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A Team Really? What were u guys thinking?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Raven Lunchbox, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Not sure where this should be posted move as needed.

    Come on Dave, I mean really, What in the hell possessed u guys to change the mobs???
    Alot of people are still having problems with the fail bug, effectivly decreases my dps by half!! And then you come along and raise the agro, health dmg done and hit rate on the teladons. making them effectivly not possible for me to hunt anymore. I was hunting up to alpha with Gremlin and 5b with no problems. Now using my emine not even 1/4 of the way into my hunt i have double the decay and even less loot that before. I mean really? come on. That is like robbery. How can u justify already pretty shitty loot with no mu by causing it to cost me double if not more to hunt them?? and not increasing the loot at all... That was a really bad move. I have spent thousands of dollars hunting teladon exclusivly grinding them for the past 18 day or so. So all the peds that i have funnelled into them. I cant even hope to get back from them... And to do this in the middle of an event that we are all trying to get ATH to win. You just cut a large percentage of people outta that run.. Thank you.....

    Now... What can or will be done about this.....

    I am venting. Nothing personal but what the hell? I got scammed enough on calypso with bad balance of loot/mob kill cost. I dont wanna think its gonna be the same here too. Is is??

    If people disagree or agree, please post your comments. Maybe im just pissed and out of line but I dont think so.. I have hunted here since it opened. Didnt leave when i lost over 5k peds in like 4 days of shit hunts. Just weathered it out till i started to almost break even,, of course without the recovery of the 5k.. but damn this sucks.
  2. Gatman

    Gatman Member

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    Hi LunchBox, I see you out on the teladon fields most time i had the ped to grind em :)

    At first impression i'm feeling your pain, as well as ample PED losses already.. even gave 49'er some ped to try mining just to see that it wasn't just me, ended up both agreeing that he should come in well before the run was concluded as the balance was so far left.

    I think MindArk may have alot to do with this for their "balancing" though I very much vote to go back pre patch and carry on my average loot :surrender:
  3. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    Well the mob stat changes alone would not really be a problem from my point of view IF nice markup loots came with them. So that the markup could even out the additional costs. There will still be ~90% tt return on those even though it will take much longer to get there now with increased cost/kill. However that is a common Mindark strategy for a long time now so I don´t get upset about that anymore.
    Nevertheless this update SUCKS big time simply because those markup loots are not there. The mobs still loot the same old stackable sh*t as before. Thus it´s completely pointless to hunt them now... or I would almost dare say to hunt on Arkadia at all. Since the previously good to hunt mid lvl mobs have now been rendered useless. I love the A-team for the job they do but if they can not keep MA from implementing such fails then that won´t keep me here. So if anyone from the team is allowed to talk to the balancing manager in the MA office NOW would be an excellent time.
  4. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I mean. here is a rough idea of my last several loots 1 eye oil 1 hide, 1 wool 4k blp ammo
    or mix of small amount of other garbage
    ive grinded these things maybe around 20 days at 2200ped roughly per hunt almost all hunts under 90% tt
    the last whole week i was at 500 ped loss per hunt on average
    i do 4 hunts a day roughly sometimes only 2 or 3 depending on RL.
    This really blows
    and by the way
    only one item so far
    a limited gun, i cant pay someone to take. lol
    and witnessed not once but twice
    super uber hofs from people who arnt even regularly grinding them on the mob ive done for so long without even a 1k hof
    i know thats MA's shit. but still
    an oro looted bigger loot. and an UL item. I mean really WTF
  5. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    I wonder if it was MA that wanted some of the mob stats to change?

    *Decided this was better suited in feedback (regarding the changes in some mobs from this patch)*
  6. Bogger

    Bogger Member

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    Doubt it was MA complaining, but i can SEE it being someone else over the lunch table :D
  7. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    As always it's great to get your feedback - even a bit of venting can be good for the soul, so no hard feelings here for that (I know there was nothing personal in it).

    I know it is frustrating to have the mob stats changed, unfortunately some of the mobs were not balancing correctly and did need to be adjusted. (You'll notice that some mobs had their damage decreased because the balance was out in the other direction, so it's not all bad).

    I can only suggest trying some of the other mobs on the planet to find something that suits, you never know, it might be a change for the better. The planet has seen way too much concentration of hunters on too few mobs which does have an impact on markup in loots (everyone looting the same stuff and flooding the market). I sure you'll adapt and find new opportunities out there.
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  8. bass

    bass Member

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    While this is perfectly understandable, what I dont agree with is the change in aggro: this affects miners badly, while not affecting hunters or MU on things in the end... what was an added value on this planet has changed...
  9. Ty Williams

    Ty Williams Member

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    Thx Dave i havnt Even Logged in Yet And im Ok With the Changes..

    ANd Plus, At least he Responded to All the Rants
  10. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    That´s some good advice there. Then again for it to work the other mobs would have to loot something different. Do they now? :p Well I´ll go out hunting them again to check.
  11. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    While i understand balancing is essential to make such a change as to effectivly prevent someone from hunting a mob all together that they could easily hunt before is just not right. This increased the decay and ammo used tremendously while also not improving the loot whatsoever. And the reason the loot mu is low, is because the mobs are all dropping basic loot. common stuff. nothing more. I hof and its oil, with no mu. I did a hunt the other day got 3 hofs and was still 300 ped in the hole after. not counting the many globals that run
    The loot is terribly unbalanced. The items are not dropping at a rate to compensate that either. and due to no Bps for clothes and texture the hides are worthless. just TT food. Something really must be done.
    I sucked it up and dealt with weeks of shit loot, and saw people who were not regular grinders hit a 30k hof on the mob ive grinded for almost a month now. I had a week of nothing but losses and still stayed weathered it. and now. i cant even hunt my mob. That is really not right. Saying to go find another, is not right. I am trying to point out the extreme difference that was made. Rasing somewhat ok but these were extreme raises.
  12. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    After spending the evening hunting, I've worked out how to adjust my hunt style to cope with Huon changed power and behaviour. That's some relief to me because I was concerned I might have to drop to a lower level mob. If you check tracker you'll see I have become quite attached to hunting these guys.

    Loot is still ok albeit mostly low MU stackables. If you look at the majority of loot that is dropping from huons (oils, wools, hides), I'm not sure what u expect to have reasonable MU if/when less people hunt them. I note that apart from the very occasional weapon or esi (and a small yay there!) most of the gobals deliver in oils, with rest being wools.

    Armour and fap decay a little higher but as a pecentage of total cost not too significant. I can't hunt as quickly now as I need to fap between kills. So I am cycling less peds. Main frustration is being hit by additional mobs that have been agroed by other hunters. One or two mobs I can cope with but 3 or more is a real problem.

    Also with the increased mob density, huon spawns are approaching a sea of red again and that causes client lag with not particularly high graphics settings.

  13. Cani Ostro

    Cani Ostro Member

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    Looks like the midlevel Gremlin guys got another kick in the nuts.

    Someone pass this on to MA: I will rather leave for good than to deposit 5000 dollars for an armor to let me hunt 10ped mobs with no looters and 90cent averages... And fuck off with L armor unless you let it drop in numbers.
  14. Leona

    Leona Member

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    Good, so you actually will start to hunt something more reasonable? ;)
  15. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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  16. Billy

    Billy Member

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    In other words, Yeah it is MA that made the change.

    I am ok with it no matter who made the change this is my new home and I love it. If MA wants to mess with it I am not going to be discouraged and run away.
  17. Gatman

    Gatman Member

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    Thanks for posting Dave, Your right about concentrated hunting so I guess I should take a break from my usual 3 mobs and venture out :D

    My mining may just need some working on, Far from ditching ark in any case.. I'm still online everyday enjoying friends, fun & finds!

    Hope things start flowing smoothly,

    The communication is wonderful and reassuring.. cheers
  18. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Thank u for the post Dave! This is what public relations is about SDS, observe and learn. Great to see a CEO in touch with his client base.

  19. Chiba

    Chiba Member

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    I would +rep you for that post if I could, but have to spread some around first it seems...

    It will come in time I guess :) thanks for a fast reply David, just came here to read about the mob changes and you answered all my questions directly.... Love it, keep it up! <3
  20. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I would also like to thank u Dave for the quick and accurate reply, even though it may not have been the info that i wanted to hear, at least I got quick and accurate feedback.