A modular phone! What a good idea!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Snape, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I really like this idea.
  2. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    Interesting concept, but doubt it can work well.

    We have had laptops for about 20 years now, and even with the bigger form factors they are hardly upgradable. Phones are even more miniaturized.

    Furthermore, look at your mobile phone, imagine something which is similar thickness, with components 1/3 the thickness. Fiddling around with such pieces can lead to pieces getting lost easily. And there will be people who accidentally bend the contact pins (seen that happen many times even when upgrading much bigger PCs), who did not 'lock' the small components properly to the phone, to find them dropping off and go missing.

    It will be a support nightmare (The OS will have to be able to load drivers to use new components as sloted in, unlike current mobile OSes which have drivers built in. Can you imagine the driver issues / crashes / conflicts?).

    I can go on and on and on.

    As a concept, it looks interesting. Feasible? Seriously doubt it.
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Oh I doubt it as well, but then 25 years ago I thought the best computer in the world was the Sinclair ZX Spectrum I had that ran the games off audio tapes and had a whopping 48k of RAM (I loved that machine! :rolleyes:)....wasn't long after that I got a Commodore Amiga 500 with 1Mb of RAM (woooo!!! I really loved that machine :D)......and now the "phone" I have in my pocket, craps all over both.

    Given time, with all the progress being made (just look at the Galaxy Gear smart watch released recently) it won't be long before this is not only possible and feasible but also outdated!
  4. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    I don't mean the technology aspects of the concept. We already have the technology for the concept to be made.

    The problem is the human factor - fiddling with tiny bits and pieces of electronic parts in a mass produced consumer device.

    Geeks like you or me will be all over it. But the average person will not find it fun or worth trying. Are there enough geeks for someone to invest millions in such a concept and break even / profit from it?

    How many people have you met who had 00:00 time showing in the VCR? Can the same people be expected to figure out a device such as this?
  5. majini

    majini New User

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    This is all about the concept and thought of the human being. I mean start with your education. Years before no one could think about computers that they will gos this far and even will have a separate education system of theirs. But now they have. We had phone that can be carried away without wires but now they have gone even far and work even without touching them. You may think more and more for the future.
  6. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    As usual upgrading 1 component will cost more then buying new phone so I doibt it will happen. The dude can make nice youtube videos, but taking basics idea from PC that didn't realy work on laptops, XBOX, PS, etc. and calling it new idea about phones won't really make much difference. In reality I never upgrade my PCs eather. I buy it and than just buy new one and the old give to someone because I can't even sell it for 20 bucks. If you buy such phone now and after 3 years decide to upgrade it you will find that the main board is not compatible with the new WiFi, proccessors, memory, screens, bateries or 5G networks.