Decent Auction

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Grizgal, May 26, 2015.

  1. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    As mentioned in several other threads, the current auction set up seriously resricts new (and low cost) players as they are forced to sell to TT or resellers. The entire auction system needs an overhaul to make it more user friendly with fees that betetr scale with what is sold.
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  2. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    i agree, but the a-team can't do anything about it, but pass your suggestion to mindark's dev team.

    personally i always feel arsed, when i first have to pay a (sometimes not so small) fee to create an auction, but then can't even adjust the decimal values to the price í'd like to sell it for.

    same about max item limit, max duration and many more things that come into my mind when i think about the auction.

    well, no offense, but it's mindark. if they didn't feel the need to change this in the last decade, why should they do in the next one?
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  3. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    And the Order System is TOTALLY STUPID.

    It should be THIS easy.

    "Hey, look, this guy wants X of this at X%."

    Click 'View'. Drag X of that into Box. You get PED, he gets Items. Done.

    He PLACED an Order. We should FILL the ORDER. Fill the Order by putting the Required Item(s) into his Order Box. That simple.
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  4. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    I appreciate its a MA thing and that the A team have no ability to change it. I suppose I was just ranting here after another frustrating time on the AH.

    If it was overhauled to lower fees, allow decimal prices, allow you to alter active autions (that have no bids), sort out the order section etc, it would get a lot more use, increasing the overall economy and benefitting all.

    The only people who could lose are shop owners who have invested in their shops and may see a decline in business due to a properly functioning AH. However, it seems that MA use previous investment to not fix fundamental issues with the game (Interplanetary travel and space are another example).

    The game could be so much better if fundamental issues such as this were fixed. It would certainly aid retention of new players and build the player base.
  5. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    It's bad for business. A dedicated MMO player might want to try RCE, walk in here one time and see the AH and never log on again.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    That was very nearly me. I have played many MMO's in my time and the most recent (before Entropia) was Eve Online. What I loved most about that was the depth of the economy and the fact that virtually everything in game was player made. If they implemented a similar approach in Entropia, crafting would seriously take off, making stuff people actually wanted and that would pull up MU on a lot of hunting and mining loot (and even sweat), benefiting all players.
  7. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    It's just a shame it's unrealistic to remove all unl and (L) item drops from mobs right now and hope there are enough crafters willing to make all the items that are now dropping.
  8. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    It could be phased out slowly, so reduce the drops over a year or so. It doesnt have to be big bang. However, my (limited) recent experience is that things are going the other way!

    Its pretty unrealistic TBH. I accept that creatures drop hides, oils etc but what are mobs (less humanoid type mobs) doing carrying around rocket launchers and guns etc?
  9. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Dogs are known to swallow tons of stuff they shouldn't.
  10. Lightz

    Lightz Active Member

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    They probably came from the unfortunate hunter who fell prey to those mobs. In Entropia Universe, mobs loot you!
  11. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    In a way... but Supply MUST follow Demand, so as Demand rose (so would MU%) until Crafters HAD to make those Items... and as they caught up to Demand with Supply the MU% would slowly regulate to a proper position.

    Of course, then we get greedy, keep Crafting it... and floor the MU%. :p
  12. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    The only other VR I've been in is Second Life, where truly everything is player-made. While that is a completely different approach and rather a 3D-www than a game, something like the best of both worlds would be cool. Lacking a great idea how it could work though, since in SL everything is downloaded on-the-fly since the sheer amount would be impossible to mirror locally. This slows everything down and limits any sort of fast-paced action play. In EU otoh everything that exists has to be dowloaded beforehand, so all you need is meta-information how to put the pieces together. The two concepts aren't easy to marry.
  13. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    I am not proposing to go that far. MA would still define what can be produced and the mats required etc. Even the drop rates of BP and the required mats would remain in their hands. It would simply be that any thing of use is player made (Weapons, armour, furniture etc etc). The TT could still provide low level beginer gear and ammo (although why not make ammo player made also). Mobs would only drop materials which were used by crafters to make higher level stuff.

    That way it would be a truely player led economy with demand driving supply. It should also remove the need for crafters to TT large amounts of useless stuff and encourage miners and hunters to mine and craft to meet real need (ie high MU mats for crafters to use).
  14. AdeW

    AdeW Active Member

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    I've always looked upon loot as 'bounty' so, in my own little world, the Imperial Federal Govt assigns a bounty to most mobs (some it doesn't, so no loot) which consists of all the items we see - this way I don't have to reconcile with a creature dropping a rocket launcher - makes a lot better explanation of why we get what we do in loot/bounty.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  15. WhiningSkeptic

    WhiningSkeptic Active Member

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    So. You consider a mob dropping a rocket launcher unrealistic, but you would be fine with a mob dropping hides and oils?

    A dinosaur , that you killed using ammo that fits in shotguns, flamethrowers and laser rifles, shooting lasers that only reach 30m, while magically getting healed by repeatedly opening and closing a red and white ball on a planet the size of a small continent which you reached by flying faster than the speed of light and managed to easily land on since it somehow has the same gravity as every moon, rock and planet in the universe?

    How would the game be more realistic if Mr Dino didn't drop guns?

    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Most of the current list of crafted Arkadian weapons use very little hunted materials, relying primarily on mined resources. The link between hunting and the crafting of gear that hunters use is quite weak.
  17. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    I agree its all unrealistic and its not the realism I have an issue with its the fact the the gear that should be top of the crafting tree (ie Armour, weapons etc) now drops in such numbers that it makes crafting irrelevant. I feel it would be so much better to make mobs drop level 1 mats, which are cfated into level 2 mats etc etc (insert however many levels required) and these are crafted into weapons and armour etc.
  18. WhiningSkeptic

    WhiningSkeptic Active Member

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    Most armors that offer decent protection and are available at a steady supply are limited and crafted.

    Limited heal tools are in general crafted.

    Enhancers are crafted.

    All finders are crafted.

    All amplifiers are crafted.

    High damage laser amps are crafted.

    Whips are crafted.

    And alot more. I don't think that making weapons crafted would have a big off an impact. It would however screw up loot for hunters. What people don't see is that there is an oversupply of most things. This month alone I have turned 50,000 ped of ammo bought from the tt into loot. Expecting markup on all of that is crazy.

    Fact is that the top 50 hunters together cycle more than 250,000 ped of ammo into loot every day. I don't think you guys realize the crazy amount of items you'd need to craftto meet that supplyy.

  19. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    That is sort of the point though... if those Materials made it to Traders/Crafters, the Crafters COULD meet that supply.