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Arkadia Update Notes - June 2020

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Good Day Arkadians

    We want to update the community on what is happening this year with Planet Arkadia and the exciting content will be released in the year ahead. We have been hard at work to release quality content such as new missions surrounding Arkadia lore which will include many new paths to indulge in plus new challenges for new and old colonists.

    Current Development

    With the discovery of the Moon and introduction to PTECH Industries, the moon has sufficient oxygen for life to exist. Living quarters have been stipulated across the moon for new and upcoming colonists right up to the inception of the new headquarters of PTECH Industries. Naturally news traveled quite quick to the darker corners of space and soon, PTECH headquarters have been ambushed with the help of newly turned smugglers to orchestrate an attack with the use of hacking devices sources, from a black market vendor where the war wages on to this day. The Arkadia underground is rumored to have seen many hacked turrets where smuggler activity has been quite high. Their intentions are still unknown but it seems they are preparing for something.

    Gold Rush

    Many reports have come in as to players asking when the Gold Rush will begin. We are pleased to let you know that the Gold Rush mechanics are in place and the event will be ready once we have facilitated all the prizes and have them ready in game. Once that has been finalized, we will commence with the event.

    Dynamic instances

    We have planned a large collection of dynamic content that will be available during 2020. Players will go through a chain of dungeon like instances that will be rich in storytelling and new challenges that will test all your knowledge of Arkadia. From oratan caves brimming with tribal destruction, sulfur mines that are the entrances to a undiscovered entity that tunnels through the moons depths right up to hidden laboratories where DNA manipulation has taken place and birthed new horrors.

    History will be rewritten with new discoveries and ancient technology that will leave you doubting who is the true faction and above all, what the fighting is all about.

    Mission Development

    A complete mission redesign will take place across all Arkadia for low and high level players.

    The Arkadia Team is working to implement the new codex system that will include many new challenges and rewards. Since this requires a complete disconnect from Arkadia lore and current mission system, we want to make sure that everything is perfectly designed in one major update before discontinuing the iron missions and introducing the codex in full.

    Moon Deeds

    Lastly many have asked how many deeds are left before the deeds go to become tradeable. There is a total of just a little over 5% left of the deeds.

    We are almost there and once the last of these deeds are released, we will, with the following update after the sale, make all the Arkadia moon deeds available for trade in game.

    The Moon Deed packs are still available for a limited time only and are sold as;

    • Arkadia Moon 5 Deed pack - 3 Hacking Devices
    • Arkadia Moon 10 Deed pack - 6 Hacking Devices
    • Arkadia Moon 20 Deed pack - 15 Hacking Devices
    • Arkadia Moon 50 Deed pack - 1 Cyborg Suit + 25 Hacking Devices

    All the new Moon Deed packs including the 50-pack Limited Edition are available in the Entropia Universe Webshop right now!

    We are looking forward to the exciting year ahead, there has been much that has happened behind the veil but now is a new chapter of adventure, excitement and solving new and challenging mysteries and puzzles, bringing back the quality you all love and remember.

    See you on Arkadia

    Planet Arkadia Team
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  2. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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  3. DxBlueIce

    DxBlueIce Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Thanks for the update - sounds promising.
  4. Franki

    Franki Member

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    Well.... a new beginning, the Gold Rush, etc.... BUT, PLZ, not the same sins like Calypso!!!

    1) Give us a time for ending the iron missions... one year, like calypso.

    2) Dont forget Atributes tokens!!! if is not possible this for codex, then put NPC´s who give tokens for all players have the requerides ranks...

    3) Trophys... one reason for the level 4 missions is the trophys... like point 2, a NPC give us trophys when a player have the requeride rank...

    4) Payback mission... Dont touch!!! all people wants the dropship!!!

    5) Do you know when most people take the dropship, not continue mission? give us a new gift when continue the oratan payback... a home? a shop? an upgrade for dropship like spacial trip or transform to (C)?

    Im sure you´ll do the correct things, but.... take care... there are more planets in this universe...
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  5. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    take your time to make sure all is good, ready and place, but please don't take too long :)
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  6. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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  7. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    I endorse this message!

    Arkadia will only be dead if the community allows it ;)
  8. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    5) Do you know when most people take the dropship, not continue mission? give us a new gift when continue the Oratan payback... a home? a shop? an upgrade for dropship like special trip or transform to (C)?

    But what about those that have? The reward is in the journey & the ultimate prize (IFN rank that cannot be bought nor traded).
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  9. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Move a big spawn of the oratan for that mission over to the moon... so there's more grinding there... Also agree, more higher level items after the dropship... why not put the webshop pet and the cyborg suit as something you can get later on in the mission?... kind of similar to how that xmas a couple of years ago let you regain all of the previous xmas gifts with a little mission, etc.
  10. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    But, but, uhmm, Oratan can't fly ?
  11. Franki

    Franki Member

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    mmm... maybe a few oratans going in a ship in spaceport or hangar and the pilot not seen them... like in "ALien" movie...
  12. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    But Oratans can, or at least they used to be able to. Remember that huge fleet that brought them to Arkadia in the first place.

    All those damaged spaceships that surround the planet as a result of that huge space battle, My theory is that the Oratrans won that battle and were close enough to Arkadia to teleport down.

    They know enough about teleports to be able to use human teleport facilities against us after we first arrived.
    What's to stop them teleporting back up to one of their ships that was not damaged.

    They would not have been a reason to earlier as where could they have gone?
    But hey, now the moon is available - what's to stop them.
  13. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Nah, Oratan is stoopid.
  14. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    I thought Oratan was mutated as a result of the space battle ? (also what mutated the other mobs on Ark?) Was one or more of the ships not transporting the Mutation Agents that is now littered across Ark ?

    Come to think of it we just know it as mutation agent, no specific name, could actually be named ORAT-19 or something ?

    Anyway, was my understanding that, that is what has made the Oratan "Stoopid" and attracted to bright light, which is why they wonder into teleporters ?
  15. Bolleke

    Bolleke Member

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    SOME GOOD NEWS YIHA! Since I recently bought a shop in may I am most excited for this to happen!

    I also have a question about the pinned subjects in other forums like selling thread, some are sticked on top but should
    be moved if possible to a lower place so I can have my adds pop above!
    Some owners have left or aren't even playing anymore and it's blocking new traffic.
  16. Kevlie

    Kevlie Member

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    Thanks for the update. Very nice news :)
  17. Alis4311

    Alis4311 Member

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    The most important question is yet to be answered though, will there be Neurobiotic Boosters?
  18. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. DannyO

    DannyO Member

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    Thank you for the fun times.....
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    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
  20. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero Member

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    Hello I heard this planet is dead - development wise. Seems likely since no December VU. Have you guys run with the arkadia moon deed money and left us to rot on this great planet?