Hello everyone, Most people that know me know my background in 3D VR worlds. I'm all about community building and I've posted many a suggestion as well as many flaming threads about EU's inability to build a community for many years in other places. I see no reason why this platform can't be the ultimate in gaming, socializing, and marketing. To date, no one has developed or done what I've been envisioning since the early 1990's for 3D VR. Some companies get part of it right but no one has done all that can be done. I honestly believe, what is going to hurt all of the new planets the most and the whole concept overall is the transport fees. This will totally stop the needed growth of all of the planet partners dead in their tracks. People need to be able to explore and 'find a home'. A new player may not like the planet they first go to and remove the game from their PC since they don't have the $4 USD on their account to look someplace else or explore someplace else. They may have loved world X .... but they spawned into world Z.... and are lost forever. People will go where the best places are, period. That's up to the planet partners to develop that content. Competition is a good thing but is totally prevented with the fees. I've given serious thought to 'jumping in' with a planet partner but I haven't yet. I have so many ideas about how things should work. I know what keeps people coming back to a place, some of it's obvious, some isn't. There's so much the companies are totally missing, revenue streams included. Maybe one day... ........ In the mean time... Rock Onward!
Hi,... err, you know, that EU is a RCE virtual universe? And not a game? I think, you don't understand the difference. Yeah, there are problems at the moment, but EU is nothing for trigger happy kiddies. And the main misunderstanding is, that it is like WoW or something like that. It never was, it isn't and it will never be. Do you know, how big the continent Eudoria on Calypso is? About 30 x 30 km! That is MUCH place to explore. You can find so many cool things there. And then there is the continent Amethera, which is even bigger. And next week we get the Medusa's Head, a new mini continent. And this is one world. But if you just take a look at Port Atlantis, jump in the TP to RockTropia, look at the horror area around the Evil Kathedral and then jump to Arkadia... Really, that is like you start AC2, jump to Mass Effects and then jump to CounterStrike. Tell me, how you will do that for just 8$...
Welcome to PAF Casay. If you have ideas on things there are plenty of threads already asking for them so please feel free to share. WHilst a working knowledge of EU sometimes helps a fair bit, it isn't the be-all-and-end-all, in fact, an outside view is sometimes very refreshing and enlightening to those of us that have been involved for a long time. Hope you enjoy your stay and get involved an as much discussion as possible....and maybe later on you will find your home on Arkadia
Hiya Casay! Good to see ya here. I think you are spot on that costs to move round will cripple EU horribly. Sadly this will always be under Mindarks control and that is a bad thing as they are too blind now with $$$ to see the potential in the platforms future.. Their original Ideas of what it could be I am sure were just as grand as ours (only from an old persons perspective). Sadly that has been morphed into stockholders and bean counters and clueless outside investors over taking the creative side of it all. I think you should definately do something with what is in your mind regarding what EU should be. Sounds like your skills and goals meeting could produce something spectacular. I think partnering with someone who is already established and well on their way to meeting their goal would not do you justice as with all things I am sure it is well planned ahead as to where and what to do. If you are serious Id say maybe investigate forming your own company to build upon where you could be on the ground from the start. Maybe borrow or rent another developers resources to get a foot in the door so to speak. For Fox.... Im pretty sure Casay has a little knowlege of what Calypso is as he has been around a while.
Thanks for the info, didn't sound that he already knows... But really, the travel between the stations, asteroids and planets was full in players hand, until VU 10. MindArk said, that the fee will be divided between the hangar owners while they aren't implemented yet (the hangars, not their owners ). Of course they want to make money with it. But really, EU is very like in real life. That the TP system is for free, is cool! But if you want to travel from Paris to London, you can't do this for free. So traveling between planets neither. In EU you still have to think about what you want to do. And 4$ for a flight to another planet, sorry, but that is nothing compared to the decay of the hunting trips of most hunters!
Nope. don't know a thing about VR, EU, MA, .......*rolls eyes* .... sigh .... I'm sorry but it seems to me that you didn't read or comprehend my post before replying. It's possible / probable that I've been around EU a lot longer than you. No, it's not at all like jumping from AC2 to Mass Effects then Counterstrike. EU is the same platform with movement between the various planets in-game. Re-read this part a few times and maybe you'll get it: "People need to be able to explore and 'find a home'. A new player may not like the planet they first go to and remove the game from their PC since they don't have the $4 USD on their account to look someplace else or explore someplace else. They may have loved world X .... but they spawned into world Z.... and are lost forever." I have the option to state what I believe and it's not a belief that comes from inexperience. Fine that you have your thoughts about it too. Since I'm such a noob, I guess I don't understand that the planet partners are supposed to independently develop their own customer bases. I guess I also must not be stating that I see that as a major flaw in the overall marketing of EU as a whole. I personally think though that free travel will encourage the overall growth of EU as a whole. MA has missed the mark yet again on all of this. Nothing new.. ..... I do know this is something that the developers of Arkadia cannot change but I also know that people from MA read this forum too. Also, I'm a she since that was mis-stated in another post.
I have a lot more experience than just EU. Appreciate the invite but think I'll bow out for now. I'll certainly be visiting the planet as I'll be looking for a new EU home.
"Ok, I made it over here ...." And welcome "Boss" Dont blame me Grrrr's fault I like to travel from planet to planet on the spur of the moment. Sometimes in my usual "dream world" I'll forget to pick up stuff from storage or something so $4 quickly turns to $16 bucks and if I do a cp run or want to catch up with someone this is increased further. Now I am one of the lucky ones that can afford it so the financial side is not a worry. I am also not eco driven and spend a lot of money in the game so each planet should get their slice from me. However!!. This interplanetary cost rubs a wrong nerve. I would imagine that it will have a negative effect on the planet partners if players will not travel as much to explore the different worlds. I for one restrict my travels as a matter of principle. A nominal figure I would agree with. Maybe a pass purchased for those who want to distribute their time around different areas. I dont know however, the powers to be should look in this somewhat in depth as it is a contentious issue with a lot of present eu players and will definitely be an issue with a lot of incoming players.
Welcome Casey I guess we will be faced to a lot of such problems. Big Boss MA sets the direction, planet partners have to follow. I agree with you. I know several more or less new colonists who are not able or willing to pay 40 PED for a journey to other planet(s), not to speak about more 40 PED for the return ticket. I have a friend who worked so hard (swunting) to be able to buy his first Breer after using Opalo. Three days ago he told me that he got some PED already saved for the upgrade. He is doing very well. He saves each single PEC. And he is proud on reaching it without deposit. (If Arkadia would be online already I would pay the 40/80 PED for him, because he wouldn't. But I doubt many newbies would get this chance.) I think a good way to solve the problem would be a free visitor ticket for everyone for only one use. Couldn't be that hard to code it. @Cyrus: LOL! Yes, she is!
Hello 'gurl'friend ... and yes, Casay is a "she" and she is a very knowledgeable person indeed, with LOTS of experience for many years in EU (and elsewhere of course - IRL), so she definitely knows what she's talking about. Nice to see you over here too MsCasay ... almost time for some more girl talk, ya?