AUD or Restoration Chip Adjusted

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Mr Super Muis, Oct 26, 2015.

Witch one do u think is better?

  1. AUD

    3 vote(s)
  2. Restoration Chip Adjusted

    5 vote(s)
  1. Mr Super Muis

    Mr Super Muis Active Member

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    Just want to know. Is it worth having the Restoration Chip Adjusted or the same value of AUD. witch one u think is better in the long run. and why:bookworm:

    I am considering to get one to help with my healing:cat: jobs that i do...

    any feedback will help;)
  2. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    Once AUD are all sold from A-Team you will be able to buy them only on free market or auction with today unknown MU (probably higher).
    At that point demand will be higher than offers and also underground activity will be higher due to new missions and events so income from AUD will be higher.
    Chip you can obtain any time also in future with known TT value of oils.
    It happened to both chip and AUD to be sold under TT or initial official value but probability to go up is higher for AUD.
  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    If you want to be a serious healer who actually gets jobs, you probably have to go for the big one, or better the classic imp fap as it doesn't get you stuck for 30 seconds. The chip is better for self-use instead. It is no instrument for price speculation either because of the lack of upside potential. As I see it, the first in the series of restoration chips is a nice alternative to protective gear which could easily cost much more. But I would not spend on hiring someone with it just to be able to hunt a few levels higher. It is not strong enough to serve a top player tackling the biggest beasts in game. Ask real healers why they invest a fortune in their tools.

    Interest-bearing deeds provide a nice little passive income, if you have the money to spare. You don't have to worry about finding work to recoup your investment. I think pitting these two choices against each other is comparing apples with oranges, because it depends on what you want in this game. Is money is the only reason and you enjoy watching pecs trickling while doing nothing, or do you actually want to play.
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  4. Mr Super Muis

    Mr Super Muis Active Member

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    interesting. one thing i don't c any one is checking is that with this chip u don't have to use armor on allot of hunts any more.. so u can save allot of ped on armor dec... its strong enaf to take on 4 argo young @ same time *with no armor*... even strong enaf for one atrox young. so in a normal 100ped hunt on argo i use about 3ped on dec and heal... with the chip i can cut it down to only 1ped, even less.
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Does it heal that quickly?

    Back on the original question. It's really whether your preference is or active or passive investments. Passive investments like deeds allow you to ignore them and use the income to do other things. Active investments usually offer potentially higher returns but you need to actively manage them, eg run a shop, hunt with a weapon, run a heal business. If the activity is something you enjoy anyway then thats the way to go.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Mr Super Muis

    Mr Super Muis Active Member

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    yes. it really heals that fast. and i am a active player / healer...