Nusul and Missions...

Discussion in 'Taming' started by mastermesh, Nov 19, 2014.

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  1. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    why don't nusul puny count towards nusul mission if puny on other planets count towards missions on those planets, carabok puny do towards carabok mission, etc?
  2. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    I don't know if I will be able to completely answer your question, but this is what I know;

    Carabok : Single HP mob. (10 hp, only puny available)
    Gallard : Single HP mob. (15 hp, only puny available)
    Nusul : Multiple HP mob. You go from youngs to stalkers, and you also got the nusul puny.

    So they might not count towards the mission as it states 'nusul' and not 'nusul puny' explaining why the puny's don't count.
    Also, all three missions mobs here are "kill-ammount" missions, stating that every point in the missions comes from a single kill, and not killcount. Killcount would indicate that every mob in the mission gives a different ammount of points towards completion of the mission. Since puny nusul are far easier to kill than the youngs and up, might be the reason they decided not let the nusul puny count towards the mission.
  3. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    Also no tameable mob counts for any mission other then the arrets on Cyrene but that is a 'kill any creature' mission. Also taming creatures doesn't count towards any mission (or the previously mentioned one) as taming is not killing and doesn't reward points even if there WAS a mission for them.
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  4. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    Basically, the reward for creatures are also based on how much you need to spend to kill them. Don't know the exact formula they would use to determine the rewards (also since different skills have different values) but Caraboks for instance, 100 kills gets you 0,02PED in First Aid. While the Nusul one gets you 0.23PED in Power Fist.
    With the huge difference in cost to kill a Puny Nusul (10 health) compared to a Young Nusul (330 health) it makes sense that the mission doesn't include Punies. Since the reward would be way 2 high.
  5. Mathias | Arkadia

    Mathias | Arkadia The Chief Whip Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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