[Please close] A different approach to advertisting

Discussion in 'Services' started by DaughterOfAnarchy, Nov 26, 2015.

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  1. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Considering the low level of interest (if any) that my offer raised as well as the needed commitment required to be able to constantly follow the two channels, I decided to retreat the offer from the market (at least for a while).

    I don't know about you, but I always hated spam... and in games (Entropia without exception) is worse than anywhere... countless number of lines full of copy/pasted adverts going on and on, more or less on auto-pilot, which you have a really hard time following and among which finding exactly what you're looking for sounds almost like an impossible task.

    That's why I'm proposing you is something totally different - I will advertise your business or trade, but only on-demand, and not by mindless spamming same advert over and over again.

    You may ask yourself how this works, and since is quite an innovative advertising style, that's a really legit question and I'll try my best to explain it.

    The main idea is that I stay quiet and don't spam any chat channel by myself, but whenever someone asks a related question I will jump in and offer him/her the correct answer that leads him/her to you / your business / your trade / your event. This way the "advertisement" will target the exact person, the one that is specifically interested of whatever you're offering and, even more, at the right moment when (s)he's ready to make a purchase, which offers the highest conversion chances.

    For example, let's presume that you're KikkiJikki (hope he doesn't mind I took him as my example) - a great weapons crafter and you hire me. I stay quiet 'till someone asks on arkadia, arktrade or local something about buying weapons and at that point I jump in discussion and promote Kikki's business. All discussion might look like this:

    Someone: Darn! My f***ing Piron PBP-12 (L) broke and I still have to do 15 hours in Gold Rush event.
    Me: Don't worry; we have some great weaponcrafters here on Ark. For example have you checked Kikki's shops?
    Someone: Kikki's shops? No, I haven't. Don't even know where they are.
    Me: Wait a minute, I'll fetch them for you.
    (one minute later)
    Me: Sanctuary Cove Shop 5 (also offering waypoint), Celeste North Shop 1 (also offering waypoint) and Celeste Quarry Booth 2 (also offering waypoint).
    (ten minutes later)
    Someone: Been there, he has tons of weapons, but none of those that I'm looking for.
    Me: Hahaha, guess all this Gold Rush event really took a toll on his stocks. But don't worry, he's not online at the moment, but I'll give you his forum handle and you can easily find him there.
    (one minute later)
    Me: Here, note it down; it's arkadiaforum.com/members/kikkijikki.973/
    Someone: Awesome! Thanks! Too bad we don't have such great and dedicated weaponsmiths on Caly too.
    Me: Isn't it? Arkadia rocks! But still, even on Caly you can enjoy Kikki's wares if you decide to visit his shop there - Emerald Lakes Mall, lvl 1 Shop 1. ;)

    The price for this? Between 3 PEDs for only basic infos and 15 PEDs for really detailed infos. And that is FOR A WHOLE MONTH! So, basically, between 10 to 50 pecs per day! And keep in mind that I'm actively online at least four hours per day, so there will probably be a lot of chance to promote your business in front of the right people, who will be directly interested of it (and, as a side effect, it will also be promoted in front of all other people watching the chat, in a way that it doesn't look intrusive or spammy).

    I mention that I will take only a limited number of customers and never two customers with colliding interests (as, for example, two different ore traders).

    Are you interested? Message me for more details. :)
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    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  2. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    BUMP :)

    A video about advertising (also added to OP):

    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  3. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    BUMP :)

    And as a free bonus, since we're talking about advertising, one of my favorite ads ever:

  4. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    one of my favorite ads :biggrin2:

  5. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Considering the low level of interest (if any) that my offer raised as well as the needed commitment required to be able to constantly follow the two channels, I decided to retreat the offer from the market (at least for a while).

    But I won't let the thread die, without one more great advertising idea (for a beer brand):

  6. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    Too bad they don't have that where I am.

    Would be a great excuse, lol.
  7. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    i like beer too
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