Has any1 investigated the Aakas statues (defender, paladin, and so on...) damage capability and type(s) ? I'm gettin hit oftenly for 40+ in Boar+5B. Switching to 6A doesn't seem to matter, actually is even worse ... fact that ocassionally I'm getting hit for 1.0 makes me wonder if maybe they have different dmg types :huh: Way I see it, either they increased dmg capability to an insane ammount for what is listed as a lvl 2 or 4 mob or they do electric / acid for which I do not have protection, altough a lvl 2 hitting harder than a Yuka or Korwill is somewhat strange Just curious if any1 looked into it already ... have some lvl 9 keys i'd like to run but from what I see on what used to be a easy pie lvl 6 won't make it to 9 any time soon
They were indeed changed. I didn't understand it until I brought in a fapper as a result of the change. It becomes very clear when you have more than 1 person in the instance
we noticed that there is major AOE dmg now, but also that they will only do a % of your HP as dmg. If you have lower HP, they won't hit you so hard. We also noticed that the AOE won't kill the fapper. Only a direct attack would. So no need to heal the fapper. Just don't agro any mobs onto him.
i think aoe is like 33% of health no matters armor i would say, and direct hit dont know i think i was getting alwasy 1s with stealth + pulsars 8