Please, please, please tell me that you folks act on scammer alerts. Heck, even hire a guy who will only handle such cases if its too much for your support. As some or maybe most of you know, currently there is a lot going on regarding scammers. And it go's on for months with no noticeable actions or actions taken at all. This is the worst thing a company can do in my eye's. I fully understand that this is not a easy task, things have to be proven etc. But the least that can be done is investigating it. Especially the cases where the evidence is almost overwhelming. I know this is not a fun topic, but sooner or later this will come to Arkadia too. If we like it or not. So face the facts as they are and prepare for it. Better to soon than too late. Regards, Ion
dito!!! Like Ion I see what is going on at Calypso about this. And I saw, how the Support reacted... Please! EVERTHING you'll do is better than that! And if there are ideas from older players how to avoid this, please take them in consideration!
How about an in-game police task force with the ability to temporarily imprison people. The Chief would be someone who is an Arkadian / MA Operative and the actual force would be volunteers. They get paralyzing tazors and the ability to drag and drop people into temporary cells. Yess...
There would have to be a very thorough screening process for these people. I think there would be too much potential for abuse for it to be feasible . I think it would be neat though
This wont fix the problem. They only make a new account, over and over again. IP ban or something might help. However I don't think this should be something for players to do, it's to the company who runs the planet. At least have a person responding when such cases get reported and minimal investigate. Details don't need to be given, just as long as there is action taken it's good. Regards, Ion
Won't help either: a normal user only restarts his DSL router and has a new IP. IP range banning is a killer as you shut down companies or even worse a whole village (at least in germany they have serious IP issues in the small villages still). I didn't think much about it yet, because you will always have someone cheating on players or the system. Biggest problem is, that you have to avoid 100% sure NOT to kill someone's ava when he is innocent (we all know the witch hunts with false reports going on!). An idea (needs to be thinked more deeply): If someone is reported several times, the company (Arkadia or MA) use a low level but not total noob avatar and check, if they get scammed. If this happends, they need to check the flow of the PEDs... and here it get's difficult. You can't act like MA does (lock all avas that did any trade with the scammers). But imo it can't be that difficult to identify the avas that get all the PEDs in the end. Still this would need a lot of time involved (each skam alert easily takes several man hours only to verify a skam). The additional track down will be a multiple of that.