What would you like to tame?

Discussion in 'Taming' started by Jod, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    As the title says I'm curious to know what mob on Ark people would like to see tameable.

    How would you make it unique looking for the rare,epic,legendary versions?

    Or if you can think of something that's not in game as an Arkadian mob what would you like to see?

    For me only the auto loot,increase/decrease regen,increase health buffs are worth the effort so what sort of buffs do you think could make them wanted on other planets as well? (within reason of course)

    Of course I'm sure lots of people would love to be riding around on a massive White or Black Kam that gives them an extra 100HP but let your imagination run and see what you can think of.
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  2. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    I think that mobs that offer specific skill gains would be good, similar to the taming skill gain mobs. So for example, Halix gives Laser skill gains of 8% with 10% and 12% (depending on rarity of mob). Carabok give 8/10/12% gains in BLP etc etc. (poor mob choice I know but I don't want to expose my lack of knowledge of Arkadian wildlife!).

    Another option would be to have a mob which offers 8/10/12% etc skill gains based on the mob level. Currently, there is no incentive to train a mob once it reaches the level required to unlock its ability. If a mob offered skill gains of 8% at level 10, 10% skill gains at level 20 and 12% skill gains at level 30 it would encourage the continued training of mobs.

    Having said that, with skill pills being common drops in the lock boxes, I am not sure if anyone would actually bother training pets for this purpose! Stacking buffs would really help here.
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  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Great idea to make a thread about this!

    All those drug pills and rings that came pouring down so suddenly rendered pet buffs pretty much obsolete, since they were mostly duplicating what was already there and crushed everyone who just had set up business in the field. Why bother with continuously having to source nutrios for your pet if you can have the buffs cheaper and easier, if that's what you were doing it for. So it has to be something new. Maybe if there was a pet buff for every attribute, of course higher up to unlock.

    Since MA's cardinal sin of shrinking the ancient strong ones to the dismay of existing and would-be owners, BIG pets would be great to have. Just to anger pk'ers of course, not to be a nuisance to everybody else. At first I thought the new Cyrene tamables would fill in for the size, but obviously they don't. I'm not crazy for a tiny version of a once magnificent creature. Maybe MA has put a ban on it after this thread on PCF where pk'ers came whining about their would-be victims finding creative ways of defence, such as hiding behind their pet cows. If that's the true reason for MA's move and no longer possible, then of course... Sad.

    The Atrox pet is cute, but basically I would like pets to not change shape and size from the original. If there are special maturities for tamables like Nusul Puny, that is fine. Hunting Atrox on Calypso now feels totally silly, since even higher maturities carry a little heartsie which defeats the idea of fighting a fierce predator. Please don't replicate this on Arkadia.

    There should be a way to ban pets from certain places just like vehicles. The Quarry is such a place where it's pure nuisance.

    Suitable species imo would be all of the cats, if only that annoying rodent sqealing could be done away with. And the line of similar creatures between Hadraada and Huon. Tamable Huon babies between the herd would be cute. Grinders will disagree and want them separated. A puny Feran that could sit on your shoulder, fly up for a trick and return...
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  4. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    How about an actual reason for the pet apart from any buffs? Perhaps they could be used in combat as additional DPS? or help in mining in some way, such as digging up finds (its a stretch I know but you get the idea) or finding areas more likely to contain certain minerals. How about an entirely new system whereby pets forage for resources, using more nutrio's (in a similar way to decay). You could use them in a similar way to a finder, click the button, they run off and make a find of minerals, buried treasure, resources etc.

    All this would need heavy development work and MA don't seem interested in that. They seem to prefer a 'buy stuff from the webshop to make you better' path which started with the starter packs etc and has been made worse by the lock boxes etc.
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  5. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Best one is MA-DEV. If you tame this super-rare you will be bug free and will have faster responses to your support cases
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  6. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    - I would like check button in options to turn off pets sounds.
    - For pet kind - please avoid Clay error to invent pets totally out of planet theme like those colorful dragons witch don't have nothing to do with local planet ambient and story.
    Well Caly have Angel Scales, they could invent story about some ancient critters and implement beauty angels instead of ugly dragons and micro atrox.
    - For buff i wish my pet can mass heal hunting team or afkish sweaters group.
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  7. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Personally I like that the pets aren't too big because they can sometimes over run you and get in the way,or at least they used to do that,tbh I haven't touched my pets since MA nerfed it and the worst part is I haven't needed nor wanted too which isn't how it should be.As a pre nerf space craft owner I feel for the stable owners and know exactly how they feel.
    All the pills and rings really did a number on pets.
    I cant argue with them not being used as shields in pvp or that would make every ranged weapon useless or maybe they need to add HP to the mob as well so you can kill it to get rid of it.
    Have to agree on no pet zones and I'd not be disappointed if pvp was a no pet zone.probably because I don't go there much.

    We need to allow pets in Cities though as it adds to the colour and atmosphere I think as long as we can mute them.
    I'm not sure about using pets as extra DPS or that may make them a necessity instead of a choice which isnt good as it just creates more decay or you are left behind in events etc,and could you imagine an Oratan event full of pets :arghh: No thanks!

    Absolutely yes on being able to turn off pets sounds!!
    When someone is skilling one near you in a service centre it can drive you just a bit nuts.

    I like the idea of using them for digging mining finds or at the very least being able to carry some for you.
    Shouldn't be too hard to add an inventory to a pet like a vehicle.

    I also like the mass heal idea,would need some balancing but if the #1 MF user in game has no issue with it then it makes sense to me since it would be competing with those chips though I hear they are pretty hard to find anyway.
    I kinda like the little dragons but I see what you mean,where did they come from all of a sudden?

    LOL funny idea about the feran on your shoulder,I'd make it black and evil looking like a vulture instead of cute though.

    I sneezing nusul could be funny :biggrin2:
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    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
  8. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Every single mob should be tame able
  9. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    That would be great for some real variety but I suspect waaay too much work,considering buffs,level req's,nutrio consumption rates etc etc and all the other parameters that have to be set to make a mob tameable.
  10. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Only if you have pet specific areas where pets can be spawned, and no pet restriction on entire rest of planet.
  11. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    i like the idea of every mob tamable
    but shouldn´t it be skill based like this game used to be? sounds strange doesn´t it???
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  12. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Yeah agreed though some are,I hear the Sacred Kongs or what ever they are called are very tough to tame because of the damage they do so apparently a really good evade is needed also.

    Remembering back I always wanted to be able to walk around with a couple Phasms on chains :devilish:
  13. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    I have one idea and im sure you you will like it.
    Its like Galactic mission lvl 2 because everyone except tamers and hard pet lovers must do it.
    After new big VU...
    - You have right and ability to depozit in EU and to freely use revival terminal.
    - You cant use trade and repair terminals, you cant use auction and player to player trades, you cant drop or pick up things, you cant hunt, craft, mine, you cant use chat.
    - you cant visit outposts and Celeste Quary, you use free revival terminals only on open places
    - you need to sweat and collect 50.000 sweat essence.
    - Having collected 50k sweat you get ability to talk to new mission NPC and trade 50k sweat for mission pet.
    - mission pet auto spawn and is always spawned, you don't have ability to dismiss pet.
    - you can buy mission nutrio bars from NPC with deposited money
    - you walk around and keep company to your pet with love.
    - Each day you must report to NPC
    - NPC will decide if you were enough good, if not there are penalties like deleveling pet for few levels and adding to you 3 more auto spawned pets witch will be with your company for next week.
    - At pet level 10 you gain ability to use chat.
    - At pet level 25 you gain access to outposts and ability to use trade and repair terminals, you also gain ability to hunt, craft and mine but not solo only with team with ofc all their pets spawned.
    - At pet level 30 you gain access to auction and ability to trade with other players.
    - At pet level 40 you gain access to Celeste Quary
    - At pet level 45 you can hunt solo followed with your pet.
    - At pet level 50 you finally can use vehicles but not to fly in space.
    - At pet level 60 you can fly in space and have access to space station as well as fly to other planets.
    - At pet level 100 you finally gain new commands - to dismiss pet and respawn it as you feel.
    - At pet level 115 you earn ability to TT pet or to turn it back to mission NPC and walk around freely without pet if you wish, you are also free to hate pets too without any restrictions
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  14. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    It is funny, but let us do some comparison here.

    -if someone goes to your home and start preaching any kind of religion (I have nonee btw), is ok, but if you refuse to receive this person or you decide to preach about the devil you're an awful person.
    -is ok teens with theeir cars in the middle of the night pass in front of your door with a loud sound, but if u do a party for your kids and it goes after 10PM they call police o deal with it

    so why do I have to endure with other people annoyances that "always" keep on the way of my business?
    I used to hunt halix near relentless firebase academy until someone have the "brilliant idea" to put damn worthless nusul mixed with them, may I ask why? Ok I moved to other spawns, but until when will i be moving? Until there's no planet left with these pests?

    That's what's good about cyrene, they have a terrible economy but all their mobs are separated, all dailies are organized and newbie friendly and guess what, crafting dailies, something all arkadian new crafters are asking in these almost 2 years I play. And not undermining A-Team work but the only existing daily on arkadia is way expensive, not worth even the time you spend on them. And all we get of new content is pet related.
  15. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Pets are here to stay. No point in complaining about them in every single post you make, it's just trolling. There are plenty of pure mob spawns on Ark. Explore more of the planet. Move up from the newbie mobs and you won't have to deal with other people on your radar.
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