Just a question because of recent changes on other planets. Will Arkadia house only Arkadian mobs (I hope so) or will we also see "MA critters" roaming the Arkadian lands?
thats good to hear, i dont want calypso mobs on arkadia like on rocktropia, if i wanted to hunt them, id return to calypso =) which i have no intentions of doing, just make me a cave so i can call home =)
woohoo, live interaction! there actually is someone working there! No doubt about it! Packing my inventory ^_^....
a new challenge I've been mining so long my steath skills are pretty good, I guess, I can mine my way through herds of small to medium animals on calypso without being attacked. I HAVE mined through a heard of Alophyls many times and only the really grumpy older animals chase me, so new animals is a new challenge, I'll see how quickly they agro to me mining my way through..hehe.
My idea about the Calypso mobs on Rocktropia is that those mobs still belonged to MindArk and that anyone is free to use them if they like. So my guess is that Arkadia can use them to IF they wanted to. Good to hear they don't
It would be cool if they had an event were a mob trainer brought creatures from Calypso to sell in the new Arkadian outposts and some of them got free, ate the mobs in certain areas, and started breading out of control. Can we say Asian carp? lol http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,1958657,00.html
This is very exciting!! You guys must be working like mad men to come up with all new mobs!! Can't wait to see it!! :hail:
yay for Arkadia mobs only!!! (even though ozis post doesn't 100% say that... but close enough for me to read it as that.)
Where is the hug emote? And as far as communication is concerned, Dave and the A-Team have been incredibly responsive and professional in staying connected with the community from the beginning, so ya, we're crazy-spoiled.
omg, ive been having dreams about the oratan, i know they will look nothing like the picture in my head, but im sooo excited to see them. and then kill as many as i can find
A lot of work to do all new mobs or generic mobs with at least reskin/rename but that is what I expected of Arkadia It is the quality and not the quantity that will count the most in the beginning, thanks for working so hard guys.