Arkadia BIG Xmas Celebration

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by dllrtba, Dec 23, 2023.

  1. dllrtba

    dllrtba Member

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    Arkadia BIG Xmas Celebration Presented by BIG IND and Team Arkadia

    When : 30th December 15:00-21:00 in game-time ( UTC ), from 18:00-21:00 Ark team will spawn mobs to shoot.

    Free Warp : pick up starts 14:00 on Calypso and going Cyrene, Rocktropia, Toulan and NI with final destination Arkadia.

    Where : Teleporter: Refinery : Copy and Paste in game chat /wp [Arkadia, 25763, 18563, 214, Waypoint]

    What we do: Sweating and hunting : Arkadia devs spawns shared mobs first 3 hours for sweating and then sweat circle will continue to sweat Nusul and Bokol 3 more hours while Arkadias Community Manager Zephyrus will spawn shared mobs to hunt 3 hours.

    How to get Items : Giving the right answer to quiz and trivia and random questions about Entropia.

    Event info
    Sweat Circle starts 15:00 and ends 21:00, Hunting starts 18:00 and ends 21:00 booth Events happens at the same place so those who want to participate in the hunting don't miss any questions.

    First 3 hours Zephyrus Arkadia Community Manager will spawn mobs for us to sweat which are shared mobs so no teams are needed and anyone who do damage get part of loot, after those 3 hours he will start spawning mobs on the side for those who want or need more action while the sweat circle continues and a kill team will form for the sweaters to kill dry mobs.

    Giveaway Info
    Quiz for items,materials and blueprints and much more for total 3200 PED TT value!

    70k sweat buy total from all players, no agility limit- 1k sweat for 2.5ped.

    You have to use TT Pistol to take part of the sweat circle shooting and giveaway. The mobs Zephyrus are spawning to shoot after 3hours will have no DPS limit and you can still take part of the giveaway.

    Free Warp Info
    Two steps, First Join in-game channel [#sf28] for warp /J #sf28 to join the channel, and Second send a friend request to warp ship owner [Rawr66 Rawr66 Rawr66] and he will call you up on Saturday 30th Dec after 14:00 with start on Calypso.

    Free warp back 17:00 Sunday (day after) to Cyrene, Calypso or NextIsland with BIG IND.

    14x [Modified Nanites]
    14x [Improved Nanites]
    14x [Adjusted Nanites]
    7x [Graphene Composite]

    20x BPs with 15clicks Hoverpod Mk3 (C,L) Blueprint (L)]
    20x BPs with 15clicks [Sandrunner MKIII (C,L) Blueprint (L)]
    5x BPs with 100clicks [Resonation Amplifier 4 Blueprint (L)]
    5x BPs with 100clicks [Resonation Amplifier 5 Blueprint (L)]
    7x BPs with 100clicks [Resonation Amplifier 6 Blueprint (L)]
    7x BPs with 100clicks [Resonation Amplifier 7 Blueprint (L)]
    8x BPs with 100clicks [Resonation Amplifier 8 Blueprint (L)]
    9x BPs with 100clicks [Resonation Amplifier 9 Blueprint (L)]

    5x[Hoverpod Mk3 (C,L)]
    5x[Sandrunner MKIII (C,L)] (Fastest land vehicle in game)

    Armor Male.
    [Moonshine Helmet (M,L)]
    [Moonshine Harness (M,L)]
    [Moonshine Arm Guards (M,L)]
    [Moonshine Gloves (M,L)]
    [Moonshine Thigh Guards (M,L)]
    [Moonshine Shin Guards (M,L)]
    [Moonshine Foot Guards (M,L)]
    803 PED total TT Value

    Armor Female.
    [Moonshine Helmet (F,L)]
    [Moonshine Harness (F,L)]
    [Moonshine Arm Guards (F,L)]
    [Moonshine Gloves (F,L)]
    [Moonshine Thigh Guards (F,L)]
    [Moonshine Shin Guards (F,L)]
    [Moonshine Foot Guards (F,L)]
    803 PED total TT Value

    14x[Moonshine Armour Plate Mk1 (L)]
    560 PED total TT Value
    (Armor and plates can only be looted in Arkadia Smugglers warehouse.)

    Laser and BLP upgradeable at A.N.U.B.I.S Terminal located at Celeste Quarry.
    (Arctic series Crititcal damage, Desert series Skill, Jungle Series Critical hit, all series are craftable.)
    2x [Herman CAP-7 Arctic MK.I (L)]
    2x [Herman CAP-7 Desert MK.I (L)]
    2x [Herman CAP-7 Jungle MK.I (L)]
    2x [Herman ASI-7 Arctic MK.I (L)]
    2x [Herman ASI-7 Desert MK.I (L)]
    2x [Herman ASI-7 Jungle MK.I (L)]
    460 PED total TT value

    5x [Pure Particle Sample MK 4] To get access to the NEW MOON INSTANCE!
    (Pure Particle Sample Mk 4 are used on Arkadia Moon and are crafted.)
    1x [Sal'diresh's Vault Key 4]
    1x [Sal'diresh's Vault Key 5]
    1x [Sal'diresh's Vault Key 6]
    1x [Sal'diresh's Vault Key 7]
    1x [Sal'diresh's Vault Key 8]
    1x [Sal'diresh's Vault Key 9]
    1x [Sal'diresh's Vault Key 10]
    Saldiresh are used in Arkadia Underground, Equip and it gives a WP.
    (To make them you turn in different loot to different NPCs over Arkadia, no crafting invovled.)
    160 PED total TT value

    Entropia 2023-12-23 20.42.23.jpg
    Entropia 2023-12-23 21.09.40.jpg

    BIG IND Grindhouse. Calypso,Arkadia,Cyrene. >Link<
    BIG IND Events and programs >Link<
    Monthly Special SSI on Arkadia every last Saturday every month. >Link<
    • Like Like x 3
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
  2. dllrtba

    dllrtba Member

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    9x BPs with 100clicks [Resonation Amplifier 9 Blueprint (L)] . it seems that i forgot to take a picture of the MU but each BP are worth about 100 ped each.