Daka - My Story

Discussion in 'Other Fiction' started by Daka, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Daka

    Daka Member

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    Continuation of story from Greetings subforum:

    Next morning, after breakfast I was headed to report to major O Riley as ordered. As I was entered his office he was drinking his coffee and reading something in his personal terminal. He didn't paid attention on me in any way, I am not sure was he even aware that someone has entered his office at all. So, I did standard routine.

    "Sir, corporal Daka reporting to duty by your orders"

    "Ah, look what carabok has dragged in" - he replied. "Glad to see you finally returned from your vacation. We already prepared nice prison cell for you."

    "Sir, about that... Why prison cell. What I did?"

    "Its not about what you did, corporal, its more about what you not did. Your sergeant informed me that from his squad only you didn't answered to message to return to Arkadia immediately."

    "Message? Sir, I didn't received any message"

    "What I hearing now is excuses and I don't really have time for that. I am grateful to you that you have shown in last minute. Don't even think that is because I like you, because I don't like you ugly former - colonist - wannabe - soldier face. You must follow same routines as any other IFN personnel. If you didn't received message you should repair your ship long range sensors. Reason of my gratitude to you is with your arrival you spared me from doing imprisonment paperwork. And I really hate to waste my precious time by filling those stupid forms. Now, report to Lt. Knocks. Since you like vacation we have something special for rookies like you. I hope you still have your ten lotion, ha ha ha. Dismissed."

    While I was leaving his office and northern morning breeze has made my nose cold I had a feeling this day will become really hot soon for me.

    I entered ready room and there Lt. Knocks with 5 IFN soldiers I never met before.

    "Ah, corporal, come in, we are waiting for you... Like usual. I don't have time for chat, so I will get straight to point." - same time map of desert was showed above desk with holographic projector. On map was Kestrel digsite with surrounding area.

    "Here is the drill." - Lt. continue - "Intelligence has lost contact with one of their operatives in Kestrel digsite area. Most of their operatives are in Underground doing more important missions and because we already have plans to send someone in Kestrel area they asked us to do something for them too. So, we are sending you 6 lazy bums to do 2 things.

    First, Oratan mining activities has increased in that area. We need you to find out exactly what kind of resources they are collecting there, did they retrieve any weapons from that cargo ship that was shot down by Smugglers and their troop positions. Your primary targets would be bandits. Eliminate 100 of them and investigate spoils they have been collected, 100 of them will be enough. Immediately after you completed primary objective send log with your findings to HQ.

    Secondary mission is to find agent I was talking about few minutes ago. His codename is Hermit. Before contact with him was lost he reported some problems with his communication equipment... What you laughing corporal, something funny here? ... Stop that immediately or I will remove that smile from your face by myself... OK... That's better... Now... Your secondary mission is to find this Hermit character and give him new communication device. His last position was near ruins.

    That would be all. We except report IN TIME, gentlemen. Don't be late. Dismissed"

    We left HQ and headed for armory and its trade terminal. Time to buy some ammo, put armor and do some Oratan headhunt.
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    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015

    OLD NICK Member

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    realy great story Daka
    can't wait to read the next one

    With best regrds
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  3. spardax

    spardax Member

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    Cool story, that inspired me to write one story of my own... I will make a side story :p
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  4. Daka

    Daka Member

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    Please do, can't wait to read it. :)
  5. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Once again a really great story, but what I suggest is to edit the original post to link to the previous parts (the ones in the initial thread), so someone can follow the full story. :)
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  6. Daka

    Daka Member

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    Great idea. Thanks.
  7. Maximus Cashicus

    Maximus Cashicus Member

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    Have to say, these are a real treat Daka, always enjoy reading them.
  8. Daka

    Daka Member

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    After fast exchange of names between me and other grunts we headed for teleporter and we came to Kestrel digsite. It is part of planet covered in sand, endless desert. It is so strange how relatively speaking 2 close parts of same planet have such different climate. At the same moment we arrived on the other side of teleporter we experienced strong wind that was blowing from almost every side of desert. Like the thing was alive... and telling us we are not welcome here... Whatever... We have a job to do here, orders are orders.

    Coordinates where we should meet with Hermit were telling us to move south, so we moved on. Even if our Musca armor has implemented protection from weather conditions that was protecting us from extreme cold or extreme heat like this and air filters preventing sand to comes into our lungs while breathing it was clear to all of us that if we don't get over with this soon, sand will prevent our ranged weapons from working and we will end up in melee fight with Oratan.

    When we arrived at coordinates it was almost dark, and there was no sign of intelligence agent. Those men are trained to do missions under cover of darkness, but we expected he will waiting us here, without need to play hide and seek. I didn't even finished that sentence in my mind when something big emerged behind us. Almost same moment we all become aware of its presence, and we turned around pointed are guns toward big Oratan when he silently fall down. A shadow behind him was pulling hiss big knife from dead creature's neck with smile on his face.

    "Welcome to Kestrel gentlemen" - he whispered - "Agent Sorenson at your service, or as they call me - Hermit. Please, follow me, and be quiet, we don't want to alarm Oratan guards, again."

    We silently followed him dazzled with way he move so silently, like a shadow. We get close to hill with ruins, but same time far enough from Oratan guards who silhouettes we could see on the roads leading to ruins. We gave him new communication device that was sent by Intelligence service. After he examined it and moved it away satisfied by its condition and model he started conversation.

    "Well, lets break silence for a while, shall we? I guess you soldierboys don't like to chitchat so I will get straight to the point. I was monitoring this area for 2 months. These Oratan just in last few weeks started to show some interest about this ruins. When they arrived in large numbers first what they did is to establish patrols while others excavating ruin site. I am not sure what are they seeking but it must be something very important to them. So far I learned that Bandits have duty to protect roads leading to hill and heights with crystal pillars in surrounding area. Thugs, Thieves and few Vandals are guarding positions that connecting taken heights. As for Ruins itself they are excavating in shifts, Bandits and Thieves in turn. But enough of my work, I guess you didn't come here just to bring me equipment, right?"

    "You are correct, sir" - I replied - "our orders are..."

    "Please" - he interrupted me - "drop the 'sir' thing, just call me Hermit like everyone else ha ha ha"
    "OK, Hermit" - I smiled - "we are sent to kill bunch of Oratan, Bandits are prioritized and examine what are they collecting."

    "Interesting , then we can work together, tomorrow is Bandits turn to excavating in ruins according to my observation, so I advise first thing in the morning we assault the hill and take that what I suspect is ruins of ancient temple. I have no proof it is temple, yet, but I have a good feeling. Anyway, if we manage to storm hill fast and hard, we will kill miners there easy and establish a good defensive position. What do you say?" - he asked with innocent smile on his face, while his eyes was looking in my eyes so sharp that I had a feeling if I had refused his offer I wouldn't live long enough to tell about it. I couldn't see where his hands are and that started to make me nervous. Instinctively, I start moving my hand toward my gun while looking his face is changed, smile has faded from his face and face was become stone cold and serious. Everything was so silent, I had a feeling others are monitoring our body-language and they was eager to see what will we do. Even if I didn't liked that how he was looking at me, and didn't see his hands, I can't deny that his idea had some tactical value. So I finally broke grave silence and answered:

    "Sure, Hermit, we will do that way, its great idea."

    After that sentence coming out of my mouth his smile has returned to his face and all felt some kind of relief.

    "But, be aware, when we start attack, my orders are final. I don't know your rank, but as this is IFN operation I am in charge here and expect everyone to follow orders. I hope there will be no problems with that?"

    "Not at all" - he answered smiling - "looking forward to fight side by side with you IFN rookies, maybe you will learn something ha ha ha."

    We all smiled in return and assigned 2 hour sentry duties over the night and while sentries watch for Oratan patrols others are trying to get some sleep before coming battle.
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    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
  9. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Really lovely, I feel like at the end of a tv series episodes, when I can hardly wait for the next episode. :)
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  10. Daka

    Daka Member

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    Thanks, I wanted to add battle in this post, but it would make it so long. Oratan beating will come in next. :)
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  11. Maximus Cashicus

    Maximus Cashicus Member

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    Cool beans, looking forward to some Oratan whomping!
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  12. Daka

    Daka Member

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    Sentries from last watch woke us early, there was still dark out there but Arkadian sun has started slowly to showing his lights upon our beloved planet. Temperature was still cold from previous night and started to increasing with each passing minute. According to Hermit's information about Thieves and Bandits shift on ruins this is the best moment to launch attack upon unsuspecting Bandits. He said something about creating diversion and we will know when we see that diversion and to strike at that moment. Diversion kind and whereabouts remained secret to us because same moment he informed us about his plans he run toward hills smiling like a madman. Weird guy.

    We get ready and approached our position. There were only few sentries on hill we could see but there is got to be bunch more hiding in ruins and behind rocks. While I was trying to imagine what kind of diversion we waiting, or can that lunatic be trusted at all, large explosion took place from other side of hill and one of crystal pillars collapsed with a terrible noise. Most of Bandits from hill instantly started to run toward explosion site.

    "That's it, friends" - I whispered - "give them hell. ATTACK!!!".

    We jump from our hiding place and started to shooting on Bandit sentries still remaining on hill. Few minutes later Hermit joined us spraying laser cells from his pistol in right hand and wielding psi knife in left. With no trouble we killed all Bandits in road to ruins and we entered that place. Guys started to clean excavating site part by part with no much effort, few Oratan there didn't pose any significant threat.

    When cleansing of ruins was done I said:

    "Quickly, do your thing. Men, loot all corpses and catalog items they have we didn't yet managed to collect while Hermit do whatever he wanted to do here. We don't have much time before those wise guys realize we tricked them."

    We started to catalog killed Oratan loot with haste. Loot was good that day, few of them had little more than others and my inventory computer recorded global entry with 12 PED value. It was Scott & Barlow BP-2 (L) and decent amount of shrapnel. Hmm, so this guy was equipped with real weapon, not just pickaxe. Nice, indeed, that weapon will come handy to someone, I will add it to my collection and try to sell it in Quarry. From other loot they had BLP pack, weapon cells, some components, animal hides, various extractors, some stones and strangely large amount of Miluca timber.

    "Daka, we finished cataloging" - one soldier yelled.

    "Well done... Hermit, you done your thing?" - I answered.

    "Yes, we are good to go."

    "OK, send report about our findings to HQ, I will go check did our 'friends' came back."

    I came close to collapsed wall on north side of hill when something hit me so hard I didn't even had time to react... The were returned... I was hit by pickaxe so hard that my plate attached to Musca harness was instantly shattered to pieces. That Bandit jumped in and swing again aiming my head, fortunately he was killed by my IFN brothers and pickaxe descended few centimeters left from my head. Medic FAP my injury and we started to retreat. Hundreds of them are converging at our position. Only way we could run away was Kestrel digsite teleporter, its automated gun defense system can protect us. While we are running another large group of Oratan coming from west has blocked our way toward teleporter. We were almost surrounded.

    "There is a hill few hundred meters from here that have decent amount of crystal pillars we can use as defense. It has rough edges they can not climb that easy." - Hermit shouted.

    "All right, we will make our stand there, lead us."

    We were running in the way we have never run before and never again we will. Oratan was closing real fast with each second shortening distance between us and them. We climbed on hill and started to shoot upon them, trouble was they was closing from all sides. We couldn't understand how they managed to encircle us so quickly and where the hell did that much of them coming from. It was so many of them that was real hard to miss them. They started to climb the hill while our bullets and laser beams continue to diminish their numbers. Every time we kill someone he would fall down and while falling few other that come on his way would fall with him. Like a small avalanche but that was hardly enough. Our ammo was running out slowly. We started to think what to do when are gun barrels go empty... maybe to take pickaxes from dead Oratan... To attack with knives... Or just to kick them until they massacre us... Whatever we do, our destiny looked sealed. We are done.

    Dozen of them managed to climb on our position and we were force in hand to hand combat with them. We were killing them fast but not fast enough, they are using their pickaxe tools with brutal efficiency making us a lot of damage. So we retreated to crystal formation. Not best cover but from there we could count few more Oratan out before we die. Suddenly, a music to our ears. We hear familiar sound of flying vehicles passing by while spraying their deadly gifts from above to surprised Oratan. They were targeting those still climbing. We managed to neutralized those managed to climb on top of the hill who was still confused by arriving of death from above when we received message:

    "Gentlemen, prepare yourself for transport. Gungnirs will be here in 30 seconds, secure the top of hill for transport landing, we are going for a second pass. Greetings from IFN command, Happy holidays."

    They repeated their attack and Oratan started to flee. They didn't had any weaponry to defend from aerial attack and their number were dropping rapidly. Soon Gungnirs has landed and we jumped in.

    "Al right, lets take these poor girls home. Inform Repulse about our arrival, we are bringing wounded in very bad shape."
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    Last edited: Apr 14, 2015
  13. Maximus Cashicus

    Maximus Cashicus Member

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    Great Daka, thanks again, really good read.
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  14. sholle

    sholle Active Member

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    svaka chast Daka :)
    I enjoy a lot reading your story's :) keep it coming mate
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  15. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Really gives our IFN missions some life :)
    Love it
    Keep the logs coming Soldier !!
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  16. Daka

    Daka Member

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    April 22

    In past few days Oratan activity has been decreased in area that our unit shoud protect. Our patrols had seen only few Oratan during their missions. I don't know what is situation in other sectors, but if it is similar that is good news indeed. Maybe Oratan finally realized that they assaults on our facilities have no effect. Because of this HQ has issue new orders concerning daily missions. Missions priority has gone from "must to do" to "advised to do" and firebase has been returned to normal state prior to latest Oratan attacks.

    I noticed that upon my daily missions completion spoils of war gathered from dead Oratan bodies had become pretty poor compared to loot I was able to get before. Last few headhunts produced big hole in my ped card, spending more than I was able to earn. Maybe I should give it a break for a few days. Day was nice, real arkadian spring, I decided to take a walk in Celeste Harbour and meet with some friends on bar to drink few glasses of wine. Before I could take a bottle with not much effort but since I joined military and waging war against those nasty creatures my drinking skills has grow weaker. Whatever, it is a still nice feeling.

    I arrive at bar early, he he he, my superior officer would really like to see this. When must report to duty - late, when it is drinking in question - first to come. There was no one in bar, except two really loud persons. They were arguing about something, I was relly trying to ignore them so I ordered glass of black wine and exchanged few words with bartender. Suddenly, they started to address me:

    "Hey, soldier, come, please, join us here, don't drink alone there" - the one with funny green hair was yelling at my direction. From look of his eyes I could tell there is some people on this world who take alcohol worse than me. Or he was drink entire barrel.

    Anyway, can't hurt to chat with somebody, even drunk as a rocktropian bum, while I wait for friends.

    "How did you know I am a soldier" - I said to him - "Have we met before?"

    "Not really" - he replied - "I gueesed you are a soldier even without uniform, i have eye to distinct civilians from military people. Bodylanguage can tell much about person. Or haircut, ha ha ha. But, how rude of me, let me introduce ourselves. My name is Kon'C and this is my bussiness associate DaLaqual."

    "Nice to meet you" - I replied not really interested to remember those strange names. "So Kon'C, what are you arguing about just before?" - I said just to continue conversation.

    "Nothing much, bussiness as always" - DaLaqual said - "You see, we are carpenters. We camo to Arkadia to get supplies of fine resources like Miluca, Coria and Hekia timber. Even if we had managed to get some supplies we found that stocks of Miluca timber are smaller in carpenters society storages than we expected. So we are arguing what to do, we wouldn't like to go back to Calypso with our hands half empty."

    "Miluca timber, you say" - I said now much more interested for conversation. I didn't wanted to inform them that I have some personal stocks of Miluca Veneer I put on auction. I wanted first to find out why are they interested especially for Miluca wood and more important how much are they willing to pay for it.

    "Yes, Miluca timber." - he continued - "It is one of needed ingedients for our products. We make various things, but we need Miluca to fulfill our orders of Retail Counters for our clients shopowners. Of course timber need to be transformed to Oiled Miluca Boards but we have some bussiness partners who do that for us with discount prices based on large amount of timber we provide. Problem is, as they informed us at carpenters society, that Miluca woods are deep within Oratan controled teritory. IFN, as you are probably aware is not willing to make firebases deep in enemy teritory and risk those bases being surounded especially in places with no strategic importance. And Miluca woods are just in those areas. Stockpiles of Miluca timber coming from colonists who attack Oratan Prospectors and interupt their supply lines. So, now you realize that our problem is we depend on Oratan and their interests in Miluca timber. If they stop to gather them we are in deep trouble. And lately, stocks of timber found by colonist has decreased in amount."

    "Interesting" - I replied and same time regreted that just few days ago transformed my personal stocks of Miluca timber in Miluca Veneer and put it on auction for price below markup just to get rid of that wood. If I didn't act so hasty I could make decent profit without having to pay that auction terminal rip-off fee.

    "Guys, what do you think Oratan collecting that fine timber at all? It is not they are going to open shop in Celeste Quary, right?" - I asked hoping to make them say something more about Miluca timber use and make them say what price would they pay.

    "No, I guess they aren't really interested in that, ha ha ha" - Kon'C jumped in - "you see, we don't really have closest idea what are they doing with it. They are shipping loot somewhere that is for sure. Scientist asume the minerals they collect like Ospra stones, Kaz stones and others are use for crafting weapons. But my friend and me disagree on that because we never encountered on our travels any blueprints of Oratan origin. It would be interesting if we did. Oratan are crafting pickaxes and weapons for themselves, of course, but their weapons are weak and we don't know what ingredients they use for it. Only truth is nobody has a clue what for they are using collected materials."

    "I hope its not weapons, we really don't want Oratan wielding some high tech weapon pieces, it is enough they stole some of our stocks from downed ship." - I said - "But, maybe I have some proposition for you. Starting from tommorow I can raid some Oratan supply lines and get you small amount of Miluca timber. I hope we can arange fair price too. What do you say?"

    "Unfortunately, our ship leaving from Arkadia in 2 hours and we can't wait any longer" - DaLaqual answered - "but your offer is most welcomed my friend. We need large amount of Miluca timber so if you can stockpile some it would be nice. We don't know during our bussiness travels when will we come to Arkadia next time, but our employees monitoring interplanetary auction system non-stop. We prefer to buy large amounts directly from people who don't put often stuff on auction system because of fee, but auction monitoring has proven to be profitable sometimes. So if we don't come back soon just post your offer on auction and if it is good price we will bid on it. We often buy 1-2% below weekly markup and I hope we will have common interest from our future possible trades. You will get rid of your stocks and fill your ped card, our clients will get their shop tables, and we will grow richer."

    "Yo, Daka, come over here, you slacker, this wine will not drink itself. First round is on your account, or you have forgot about that" - someone yelled at my direction. While talking to those two carpenters didn't even noticed my friends had arrived.

    "Sorry, gentlemen, I must go, I hope we will meet again and trade on mutual benefit" - I said to them.

    "Its OK, we must go too" - Kon'C replied - "Take care".

    They left from bar toward nearest teleporter and I went to spend some time with my friends. And fine black arkadian wine. I decided that first thing tommorow visit those Bandits in Kestrel digsite. Of course, after I drink some pills to cure hangover I will have in morning.
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    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
  17. Maximus Cashicus

    Maximus Cashicus Member

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    Nice one Daka, thanks.
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  18. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Like the writing.

    No hate - but there are a few minor spelling mistakes. Don't try to type as fast as you can think, things can go wrong!
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  19. Daka

    Daka Member

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    One day I was at Quarry terminals, looking what was offering on Auction when suddenly something drew my attention. Somebody was yelling that he need Quad TAXI to Calypso. Well, I guess I could do some TAXI flight, cash flow is always good, besides I don't have anything else to do these days. Passenger and me agreed at price of 8 ped and during conversation he said he would fly with his sleipnir but pirates shot him down several times so far.

    "You find the right person for the job, my friend' - I said to him - "I have some experience with those space scum, I will transport you to Calypso safely, just leave your stackables here just in case".

    Soon, we left Arkadia atmosphere. Ah, I forgot how space is beautiful place. All those distant stars divided in countless galaxies with infinite number of planets. I looked around when one quadwing that was behind us headed in direction of Cyrene. So, this is the one of the pirates responsible for attacks on my passenger. After setting up ships radar to scan nearby location another red dot appeared on screen in direction of Rocktropia. Ha ha, nice try, space ambush. I waited for them to leave radar range then I headed to one of my escape routes behind space junk around Arkadia and training grounds then straight for Calypso undisturbed but pirates. I wonder how long did they waited us in their ambush before they realized we fooled them.

    Anyway, rest of flight was boring and we landed on Calypso. While I am on this part of space I guess I could give Rocktropia another visit, I left some loot in storage last time I was there and try to earn some more ped.

    Planet is in the same state like before, urban areas has been looted by hordes of rocktropians, vixen robots terrorizing remaining population near ND club and all the way along Mulholand road, that over-sized undead monkey still rising from the dead accompanied by his zombi minions.

    Hmmm, I planing to stay here for some time, better to find location for stuff I will need. Repairing and ammo buying will not be much a problem, trade terminals are everywhere but food and drinks can be a challenge. I was out walking the streets, careful not to come close to crazy rocktropians, they seems attacking anyone who get in their range, some former cops joined them too in their mindless rampage. Weird world indeed.

    "Wow, there is a place called Billy bar" - I said out loud - "maybe I can find some beer finally. I didn't tasted good beer since I arrived in this part of space."

    When I entered there was not much people there, just one that was looking really lost and a waitress.

    "Hi, can I have some beer please" - I told here.

    "Huh, you must be new here, don't you?" - she replied.

    "Kinda, why? I am not allowed to drink beer until I have spent 21 years of my life here?"

    "Ha ha, of course no, silly, its just I don't have a beer. You see, I have some troubles obtaining ingredients I need to make it, but if you help me I will make some".

    "Sounds interesting" - I said - "what do you need?"

    "Ok, I will give you waypoint to place called Motorhead stadium, that is lawless place, nobody maintaining order there so everybody solving misunderstandings with weapons. But, that wouldn't be a problem for military guy like you, just seek beer fountain in the center of beer lake".

    "Look, girl" - I said with a smile - "forget the beer and give me whatever drink you were drinking. You are so drunk you are seeing things. Beer fountain and beer lake, get out of here. Ha ha ha... Next you will tell me it is guarded with zombie elves and saber-tooth undead rain-deers."

    "It is truth, honest, except guarding part you just added. If you fill 30 kegs with that raw beer coming out from fountain I will make you best beer you ever tasted".

    "Ok, I will go even if it is hard for me to believe in beer fountain." - I replied with a smile and left bar.

    When I looked in ship computer waypoint that waitress gave me, I headed there in quad, long way to go on foot.

    Oh, look at that, there is really some kind of fountain, that girl didn't lie at all. This world has become strangest place I ever seen. Nobody around, so, better to fill those 30 kegs fast and fly back to the bar. While I was filling last keg I saw one deer entering lake and start drinking from it. Ha ha ha... This is so fun, I remember back on Earth I like to drink beer, that has the name Deer.


    I was always wondering why would anyone named beer with "Deer". Maybe he was secretly visited Rocktropia and get idea from same place I am on now. I wish my friends I left on Earth can see this scene. Even animals drink beer on Rocktropia. :)

    Next second that deer died, ha ha ha, I hope its just that poor animal and same thing will not happen to me. Well, I think its dead, but I wouldn't come closer to animal of that size, especially if it is just drunk, or undead like I was kidding in bar.

    Ok, kegs are filled, time to back to the bar. Maybe this planet has something else interesting to offer besides robot parts. I will do some exploration in next few weeks. Maybe somebody will offer me some kind of work that include more than just collecting beer from beer lake. :)
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  20. Maximus Cashicus

    Maximus Cashicus Member

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    Thanks Daka, was looking forward to that. Chat to ya later.
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