relative high point, and in such a high volume that the market was saturated. I imagine most of the people that will respond here aren't bothered by this as we're more long term holders, but this should be noted.

    What are your guys' thoughts? More discussion = more fun!

    EDIT: 15.3% is the monthly RoI at 50 PED per deed. Obviously, if you bought them at a lower price the return was even better
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    Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
  7. BubblesTheTormentor

    BubblesTheTormentor Member

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    February payouts yielded an 8.6% RoI for the month if they are valued at 50 PED. At 45 PED each, the RoI is 9.56%.

    All in all, I would say that's a bit better than expected. We had a few 0.02 PEC per deed days throughout the early part of the month, but I was impressed by how long it took for the first no pay of the year to happen (2/23, with 2/26 being the only other no pay day of the month.) This month actually paid out better than December, which I think at least a few people would've been surprised by back in November or so. Gold Rush definitely had a positive impact on AUDs even after it finished up, even if it may be brief.

    I am concerned about the impact the explosives BP might have on the underground, as mining down in UG might become much less attractive if MUs continue to plummet. At least hunting seems pretty popular down there, which is a nice plus I didn't expect to last.

    Thoughts on how the AUDs performed this month? Thoughts on the explosives BP and how it might affect the AUDs as an investment?
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    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
  8. BubblesTheTormentor

    BubblesTheTormentor Member

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    March payouts yielded an annualized 6.36% RoI for the month if the AUDs are valued at 50 PED each. At 45 PED, it becomes 7.06%.

    The payouts this month were more erratic than they've been for awhile. There was an uptick in no payout days, though not as many as November had, and only a few days of 2 PEC payouts, mostly due to the universe wide mining event. Not surprisingly, this was also the worse month return wise since November.

    While these returns have stayed higher than I thought they would considering the downturn mining is going through at the moment, I am also concerned the returns on AUDs will continue to decrease until they return to November levels or worse. If MA truly does want to destroy MU, while I figure the game will be fine overall, I do wonder if people would continue to be willing to pay a tax just to gamble more money more quickly in an area like AU.

    Further, I'm kind of really surprised that the value of the AUDs themselves has stayed high/pushed higher. Holding steady at around 48-49 PED on the auction house seems....strange to me considering the current payout rates are below where they were at when valued at 45 PED each regularly. I guess people are more optimistic about the future of the AU than I am? I trust A-team just as much as the next person, but MA calls all the big shots with regards to the direction of the economy.

    On a last note, I do wonder if the impact of selling the AUDs through the webstore hasn't helped them keep their value. I wouldn't be too surprised if they were being used as a way to dodge fees by some people. But with a larger supply of available AUDs should also, in theory, push their price down as well. Who knows?

    Thoughts for March payouts? Thoughts at all? Discuss!
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  9. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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    I think putting them in the webshop was a great idea, this also limits ways to get an AUD at face value, yet saves people ped.
    if you are a type of person who uses credit card to deposit, you really do save 1.5 ped PER Aud if u buy from webshop. that means its automatically making each AUD worth 48.5 ped at least... and that is what mu says atm.

    I wish we could do more with UG, especially for hunting mobs. Would be nice if there was some sort of reward system for UG mobs, tho provided by who? IDK

    the fact is people got to go down there and pay taxes to hunt /mine, but there is no special reason to hunt there, just to mine there.

    we need reasons for people to go down there... people need goals.
  10. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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    Gah just struck me... as to how this can be solved...

    Make spawn points of the IFN Needs You chain in the UG, ... BUT make it specific to maturity.

    so u got a choice... pay 5% tax and get your maturity only clustered in an area
    do not pay 5% and pick out your maturity on untaxed areas planetside.

    this would totally stimulate the UG - and btw i def would pay 5% tax for thieves :)
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  11. BubblesTheTormentor

    BubblesTheTormentor Member

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    That's.....brilliant. I can't imagine many would complain about an addition like this, and all it would do is serve to make UG more varied/attractive in a way that makes sense. I hope this gets some more eyeballs on it. Great thought
  12. Sniqs

    Sniqs Active Member

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    I tried to input some values, since the entropiaplanets page is waaaay behind, but all I get is "Modifying AUD/ failed." I input the date, number of deeds and payout, type Feffox for the Captcha and get this error every single time. Is it me or not? Btw I'm not logged in if it matters.
  13. BubblesTheTormentor

    BubblesTheTormentor Member

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    April's RoI was an annualized 7.54% for deeds bought at 50 PED, adjusted to 8.38% for deeds bought at 45 PED

    I'm kind of surprised by the increase from last month, but the results are easily explained by the Red event at the end of the month. Before that event, the RoI was trending right around/right below last month. The event raised the RoI by just about a whole percent, which is really impressive.

    In fact, it is so impressive it has made me rethink where the potential value in these AUDs are. I know I always assumed the value in these deeds rested fairly heavily on the indoor mining logic. However, even during the extending mining event returns never hit the 0.04 PED/Deed high that the Red event brought in. Considering the state of mining at the moment, perhaps we need to hope hunting is pushed more frequently down there. This should've been obvious to me considering how many more hunters there are in EU versus other professions, but this kind of highlighted the obvious to me.

    Before the event, 0 PED/deed payouts happened about once every 3 days, with an occasional spike to 0.02 PED/deed happening between the normal 0.01 PED/deed payouts. Considering the average payout per day before the event hovered around 0.007 - 0.008 PED per day this flucation makes sense.

    Also, AUDs seem to be sticking around 49 - 50 PED per deed. That's kind of remarkable given their returns, though with the rising price of CLDs, AUDs are becoming a more competitive investment option. Between that and the inability to easily get them without bringing new money into the game, I guess that's keeping them valuable. For those of use who picked them up at 45 PED each, that's a nice 10+% appreciation in value in addition to whatever returns you've accumulated thus far. For a passive investment in a video game, I won't complain at all.

    Sniqs, I haven't had luck at all updating EP, hence the monthly updates here

    Thoughts everyone?
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  14. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Active Member

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    I'm hoping that when the long-awaited Smuggler quests come out that they will more or less be AU specific. For example: 10,000 Wombana hides for one piece of the puzzle. This would dramatically increase the hunting activity in the Underground and benefit deed owners. Maybe just my wishful thinking though!
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  15. Sityl

    Sityl Member

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    This needs to be seen by Arkadian devs, it's a great idea!
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  16. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    10,000 hides from the same mob might be pushing it.
  17. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I can assure you this has been suggested to the A-Team
  18. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Well Ned is a Master Taylor after all ;P
  19. Jennson

    Jennson Member

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  20. Sityl

    Sityl Member

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