Idea about game events: The satelites

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Laura Aastha Bondi, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Laura Aastha Bondi

    Laura Aastha Bondi Member

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    Another idea about events could be something like this:
    A satellite falls on ground. The impact spot will be highlighted in the map and a global message will be sent to everyone.
    Then players will go to the impact place to repair the satellite using repairing tools, avoiding and killing waves of fierce wildlife and when repaired the satellite lands off and sends loots to every players who repaired it, proportionately to the level or repair they did and to the level of dmg they did killing wildlife.
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  2. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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  3. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Interesting idea
  4. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    The idea is really interesting, but I would -1 it, and here's why:

    One thing I enjoy about EU is that it gives us pretty much total freedom to plan our game time sessions... as in log when we want, log out when we want, do what we want, and not feel like we're loosing something or have to log at a certain time - like is the case with timed events (either player made like raids or game scheduled).

    What you suggest would be a step in the direction of "forcing" people to log at certain times (when a satellite crashes). Now if that would happen once in a blue moon, like it happens with oratan events or every hour or so so everyone can participate, it wouldn't be an issue, but if it would be a daily event or something similar, many people would feel that they "have to" log at said time in order to not miss the window of opportunity.
  5. fredzepp

    fredzepp Active Member

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    Depends on how it would be implemented. If, for example, satellites fell 4 times a day then you could log in when you like and participate in one.

    Personally I quite like the concept - seems a bit like an outdoor version of a beacon run.
  6. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There are lots of events and you cant do all of them and no one pressures you into it. I do maybe one oratan event in 3 cos I have other commitments or I am low on ped at the time and I never feel like I am missing out. Fresh ideas and more variety are a good thing in my book.
  7. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    kinda sounds like the old calypso robot beacons - but might be coool to see how drop ships evolve - come out and assigned firebase's

    I am sure the A-Team have plans - also right click on your avatar - System - toggle score board

    I am currently on cyrene but the scoreboard appears to work on all planets - mayb e more is to come

  8. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Hahaha... dunno, if you all say that it's something good, maybe it really is and me being against is just because my own insecurity and addiction. :))

    I was at some time at a point where I was like skipping real life events, just because I didn't want to miss a game event or because we had a scheduled raid or so. And I totally loved the fact that EU doesn't seem to have that. :)

    But, of course, "vox populi, vox Dei", so whatever the majority will say, will also workout for me. :)
  9. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I have on two occasions discussed such ideas with planet partners and have learned, that dynamic changes to buildings, landscapes, etc. are not within the scope of current game programming to be realized easily. They have to design and implement it, and then you'll find it lying there after the next content update. It won't fall out of the sky for players to witness it happening nor become an interactive element afterwards. Within instances however, quite a bit more would be possible. But those have to be programmed separately by teams of highly trained monkeys demanding truckloads of bananas to do it, cough. It's like creating a new game every time.

    I was also reminded spontaneously of the robot beacon instances when I first read this idea. Actually I'd find it indeed cool if such a thing would involve having to repair something. Maybe a reactor that will blow up if it doesn't get repaired at a rate sufficient to reverse its state changing, instead of the simple fixed timer after you killed all the mobs in the robot beacon. Or access to loot boxes which depends on both fighting to free them from siege and repairing e.g. a jammed bulkhead. Even more varied activities could play a role, maybe construction of something with a special blueprint and materials which have to be wrestled from the enemy first...

    The sky is the limit for ideas, but the depth of investors' pockets limits what can be realized. Maybe that would be a case for another type of deeds to crowd-source the funding for such a development. "Instance partners" for planet partners?
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  10. Laura Aastha Bondi

    Laura Aastha Bondi Member

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    Nature teaches: evolve or die. I understand the economic problems incurred by a company to develop new ideas in a game but to keep alive the interest of the players should be the first task for a game company. It is the lack of ideas and innovation that causes the death of so many games. I've seen a lot smaller companies to constantly upgrade their products, I can not believe that a company that maintains a game for ten years can not go to the expense of small updates.
    However, if the common reaction to the proposal of new ideas is always negative "because I'm so used to playing this way" or because "I do not think that the company will do it", then we can all avoid proposing new ideas, avoid thinking and passively accept any thing. You could also save time and close the forum 'wishlist'. I think people should push game designer to add ideas also if they believe the company will never do that. Because a single voice is just a voice, lot of voices are a thunder. And no one can stand listening continuously thunders.
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  11. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    MA used to be able to remove / add buildings dynamically. It's going back a while but after a certain VU players found some statues on the mountain in Eudoria that were for the Notes event, a few days later they got removed without a VU happening only to reappear for the event a few weeks later.

    The bigger issue with EU at the moment is that it's steadily becoming event driven rather it being something extra to do as a bonus. Many of us stuck around for years with only the two week migration and the odd robot event and now it's almost as if players need an event to deem it worthy of even logging in which is a real shame.

    But if this were something random that would be akin to the old beacons then it's worth doing.
  12. Laura Aastha Bondi

    Laura Aastha Bondi Member

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    The idea came to my mind playing another game (I won't say here the title for respect for MindArk) where big big creatures was popping out from ground at random time in random places, often in several places at same time, and every players was running to those places to kill them, all together in a massive cooperative combat. It was EPIC!
    The same game mechanic was added lately to another game (again i avoid to say the title) and it was a big success.
    Of course here Mindark Or Arkadia team have to balance wisely the rewards vs the value spent by players because EU has a real cash economy but I am sure they know how to do.
    Those things are the "anti-boring" things that really keep a game alive.
    EU compared to other games has several added values:
    1. the graphic, also being not the most modern, is way better than other MMORPG (I played games like Perfect World, Scarlet Blade, Allods, Black Gold, Hellgate, Global Agenda, City of steam, some of them are even more modern than EU but EU graphic is better)
    2. Real Cash Economy is a great smokescreen that gathers lot of players
    3. The sandbox is something people loves and EU is absolutely one of the most "sandbox" game I ever seen.
    But honestly it can be much much better with a little effort:
    1. Clothes are ... well... let's say I seen much better things elsewhere... everywhere indeed. Here people goes around half naked or wearing harlequin pants... Let's add some more clothes, more modern. A good 3D designer can do that in few time and it will invite people to buy more and more. Wide market means more money spent in the game. I have a good experience in this being a 3D fashion designer in another game that has maybe the wides market in the world.
    2. Calypso interior devices and furniture seems coming from a 60s scifi movie... It would be nice if this was a steampunk game. Arkadia Is way better indeed. But more can be done to make it even better.
    3. Everyone in external forums and in reviews just say EU is a casino, a lottery, disguised as a game. It is sad because EU is much more than that. But it can be hard to convince people. The only way is to add more "gameplay" to it. Maybe it is true EU is just a casino, a gambling game, a lottery, but why not to make the disguise even better to get more new gamers?
    I love EU and its planets, and because I love it I would like to see it lasting forever. This is the reason i spend part of my time to think how to make it better and to write in forums. I always did this for every games i loved and sometime it worked sometime not.
    Nevertheless i continue.
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  13. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Leaving the particular idea aside and just answering your last messages, particularly this part:

    I am really new to Entropia Universe, joined just two months ago, so it's not about how I'm used to.

    It's about another thing though... I analyzed a lot of games out there, just to decide that EU is what I'm looking for... pretty much EU as it is now... I wanted a slow paced game, which I can play pretty much zoned-out (as in not have to be alert) and at my own pace... if I would have wanted a game which requires more active playing (as in personal skill - aiming, dodging, parry) or more cooperation (as in having raids, group events, etc), I would have just chosen another game. But instead I deliberately chosen EU, and I did it exactly for what it is and what it offers.

    Now, of course, small changes, fixes, improvements (like that idea of yours to allow a borderless screen) I totally support, and they cause no harm to anyone, but just benefit us all.

    But ideas that change the gameplay are just that... changes... for you they may represent an improvement, for me they may represent a decline... you have, of course, all rights to wish for or propose a change, but I also have all rights to lobby against it... for the simple reason that I may actually just genuinely enjoy what we have now. :)

    And it looks like a lot of players actually do treat EU as a slots machine - the best example - all those Explosive Projectiles crafters - something you do pretty much AFK, with no immersion, with no interaction with others, with no real scope (I'm quite sure that 99% of EP are just TT food), other than the thrill of a jackpot.

    And no, there's not necessarily a constant need for games to change... look at chess or GO or tons of other games... they are unchanged by hundreds and thousands of years... and they are still popular and entertaining and fun to play...

    You know that quote "If it ain't broken, don't change it..."

    ... just my 2 cents ...
  14. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    There has fairly recently been some one appointed to create more clothes for Arkadia and more. (Liviu) And a lot of us know he works hard trying to get new designs in. (He posted a month or two back about a new coat he was designing.)

    A lot of signs have been showing that the A-team like to step up their game with planet design, and I can't wait to see what we will get every future update.

    When it comes to events, there is always room for more events, and I like doing events, but I also like to play on my own. I do not know how the A-team or MA creates events, with what perimeters. But I don't think it hurts seeing idea's from the community and see what the community likes to see happening in game.
  15. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    This forum is pretty friendly, most of the negative feed back I'd take as constructive criticism.

    Not sure if it's feasible program wise with what this company works with or not, but I really like the idea.

    As some have stated though timing would be an issue for some, so it would have to be fairly random occurrences like the surprise appearances some mods make ingame.

    Above all though the way things are going with the IFN vs smuggler story line I really think surprise events that incorporate multiple professions and team work like this could be great for increasing player activity. Really would help bring the rpg back to the mmo ya?
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  16. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    First, kudos to San for speaking about insight he got from Developmental Teams. Most of us don't realize these constraints when we post.

    That said, I love the idea. A mix of Repairing, a mix of Fighting/Defending... maybe even a mix of Healing (say a living being is inside... so killing the attacking Mobs is one level of Loot, Repairing the 'ship' is another which allows you to attempt to save the life as a 3rd... layers of Cooperation and multiple skills).

    I also think Healers (and Repairers) don't get enough love, so something where no amount of Bullets can 'unlock' the Big Prize would be awesome... which is why I added it in. Obviously Hunters would make Defending easier, so not saying to lock those guys out... just saying more Cooperation and Skills across the board used to achieve a Group Success.
  17. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    It's an interesting idea, we'll have a play around with the idea and see what might be possible. Repairing for loot I'd think is unlikely, however variations of the theme, whereby repairers unlock something might work.

    This is only partly true, if you notice at the Oratan attacks we are able to trigger a new wall to appear at the front of the Firebases to lock the mobs.

    The A-Team do keep an eye on the Wishlist, so keep the ideas coming.

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  18. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    You, Mr. Dave, are certainly the man... and I but a humble citizen.

    But if I may bend your ear for a moment on the idea of 'repair for Loot'.

    1. Repairing requires your RK-5... so nice to see more Repair guys on ground, not just in Space.
    2. Repairing requires Welding Wire... which takes Sweat. Any time I can find a reason for more Sweat to be bought/sold, I look for it, as it helps stabilize new players.
    3. I understand people want their 'TT' value back, but if an Item is unique or fun enough that will usually outweigh the pure profit driving force... so if what ever was earned did not have a major TT Value but perhaps was interesting, fun and/or unique... Hunters wouldn't mind splitting the loot despite spending the most PED in Decay/Costs.

    Also, since it would 'unlock' a needed stage to pass to earn the Loot, the Repair is just as vital as the Damage, because without both you get nothing. (And such the healing, if we take it that far.)

    I'm certain some kind of system can be worked out for Layering Skill Cooperation to benefit all, instead of 'Hey RK-5 Guy, thanks for opening the Loot box for me!'
  19. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    Absolutely right.

    We are here to express our 'Wishes', since this is a Wish List. The Programmers will then take what they find useful and interesting (which Player Feedback helps them assess the Interest) and see how they might be able to make it work, even if it doesn't fit the 'Current System'.

    Some of the best ideas in Gaming were formed when Gamers gave their greatest most impossible wish and a Solid Developer found a way to use at least some of it and bring it to (virtual) reality.

    These guys can't even try, if we don't share our ideas because of restraints (real or perceived). We have the 'easy job', as we get to dream free... they have the tougher job of seeing if it can fit into the system they have to work with.

    So have fun with it!
  20. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Interesting, didn't think of that. But were you able to conjure it up on the fly, or did it have to be put there first with a previous content update, after which you can remotely set a visibility flag?