What keeps you coming back to this game?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RavenJade, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. RavenJade

    RavenJade Active Member

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    In August I will be celebrating playing Entropia Universe for 8 years with no breaks (aside from going on a week or two vacation in the summer) and I got to thinking what is it about this game that keeps me coming back for more?

    Honestly I'm addicted to hunting and mining..... but the magic for me really is the people. There are some crazy and fun people here. Some I've now met irl and consider friends for life. There's so much laughter and silliness here, that truly gives me a break from my often serious "real life".

    What is it about Entropia that makes it special for you?
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  2. djinn

    djinn Member

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    The friends I've made the people I 've met as you say keep me coming back. I think I can not find another online experience with enough to frustrate me just enough to make it a challenge. Although sometimes I feel like "rage quitting" I have never really quit, been in and out since VU 6.xx?
    Other things like second life and WoW seemed boring after a short while even though there are some interesting people there too. Maybe I'm just too old to hang out with all the 14 year olds in WoW :smile:. I'd play Hello Kitty Online but I'm afraid to be called a pedophile lol.
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  3. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    I hate to admit it, but I like to shop....
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  4. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Escape you can escape the pressures of Real Life and form close and great friendships ;) these often last for many a year and for some investment you can have some seriose fun.

    Things might not always evolve as quick as we might like but there are changes yes some bad but more often than not good or you forget the bad 12 + years for a virtual world and still continuing ! thats impressive in itself.

    Reward of skilling and investing in your avatar also helps when you first start you think Oh I am never going to unlock that hidden skill and then one day it pops up and becomes unlocked ;)

    What makes it special as well is people know when your having a bad day and often pm you and cheer you up ;) people notice that your messages arnt the same and check your ok ;) also expecting the unexpected yellow swirlies - green swirlies - hof board entry's.

    Exploration and discoveries ;) many a many a special moment ;) and more to come as well - yes I am addicted ;P
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  5. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    I don't know when to quit...
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