Question about shops and appartments

Discussion in 'Estates' started by Fopsie, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Ok I know the shops and appartments will become active some time this month but I realy dont know witch is witch ?

    I see only one type of building and I want to know if its shops or appartments or a cross between both, like floor 1 is the shop and 2-5 appartment.

    Can anyone please clarify if im looking at shops or appartments or both. [​IMG][​IMG] [I still cant figure out how the heck to link images from my galary on this forum :p ]

  2. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Exaclty. Shops are in the lower floor of each building, so we know we get a mass of shops. A-team confirmed somewhere (couldn't find the post) that they will act different than Calypso: they will release all apartments and shops we see in the game already (not sure when) and will add new buildings/apartments when more players arrive.

    As they epect peaks because of the marketing campaigns, I personally epect to see even complete new cities sooner or later.
  3. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    That is correct, the ground floor is a shop, with apartments above.

    My aim was to have shops and apartments ready for sale at or very soon after launch. Due to the timing of updates it is likely to be August before they are released for sale. I hope that is not too disappointing to people. You are free to explore the shops and apartments now to get an idea of what they are like.

    As far as how many are available on the market, that is something we'll work with Mindark on to ensure a balance for the Entropian economy. I did mention to Smoerble that I'd like to have quite a number available to ensure that those who want one can get one at a reasonable price - what is reasonable though will be decided by the community.

    I think it's also a very assumption that in time more cities will grow to ensure there is adequate supply as the population of the planet grows.
  4. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Nooooo 2 howl months. David your not making it easy on the burning PED I saved up for a shop. Well atleast It gives me 2 - 3 more paydays to get some more PED in my shop fund and maybe I may be able to buy 2 or 3 shops or perhaps buy a shop here and one on another planet if a nother worthy planet comes out.

    Thanks for the quick feedback :)
  5. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    *Moved to Estates*

    There is also a Poll Thread here regarding this, that i would encourage everyone to vote on.
  6. DejayJaguar

    DejayJaguar Member

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    Im not sure if it was an appartment or a shop I was nosing around last night. Basically it was a split level area, and open plan. I really liked the lay-out and the design of the place, very simple, nice clean lines. Large windows with nice views.

    However, I could not push away the real life thoughts and concerns, I can see a child falling of that upper level, or a dog running for his ball, or even me tripping over the rubber plant one night drunk.

    Are these 'area's' strictly 'no child/pet's/rubber plant/drunk people' zones?

  7. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    Maybe they designed them for easy access. Like fly along and land inside aprtment ;)

    as for children, pets, drunks there are none in EU we are all allegedly sensible adults :D
  8. DejayJaguar

    DejayJaguar Member

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    *cough* Yeah ok *cough*

    hehe :cool: