Not had a chance to check in game last night but when I played the promo video of this game I could have sword I heared it before... then it came to me, isn't it arkadia music? I could be completely wrong of course. Brain playing tricks etc Wistrel
I listened to the trailer music and I can see why you might think it's Arkadia music, but I know the tracks in Arkadia pretty well and I don't think this is Arkadia music at all ... even though similar ... many "eipic" tracks have a likeness about them. EDIT: I see that the resident EwoK beat me to it.
not to mention taht it seems Arkadia was around before this was out? Wasnt able to find a specific release date for that game which btw looks like a digital spin off from the board game clue having rooms named exactly from the game.
I personally think that Arkadia should add to, or Make a complete Music change over, although I like the sounds from planet music, they seem kind of short lived, maybe a better sound track would be in order? Not saying the sound track that was selected is bad, I like hearing it, I think it should be more involved though, seems to be a lot of areas where you hear nothing at all, Been listening to some really epic sound tracks from other games, I really would like to see Arkadia have a unique sound track and epic as well... Just my way of thinking out lo thx for any feedback on the subject...
Ahh ok thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt... guess its just similar. Mainly just wanted to highlight it in case that company had "borrowed" it and no one knew. As for Ark music its great... I just wish there was more of it... can get a little repetative
That's kinda what I was thinking, be nice to have an hour track or better, 2 would be nice, repeated than 20 minutes worth..