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Arkadian armor-texture - a design flaw?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Divide D. Impera, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Divide D. Impera

    Divide D. Impera Member

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    As you can see it's pixelated unlike other things in the game; clothes, Calypsian armor, and so forth. Is this fixable? Will it be fixable? Is it low resolution and, if it is, will you fix it? It just doesn't fit in a game with CryEngine 2. It's like zooming into a taken picture and I think it's utterly ugly.
  2. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    It may be something on your side. Sometimes somethings don't render to max graphics while everything around it renders correctly, It's happened to me a few times in the past. I'm sure that the others I have seen of this helmet rendered correctly but unfortunately I don't have this set of armor to check it out. You can ask some other players around you if the helmet is rendering correctly on their side to be sure and also see if a relog on your side fixes the error.

    Also on what graphic settings are you working and what GPU do you have if it is an actual bug it will help the devs narrow down the problem if any.
  3. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    DDL could you please upload the image here on the forum, as our rules (4a) don't allow linking out to other sites for images, and it would also help the image to be more viewable by the devs anyway if it showed in the post here. If you have any problems uploading here check the info about putting up images HERE. Thanks.
  4. Divide D. Impera

    Divide D. Impera Member

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    It's not only me; another person has seen the pixelation as well. AMD Radeon HD 6570 is my graphic card (I googled 'GPU' so I guess it's the name of the graphic card you meant) and I'm going with Very High settings. I don't know if I actually get Very High on everything even though I have the settings, but I do know that shading quality and shadows are working perfectly which was the problem on my computer until I got this graphic card.

    I would love some pictures from other people taken from the same angle as mine was.

    It's all done. Now, could you pretty-please change my name from DDL to Divide D. Impera? :) (Just thought I should throw it in there a bit casually.)
  5. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I don't personally see an issue with it. And it may actually be by design. Because of the "camouflage" style, smooth pixel transition may not be suitable for the Ark armors.
  6. Divide D. Impera

    Divide D. Impera Member

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    Why wasn't my post posted? Something about a moderator needing to read it first? Apparently this post worked. I have a AMD Radeon HD 6570. I am on Very High settings. Another person has confirmed the bad textures.

    Puck: this is nothing "rough" or Arkadian with it; it's simply low-res textures, and I don't get why they would want low-res textures, so of course I have contemplated that the problem can be with my own computer, but other people have confirmed what I see. It doesn't have to be smooth like Calypsian armor (of course we want different styles and themes which separates the planets' and their culture), but to see the square-like pixels is simply bad texturing.
  7. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Because you quoted a post from Lee containing URL links the Forum automatically placed your post in the Mod queue due to a setting we have in place to reduce the instance of Spam on the forum. Until you have made 6 posts, it will auto-mod your posts containing URLs and we have to manually approve them (which i have now done.)

    I can do this for you but bare in mind that after this change is made, it will become your new username. I will sort it soon and email you when it is done.

    Also, as I understand your original questions, I think its something the Devs need to address directly for you to give a satisfying answer. To that end, I am moving this thread to the feedback section so it has a greater chance of being seen and replied to.

    *Thread Moved*
  8. Divide D. Impera

    Divide D. Impera Member

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    All right.

    Yes, I know, thank you for your help. There are so many Entropian forums (which is highly irritating me) that I might as well have the same user-name on all of them.

    That sounds like a good idea.
  9. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Keep in mind there are four EU forums (five or six, really) because of being official forums for specific planet partners (which are independent businesses). There are only a couple of player-operated forums that are "mainstream" (like EntropiaPlanets). There are several addressing other languages (out of necessity). But I recommend only really participating on those official forums that are for planets you're active on on a regular basis. That will help keep down the number of places you have to register (unless you actually want to participate on every forum).
  10. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    thank you, soo annoying when people have completely different user names

    And yes I saw your helmet and looks the same to me so it must be a design flaw or not, fast answers as usual
  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Or a design feature. I looked at the image and I really don't see an issue. Seems to be camo design. But I guess it could be a fkup since I don't know the PPs intent.
  12. Divide D. Impera

    Divide D. Impera Member

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    The problem is the extreme small player-base that EU has compared to other MMO's (or compared to anything really), now from that bunch there's yet another small part active on one or more forums.

    It is what it is and I guess it started out because people wanted a forum not ruled by ... him, and Calypso seemingly having their own forum with the old database (a real "fuck you" to other PP's, in my opinion) created the way for other PP-forums. It's ridiculous. Maybe ten years from now it would've been necessery. Now it's just ridiculous. It's so ridiculous I would believe a politician by his word long before I thought of this as not-ridiculous. It - is - that - ridiculous. In my humble opinion EP would be perfect for all PP's; ruled by good, honest people.

    I saw a guy with URSA armor (basically the same looking as CETUS, but red) and I didn't notice any bad texture on that armor, but it's hard to "zoom in" enough on another player's armor.
  13. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Feel free to take a walk into the larger of our two Arkadia shops (bottom floor of Sanctuary Cove Building #3). We've got everything up to Cetus for sale there (except Musca of course), so you should be able to get up nice and close for a look at all of them. Maybe then we can find out whether it's some kind of Cetus glitch or whether it's something across the board for the armour.

    Also, I've seen this sort of "pixelated" - looking camouflage in real life before.

    If it turns out that this is the nature of the flaw/feature you're talking about, then I reckon if it's good enough for real life, perhaps it's good enough for cryengine too :) In fact, you could then argue that "digital camo" would be an excellent design feature as it's playing on the fact that Arkadia is a digital world.

    View attachment 3938
  14. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    The back of my Hydra helmet looks fine. My guess is it's a problem with some graphics cards, or maybe some of the sets of armor.

    And off topic, but I like the fact that each planet has its own forum.
  15. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    And I refuse to support EP for personal reasons. I MUCH prefer the atmosphere here on this forum.
  16. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Just to clear things up, the camo pattern is designed as a pixelated camo, as per the pic provided Tim. It's a camo pattern used by US Marines (MARPAT).

  17. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Turn the pattern upside down and it would work perfectly with the ANZAC. :cowboy:
  18. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Get yourself a set of Lupus, it's modelled off the Australian 'bunny ears' DPCU