A Doc Scammed?: a short story

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Antrace, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Antrace

    Antrace Member

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    Yes, me too.. like a dumb i felt into this scamm while i was fapping.

    I was on Ark, and just a sec before i logged of i saw someone was looking for a S10 fapper.

    We started with a lvl 25 mob young, he killed with no problem (greater laser hit)

    After some trouble with a mature ones he told he wanted to go to Aakas5, and we started the dungeon.

    At 1/3 of it (i never did that istance so i didn't know how long it was) he told me: " if i cant finish this i cant pay you"

    i thought we were close to end since he asked for 20 ped amno, so confidently i traded him. And it started the "nightmare"

    At 1/2 he broked the weapon... than more amno ... and more .... and more..... finally we arrived at final boss a lvl 45 ..

    i started fapping him with a emt 2350 (normal one) abut it wasnt enought he had too low armor, low wepon (it was the mine weapon , and i didnt suppose to go in a hunting section) and low hp, couldnt tank 70 -90 damage .

    so we switch and the healer become the hunter, but after few try i gave up... weapon damage was too low ...

    Final cost :more than 150 ped and even more if i consider the amno burned to try in killing the boss.

    I'll ever see that money back? first day (yesterday) i was confident since i could ceck if he was online or not..

    Today i'm less confidence since i have seen that he is not anymore in a society and cant find his name in player registry...

    So well... i'm a good guy and trust in ppl becouse I am correct and trustworthy .. this time i wrong.. and i had some advices .. but i dind't see them..

    I'll give him one more day to conctact me, after that i'll open a ticket and tell the story on any EU channels...

    and last but not least... Have anyone good days with his family and friends


    Antrace Letale Very
  2. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    Sad to hear this Antrace. I hope the dude owns up to his promise to pay you. This game doesn't need more scammy people to steal PED off. However, for next time don't trade a hunter your PED anymore unless he gives you collateral like a vehicle or something. A token that they are serious of paying you back :)
  3. Antrace

    Antrace Member

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    yes, mate you are right... i should have asked for collateral... next time i'll be more smart for sure..

    and i fell stupid i felt in his net... thats why i take some time to wrote this thread .. if i'll save just one to lose his ped in this way i'll be happy..

    no need to be sad.... its Christmas
  4. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    Don't let this ruin your spirit :S I have been scammed myself a few times.. Just don't let it ruin your mood and move on :) it's only 15-30 dollars anyway, screw it!

    But, don't let this make you distrust people for no reason! You'll connect less with other this way :)
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    It's easy to criticise you in hindsight. But when people say they can't pay you unless x happens then that's the time to point to the deposit button and consider leaving. If they don't have the peds to pay then they shouldn't be hiring.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Had quite a similar story (even worse one) from my previous life... I was asking on ark if anyone looking for a healer, someone hired me, healed her for like 90 minutes, then at the end she just told me thanks and teleported away... I asked for decay money and the answer was "well, I never said I'll pay anything, thought you were just looking for skilling". OFC never saw any money back and since "name and shame" is against rules, I didn't even went that way (just let my friends know the name). Also really doubt MA will step in such cases.

    Now about your story, personally I think is quite a gray area, and don't think is a real scam (if it was, he could have run / dc with your weapon, fap or whatever else you traded him for, which from what you say didn't happened and he returned them to you, and most important do that after looting the chest, not before), but more like someone hunting above their gear/skill/knowledge level and somehow you fall doing the same mistake too. At some point, you both hoped that you can finish the instance, loot the final chest (guess it was the chest one and not the loot-as-you-go one if he had to ask you money for ammo/repairs/whatever) and recover your loses, which didn't happened so none of you loot anything and you both lost whatever you spent in there (I suspect that counting the key cost he actually lost much more than you), because underestimating the difficulty of the mobs ahead.

    Now I really hope this workout somehow for you and he will eventually be able to pay you (if that's what the last word between you was), but if I would be you, I would just give the guy a few extra days - from what you said he's broke so he prolly has to deposit more to be able to pay you, plus he may not logon so much during holidays.

    Anyway, happy holidays, and really hope this works out for you.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  7. Antrace

    Antrace Member

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    Very true, it has been a good and not much expensive lesson ...
  8. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Sorry to hear about your falty experience here.
    I'm with DoA here, it looks much more like he was hunting above what he was capable of. He could have become overconfident after the first mobs. Did you know if he got anything good? If he really was out to scam you from the beginning, he would have run away with your weapon and decay -after- he looted the treasure chest. Since he never got there, (from what I understand of you story), his loss must have been a lot bigger then yours. Those Keys aren't for free. Maybe he got ashamed that he couldn't get past the end boss, even with your greater help, and didn't knew what to do with himself.
    Give it a rest untill the holidays of christmas and new year are over. He might come to terms what he had done and how he mistreated you. If not, start with the christmasspirit and forgive his ignorance. :)

    PS. First read your story on PCF, what a difference in response, lol.

    Enjoy your Christmas! :doctor::spiderman::walkingdead::whistling::nurse:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Antrace

    Antrace Member

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    he didnt loot the chest because he broke his weapon and mine wasnt enough.
    he retuned my weapon because he had the hope i had enought hp to tank and kill the boss.

    and todaya player told me he sold him more than 100 aud .. if he is not wrong he had all he needed to pay me..

    yes , but also on PCL some good guy wrote nice words.

    i think i'll have to forgive this day, but not its teaching.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    This remind me Fox Mulder
  11. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Honestly I feel there needs to be a real push for a contract system, it would take some work to implement but it would help with scams. There is alot less focus on following the mindset of Project Entropia these days, and alot more focus on implementing run of the mill f2p tropes.
    • Agree Agree x 2