I searched the Internet quite a bit trying to find information of all possible types of apartments types available in game at the moment, but found quite conflicting information, all of them quite old, so they may very likely be outdated. Can someone PLEASE help me with some explanations (link to an external resource explaining this would be equally good) about what kind of apartment types are available nowadays (on any planet, not necessarily on Arkadia) and about what price range they are sold for (not looking for a 100% correct price, but just a rough estimation)? Thank you in advance for any answer!
Calypso ----------- High rise apartments (e.g Treasure Island, Genesis Amethera Headquarters, Bilton Towers) [400 - 800 ped) Medusa Head apartments [2000 - 4000 ped] Houses (e.g Minopolis, Corinth, Rogue Plains) [???] Castles [???] FOMA ---------- High rise apartments (Alpha, Beta) [300-500 ped) Monria ---------- High rise apartments [300 - 500 ped] ROCKtropia ---------- High rise apartments (various locations) [???] NEXT Island ---------- Villas [???] Arkadia ---------- Celeste Harbour apartments (North, South, Island) [1000 - 3500 ped] Sanctuary Cove apartments [1000 - 3500 ped] Firebase Barracks [???] *The prices are just estimates off the top of my head. I could be wrong.
Very pretty but still not available for purchase. While there are cheaper places, are you sure you would be happy on another planet than Arkadia? Have a family who would ask you what you wish for Christmas?
Since my search is now over, I think I'll post whatever info I managed to gather during this time here, in case anyone else is interesting: Arkadia ---------- High rise apartments: 1.250 - 1.500 PED for normal apartments, 1.750 - 2.250 PED for top level apartments (with Sanctuary Cove ones being slightly more expensive than Celeste Harbour ones); quite hard to find Calypso ---------- High rise apartments - price starting at ~400 PEDs, with many available at ~500 PEDs; wouldn't pay more than 600 PEDs unless any extra; easy to find them F.O.M.A. ------------ High rise apartments - price starting at ~300 PEDs, with many available at ~400 PEDs; wouldn't pay more than 500 PEDs unless any extra; easy to find them Monria ---------- High rise apartments - normal apartments are at about same price as Calypso ones or even a bit more (so I would say about 400-800 PEDs); neither easy or hard to find them High rise apartments - luxury apartments (top level, with inside pool); price varying in the 1.200 - 2.000 PED interval; quite hard to find them Rocltropia -------------- Have no idea Cyrene --------- Has no apartments Next Island --------------- Has no apartments Toulan --------- Has no apartments
Its a long time since I spent any time on Next Island and the only thing that I can recall seeing that approached an apartment was the beach huts on ND's bit which is now Secret Island on RT. Not been there since it moved either so I don't know if they are still there or not. As for these villas, where might they be? I've not seen anything like that.