24 hour sweat circle

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by Wauspaus, May 1, 2015.

  1. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    I can give you my hour of healing from 23.00 :) 16 hours till we launch :D
  2. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    I might have a couple things to add to the give-aways.

    Will try and catch you in game before it all kicks off ;)

    If you see me in game please PM me.
  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Like the idea and will try to show up as much as I have time and patience. Friend request sent to add to the giveaway.

    I noticed a few times at the Celeste Outpost sweat circle that folks tend to avoid bigger maturities and even scold the person who draws a L8 or something. The message should be spread more that death involves skilling in this game. If there is some leadership at this event, maybe it could be used to improve knowledge.

    I'd very much like if we had something going like the good old Ambulimax sweating on Calypso. That's also not the same anymore since noobs have been drawn to the Kerbies. Somebody even organized several Proteron sweat parties ("Dryprot parties") a few years ago, that was awesome fun and a video can still be found on YouTube. Of course it was killed with Opalos *ggg*.

    The closest thing to the Ambu on Arkadia would be Navi, it seems. Should we try and get something going with them another day after this event? Would be curious to see how it plays out, if they hit more or if it's manageable. Only downside is the tp slightly far away. Would be great if another one could be installed there, or at least a revival point. It also would appeal to mission grinders, of course ;).
  4. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Ambu's would still do 30-40 dmg or so when hit, but that wasn't a real problem because there were often 20-30 people sweating a single ambu.

    Here on Arkadia it takes real time and effort to get that many people sweating a single mob, but it's possible. Maybe you can get something like that to happen if you also make a team of people that will be there mainly for killing the dry mobs, so you got a combination of true sweaters + hunters so you can make a nice group of people swunting.
  5. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I forgot, yes of course the whole party should be in a team and also kill together instead of one advanced hunter doing that alone. If all agree to use low-level weapons, everybody gets a share of the loot and roughly equal chances to score for the mission. Unfair is only if one brings out the big gun and uses everybody else as damage helpers with no chance of reward for them (it actually happened that I didn't think of it the first time around and scored my first 2 mission Proterons before I noticed, cough). Just look at this video -- ah, the memories! -- there weren't that many people actually, at least not more than on any normal Ambu day, they were dying like flies and it still worked out pretty well. With 20 people, regardless their level, you can take on much bigger things than a young Navi if they don't mind running back from revival more often than usual. This could rotate around the planet, trying a different mob every time and giving beginners a chance to get close to something they otherwise could dare look at only through a scope.
  6. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    Yes what Lizzy said is correct. In the past we even tried Wombana to create sweatcircles at. However there is not enough support on a regular basis to sweat those. Just a handfull of AFK's can ruin it completely on Ark, where as on Caly it somehow works (even though its annnoying). Rather have 1-2 small circles on Nusuls with active people, who chat and join a swunt team. Then 1 big circle around say for instance Navi where people can so easily afk at :p.

    Edit: Forgot to mention.... 4 HOURS before we launch! :D
  7. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    Only 7 hours left for the event :D Gona do it!!! Stay strong guys :D
  8. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Or, if you don't like sweating, come dance!

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  9. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    Nice pic Lizzy :)
    After a very long time of sweating, healing, giveaways and killing we finally completed the event. It was fun, but I am also happy its done.
    Now all I need to do is do the Puny Bash event and then a shower and some sleep :).

    Well done everyone :D
    • Like Like x 3
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 3
  10. Athena Nabu GaiaSong

    Athena Nabu GaiaSong Member

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    Just wanted to say Thank You Very Much! I had an amazing time! I got some good skills, made some new friends, and got lots of sweat! I hope this becomes a regular event! I will be there for the next one for sure!
  11. Ruben

    Ruben Member

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    Now after all the done Event...and recover from sleep i like to say a big big thanx for all who made this event happen

    Simone for all done Work and organisation and PFEU for theSponsoring

    The helpers for heals and Trivias
    The many ppls with a donation here and there
    Te Pullers for searching the Mobs u nfortunately the spawn was full og many younger mobs and the Fattsos needed to be searched

    and last but not least YOU the SWEATERS for showing up and show patience attention. stay awake for hours and hours.

    all of it was fun and iam glad all went so well


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