Borderless screen-wide window and sound issue.

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Laura Aastha Bondi, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Laura Aastha Bondi

    Laura Aastha Bondi Member

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    Hello again

    I seen in other games a screen mode that EU has not that is the "borderless screenwide window mode". This is something like the fullscreen mode but in a normal window without borders. It is very useful for who uses dual monitor as me. I use to play Arkadia and when sweating, being it kinda boring, i do other things, usually write or facebook or paint or something else in the secondary monitor. If I use fullscreen, when i switch to the secondary monitor the game automatically minimize and i can't keep an eye on it. But if i use a smaller window mode it messes up my game icons (the ones i dragged to game desktop). I would like to have a borderless fullscreen window that will work like a normal window but borderless, as i seen in other games.
    Moreover there is a strange behaviour when i switch in and out the game window: when i switch out the game window the sound turns automatically off (and this is normal) but when i switch in the game window the sound starts very LOUD for a moment breaking my ears :dead: and suddenly goes down to normal volume level. This is very annoying. Is it possible to make the sound fading in progressively when i switch back to the game window?

    Thank you
  2. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    I believe this is an issue that is down to MindArk's programming. I understand your frustration, I'd like to play full screen windowed mode too.

    The best suggestion I can make is to remake this post on PCF, as I don't think MindArk personnel frequent these forums.
  3. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    You could try adding "r_FullscreenWindow = 1" to your settings-ce.cfg, but I believe CryEngine didn't start supporting this mode till CryEngine 3.
  4. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    The game still runs on CryEngine 2 at the moment. I don't think MA is planning any time soon to upgrade to cry3
  5. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    I never implied that it doesn't.
  6. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Didn't mean anything bad by it.
  7. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    +1 for idea; totally nice for someone who uses more than one monitor.
  8. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Every time I upgrade my hardware, the old rig gets Linux installed and I use it for side tasks such as you describe. Or can get a cheap old laptop from Ebay. No need for any advanced setups this way.
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  9. Laura Aastha Bondi

    Laura Aastha Bondi Member

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    My car has bad brakes, don't repair it, just buy another one and use the old one when you don't need to brake, in example on straight roads.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Laura Aastha Bondi

    Laura Aastha Bondi Member

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    Thanks good suggestion, i will do.
  11. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Are you aware that he was just trying to help you with a good suggestion?

    Not like he criticized or diminished your suggestion, but just suggested something which you can do by yourself and which you can do now. :)
  12. Laura Aastha Bondi

    Laura Aastha Bondi Member

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    Everything has a workaround, also big game bugs: instead to fix the bug lets just change game. I like helps and good critics but I don't think it is a good suggestion who says to buy a second computer instead to fix a game bug/request. Forgive me I didn't want to seem rude, just I try to keep in focus. I didn't asked "how can I do a second work while I play EU?", I just requested a new feature.
    Neverthelesse I understood he wanted to help me and I say thanks San for the good idea. My answer was mainly humorous.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
  13. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Yes it is a workaround, not what you were asking. Though personally, I find it even more efficient to have an independent pc for such things. Depends on personal preference I guess. But since I am in software development, I know a thing or two about what it entails you are asking. Something which is implemented in other games, but not in EU. This does not classify as a bug. There is a difference between bugs and missing features. How bad and by how many it is missed, and what it's going to cost to implement it will determine if or when we will get it. Until then, you may decide to use workarounds, jump in triangles or play this other game with its snazzy screen mode.
  14. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Would be nice to have. Will forward it on to the Mindark devs to have a look @ it.
  15. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    DISCLAIMER: You doing that at your own risk. IMHO that will not violate EULA, since all that tool doing — change window properties.

    To run any application (including Entropia) borderless, you can use any window manager.

    I could recommend you to use WinExplorer from Nir Sofer (freeware with full source code, so you can build it yourself if you don't like executables) -

    How to make Entropia fullscreen borderless using WinExplorer (you need to repeat stages 2-5 after each launch):
    1) In game set resolution to your desktop resolution, change mode to window.
    2) Run WinExplorer.
    3) Find Entropia process in the list (if you run WinExplorer before Entropia or don't see it there - click Refresh).
    4) Change properties of it's window:
    a) Switch to Style tab and untick those check boxes: WS_MINIMIZEBOX, WS_SYSMENU, WS_BORDER, WS_DLGFRAME (actually it could be enough to untick only WS_DLGFRAME, but just to make sure untick others as well, since that's like real borderless looks like).
    b) You need to do that only if you want to run fullscreen borderless. Switch to Size & Position, tick Maximized and click Modify button (if required, you can manually set Left/Top to 0/0 and Width/Height to your desktop resolution and click Modify again).
    c) If you have issues with Z order position (for example some other window cover Entropia window), click Bring to Top or Set To Topmost (that will not make it modal, but could fix Z-ordering issues).
    5) Close WinExplorer (or keep it, but you don't need need it till next run).

    Done (all that will take 10-15 seconds of your time).

    DISCLAIMER: You doing that at your own risk. IMHO that will not violate EULA, since all that tool doing — change window properties.

    P.S. For MA, it will take few minutes to add that mode (no idea why they still didn't add that).
    P.P.S. Hashes of winexp.exe, which I downloaded many years ago:
    MD5 : 20FE176F 5D63CB53 BDEB2274 10238EF0
    SHA-1 : 6012C9A3 2950047F B2F0D429 C7FBE5A5 72ED370B
    SHA-256 : 6EE2EE07 FA47E451 2595DFA8 EC8747C9 56DB0EB7 16E42039 0CFCEB8A 318C4C2B
    SHA-512 : 43163AC6 8F91581F B93C7517 E60BD725 4BAB0FE6 5ACD5230 71FC6543 CDA25925 40906F11 27642AB7 8F595B52 500E3B0C 115C72C8 E094A482 43FB7C8B 456CA8FE
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