Article: Arkadia Studios Announces Investment From One of Entropia Univere's Largest You can view the page at’S-LARGEST-PRIVATE-LANDOWNERS
Good luck to you both, as said, great to get an investor who understands the ideas and concepts so well
A better match couldn't have been made, and I am very happy for Arkadia that "D" has joined the team as an investor. It just seems right, and I wish all of you the greatest success with this venture. This is quite exciting.
This is very good news. I met Deathifier in the first few weeks of play. I was surprised that someone of his caliber would take the time to talk to me of how I felt things were on his island. We got to talking for while and I dont think I have met someone like him in game yet. I think it will be good if he gets to have a little creative input along with some buisness input as to a planets operation from land / buisness management side of the game.
Congratulations. Great to see the developing Aussie presence continuing with MA. Following with interest and anticipation
Just read this, I didn't know Deathifier had joined Arkadia investors Now I feel even more confident. Bring it on A-Team, get those TP's on