Edit: The info I posted here as a temporary placeholder is no longer needed, since the Tables have been copied to the OP (05-04-2015). It served it's purpose, so as promised, it has been removed from this post. Thanks Snape, for fixing the OP.
Can we please get at least this (in the original post) fix? Kinda important. PS: Also remember that you have a pending deal you didn't yet take advantage of.
I've updated the OP with Mays info. As for the deal you speak of, I will get round to that once I can concentrate on the forum again. I have a new employee starting this weeks so once I have her trained up I should have the chance to do more forum stuff.
Thanks to everyone that contributed, I've taken the liberty to update the tables and together with a reworked Mining map, uploaded to Arkpedia on the Underground Mining page. Any thoughts, suggestions, updates will be appreciated. @Gewitter: if you'd like to share, please let me know what other areas are there.
Today in area 4 I found fossil teeth, mosquito amber, chemset, and fossil ammonite. I also found solis beans. I'm going to do some triple drops in area 5 or 6 in a bit, I'll post about the treasure there when I do.