4/7 GR Mission Broke - 5k Token Didn't Count I looted a 5k - didn't count and now my counters are off by 5006? Submitted a ticket. Help!
So here is the problem, mission #3 is not the correct mission for the current Gold Rush event. That is the mission for the 'normal' yearly big gold rush. (with the mining and crafting included, and the arkoin auctions) Having both mission #2 and mission #3 going at the same time will mean that the looted points will be distributed over both. I'm sorry, but as far as I know it will not be fixed and the points in your mission #3 do not count. You need to drop mission #3. Only mission #1 and #2 count for this week's GR.
Serious? Wow - why am I even able to accept the missions? Weird it was counting fine up until the 5k token Welcome to Ark I guess Thx for reply I'm still going to keep both active until I get an official reply
They won't correct it. You can't have two missions up like that. It's actually exploiting a bug for skill pills, and 500, 1000, 5000 points will not count and no one will correct your points. You should only have the 4/7 event mission. And yes, they should eliminate the old quests but then they also put the instructions in the gold rush event thread.
Wish I was told this - how was I supposed to know Oh well - I don't think I'll come close to placing, otherwise I would make a bigger stink