Arkadia Gateway

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by warpath, Nov 8, 2010.

  1. warpath

    warpath Member

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    Hey guys, just a question to Ozi and the team developing the planet. Any plans for a noob friendly introduction area like claypso gateway?

    I just had the thought last night when talking to a new player that spawned on Rocktropia, he was very frustrated that he missed the stuff that gateway shows you.
  2. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hey Warpath,
    Yes there will definitely be a new player friendly starting area. We have our own ideas of how we will do it, so don't expect the same as the Calypso Gateway. It will be mission driven and will tie directly into the storyline that is slowly unfolding. Our aim is to make the process fun for new players.
    We'll release info about it and some in game images/video pre launch.

  3. warpath

    warpath Member

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    Awesome mate, because I think it is really important for new player retention, and with a rich storyline like we have seen so far I can really see Arkadia attracting new players, rather than just the migrants and vacationers from Calypso.
  4. Garek

    Garek Member

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    I had the same problem with a new play, I talked her into joining Entropia and she went for Rocktropia. Now it is hard to get her exited because there is no noobie support.
  5. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Problem with RT is not so much nothing for new players..Many of the long time players there are doing ALOT to help get the new arrivals going. The problem lies with MA withholding the start of crafting up there and establishing a working economy so new players can grow out of the newb stage. I frequent RT when MA runs events on Calypso to get away from the 25 to 34% drop in returns to pay for the hunters to have fun. I go there and mine and explore alot. In the slower times or when I am fed up dodging too many trash mobs all over I take time to heal new players and fill them in on what they are facing both in game and econmicly.

    I try to give them a push to try certain things, or to look differently at what they think will work to get them going and avoid the trial and error way of growing that I think kills most of the new players up front.

    I found many that once you tell them the truth how EU works they seem more appreciative and seem to remotivate on what and how they will go about things. Everyone I met came for the get rich fast deal that MA pushes as posssible to happen. Once the economy is explained and they learn it is not them against MA and that the key is more so loss management then profit from day one they settle in and work to find their way of play and not the typical RPG of hack yer way to fame as fast as you can style of play.
  6. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I've continued this discussion here as a central place to develop ideas around new player arrivals.

    You make an interesting point Cyborg, it makes a huge difference to a new players journey if they understand what EU is all about. The big challenge is getting the cut through with any advertising whilst at the same time communicating what the opportunites are on the planet. I'm sure many people join Entropia Universe with incorrect beliefs about what can and cannot be done. Sometimes this has nothing to do with the marketing, but simply what the player is 'hoping' to find in the game.

    The opportunity arises with a new player arrival area to share with them what it's all about.

    So from your experience, what are the top 5 things that people don't know and should know.
  7. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    My top 5 are...
    This is NOT liek anyother game they ever played in nearly every aspect..
    You can NOT win against MA.
    This is NOT a short term be maxed level player in ony a few months game so inpaitence will be your worst enemy.
    DO NOT EVER deposit more then you can viable kiss goodbye for ever as there are too many deciding factors determining if it will come back to you.
    Just because MA says you can use something at a certain level It does NOT mean you can use it effectively.

    Lastly.. on general idea where you fit in the game compare yourself as to you vs level 100.. that will give you a reasonable idea what your skills effectively are. Many hit mid 20s and thnk hey I should be doin better now when in fact you are STILL a baby in this regard.
  8. warpath

    warpath Member

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    I like some of Cyborg Bills

    1. EU is not like other games
    2. There are many different cost levels at which this game can be played, all are enjoyable but you need to pick one you can afford to play at
    3. This is a long term game you will not max your character with a sleepless weekend of skilling
    4. Don't be afraid to die
    5. Have fun, it is a game after all
  9. Addz

    Addz Member

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    Just a quick pointer, If the newbie area is going to contain story line content please make that area available to all players for a period of time at launch kind of like the entropia gateway did.

    Alternatively you coul make said story content is available outside of the newbie area as well for those that come to arkadia from another world.
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  10. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thanks for top 5's guys, keen to hear more opinions on this. What really shows is the need to explain the big picture stuff, not just how to walk or use the controls. That's exactly my feelings about EU, once people 'get' the concept, they are far more open to exploring and learning what they can achieve. The challenge I throw to you is this - how can that be communicated - would a video work best, a tutorial on the website, a mission, a big sign or does it need real people to explain (remember real people can easily deliver vastly different messages).

    Addz, we certainly plan for everyone to have access to the new arrival zone when we launch. Still to be decided whether we leave it open, close it to everyone but guides and new players, or maybe open to everyone, but have guides as well.
  11. Addz

    Addz Member

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    I have some more ideas but its a bit long to write it all out. I might try and skype you when I get home. Going to be around say... an hour from now?
  12. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I think it should be put out in many ways as not all gamers like or play the same.

    The new player are should have walk thrus for keybd controls from movement to resetting things as the player likes. Icon use on the desktop was a MAJOR help once I learned that.

    Missions to teach new gear and game play familiarization.

    Complement those with walk thrus on the forum in case some are readers and not do'ers. There videos could be made if someone really wanted to take the time.

    Have a few basic missions in what ever will be the main arrival area on Arkadia for migratory players just not as protected as the ones in the gateway since these players would probably be experienced more so then first day newbs.

    Thats just off the top of my head... irl only dollars can determine what is truely viable as the many expences to get a planet started I am sure amass quickly..besides Rome was not built in a day as they say.
  13. Kay Jones

    Kay Jones Member

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    If it's possible, the easiest way to teach the interface is imo a.. well, I'll just call it a walkthrough, dont know what you call it:

    - a textbox on the screen says i.e. "press I to open the inventory"
    - player complies, gets the option to skip this step or the whole tutorial (with a warning that must be confirmed
    - "press G to open the keyboard, here you see...
    - player complies...
    - press L to customize your keys
    - ...
    - click [item the new player got] in your inventory and drag it onto the free area of your screen. press L. if you click the button, you will equip said item.
    - the action library...

    voiced, ofc, it's even better, but that's luxury and requires lots of lines from a voice artist, so it may not be the best idea :D
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  14. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Keep the suggestions coming, be assured I am reading them all.
  15. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    Yea i really feel that with new players. If you give them like exploring free misions to do at first thats story driven and get them into the story then it won't seem like a big deal to be buying equipment to do the other missions to find out the rest of the story. Kinda like putting a 1 player game type story and action into the MMO to help get people past they're fears and into the game when they later will want to be more social. one thing i've learned is that new people really dont want help at first and dont want to look like they dont know anything.