Please mind your own business

Discussion in 'Entropia Universe' started by Lovefall, Mar 16, 2015.

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  1. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    .Rather have ark officials doing something constructive. Let the trolls ruin their game rep. It is seldom repairable.
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  2. Slacker

    Slacker Member

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    Seeing a free player have fun makes depositors feel dumb for spending tens or hundreds of dollars (especially if they are not having fun). Nobody likes feeling dumb, and they blame you.
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  3. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    gotta be some truth in that sadly.
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  4. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Officials != Advisers, officials work on the planet and its development, advisers are players who volunteered to provide helpful info to new players, in exchange they get a swanky vest. Advisers moderating chat takes no time away from planet development as they dont develop, and they are highly active in the chat already.
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  5. Sunsout Gunsout

    Sunsout Gunsout Member

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    You guys just don't get bring it on yourself by creating the darn distinction in the first place. People who call themselves "nondepositers" and bring it up constantly of course bother the depositors (not saying you did, love...) The fact is ALL who play deposit...time is money...talking about who doesn't deposit is a pure exercise in frustration/ego trip. Depositors have no right to belittle someone who doesn't play at a high level or deposit, but honestly, it is the LAST thing a high depo player wants to hear why even bring it up in chat channels? All new players know that there are nondepositors in the game...I don't see the benefit of creating "classes" or talking about it even...I really don't. It has always and will always piss off a large segment of the players that see it, and for the life of me, I don't know why people have to constantly bring up the fact they don't depo...again, I am not saying you are one that does it constantly...but all of us that play a lot and use the forums a lot see people having to constantly say it all the time, and all I can say is who gives a...

    The funniest part is, sometimes if someone says something, the nondepositors actually say "well he must be mad cuz I play for free and he has to deposit" That has NOTHING to do with it! Many of us depo a ton because we can and its fun...we truly don't care that our ped card is affected by non-depositors. The drama occurs because no one likes seeing people brag about it, or anything really, period. If I bragged about withdrawing all the time, or bragged about my hofs all the time, people would say shit to me it is what it is something that doesn't need to be said, and anyone who does is simply asking for drama. That's just my shitty opinion, but it is what it is... :)
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  6. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Active Member

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    Life is too short to argue with idiots! :cow:<---- wait is that a cow? Damn!! How did I miss that smiley!? :sneaky:
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  7. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Before I would voluntear to shall we say modorate planet chat then they would need to be changes to the existing chat system going back to way back when when I was a moderator for the #london chanel on undernet irc then mods had options available that if you were banning people for a chanel then this could be done as a temp ban then 2nd temp ban and then further bans. this would work in time increments so you could get kicked for 1st ban for like 5 mins etc etc.

    There were also automatic bot scripts that you could enable that had words that would automatically ban for 5 mins then if you carry on automatically ban up to 1 week - back in irc this would be amusing to see the limitations on the autobot script and what you might might not be able to get away with but it banned by not just username / nic / but ip !.

    You would also then need to go down and publish further type acceptable use T&C's of certain chanels and this again requires more admin and then people will posibly pick holes with x y z and you would then have some moderators that are better or percived as better than others and some that might be harsher.

    Also Moderators of the chanel would need to be able to leave messages for a perm ban for other moderators again something the current interface cant really deal with especially when messages are still not fully functioning - Arkadia Advisors are still players yes we are there to assist and help not just new people but any one on Arkadia but we still like to actually play.

    What would be really interesting is if the chat chanel was only available on planet and not just kept available if you change planets so restrict posting to those people actually on arkadia. again this might not be popular but would actually limit chat to planet and on planet people.

    Yes There are also considerations that this is a Global game and people will be on different timezones so you might have some people enjoying a beverage or two or others drinking coffee / tea what ever ! personally if I ever see people ask in a chat chanel ( publicly ) what you depo how much you spend its a invite on to the ignore list along with those that use excess swearing or derogatory references.

    I clear them out most weeks but its amasing how some of the same names appear.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Very well written and some important things to consider, though it does get me thinking, would be great if the in game chat had a IRC bridge, but at the same time I'm not counting on that ever happening.
  9. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    ^this, - remember my joke from a few weeks back? :D
  10. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    I don't think that being a free player is not something to brag with or be proud about... actually the opposite... as I said and in my original post, the fact that I choose to "work" in game sweating for 5 cents per hour is just a proof of the fact that I'm not able to put a better value for my time and earn more than this IRL... I always said that if I would have been at another point in live when I started the game, I would have definitely been a depositor - both for an easier and more pleasant activity, but also to support the game I love. Now, that I started like that, I would probably keep it like that and when I'll afford not to, just because of the challenge of it, but that's a different story.

    Going further more, I have all respect and gratitude for people that deposit... and I'm well aware that there would be no game for me to play if there wouldn't be the people that deposit, as well as of that old saying that says that "it's the people that pay that allows the non-payers to play". So I definitely don't turn this into a "us vs them" thing.

    Still, all I say, is that we all should mind our own business and not other people's business... it shouldn't concern me how much or how less you deposit, how big or how small is your ped card or your bank account... and even if I have some strange curiosity to know, I really think I should not rub it in anyone's face... I heard adult people from developed/rich country saying they pay for free - I didn't understood them, but I didn't said anything and just respected their option; I heard people saying they spent thousands and thousands of dollars in the game - again I didn't understood them, but I didn't said anything and just respected their option.

    And that's the only think I asked... respect my own option (which in my personal case is not even an option) and just let me try to play the game and have fun in the way that fits me... without publicly judging and insulting me... We may not share the same points of views, we may not like each other, but that doesn't mean we have to go down as in calling each other names and throw around all kind of insults or worse...
  11. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    I bet everyone does - but you still post here on the forums and shove it up their faces. I don't want to sound mean, but such posts are exactly the thing that will make you a "target" here and in-game. Keep it to yourself and you will see, that you won't be a target.

    If you want to mind your own buisness, then i respect that...but telling others to do this is kinda meh. You can't change people, so just let them be and ignore them o_O
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  12. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    Just for the record the arguments started with someone else bringing up free stuff like fruit etc. It snowballed into personal attacks and ridicule of others because whatever country the Troll came from doesn't have the same age restrictions when it comes to working (s/he said s/he'd worked since age 13) like for instance my own country (need to be at least 16 for summer jobs and 18 for actual hiring) or Lovefall's country. My own reply at this point was that officially working at age 13 falls under child labour.

    The whole argument was just pure ignorance from certain "people" assuming everyone else have lived and lives exactly as they have and do, and when it was clear we haven't and don't, they got pissy.

    As for Taco's comments about how non-depositors "constantly bring up the fact they don't depo", I can only speak for myself and say the only time it is brought up publicly is when some who deposits assume that everyone else deposits and I feel the need to correct them. It has happened a few times. One of these times was the start of what has resulted in this thread.

    So let's all think a step further, beyond our own little bubble, before trash-talking others.
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  13. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Let us also remember another kind of non=depo player, the person who has wasted money in the past on new games only to find after a few weeks/months that it is not what they hoped for, and they wasted their money. I bet we have all been there at some time RCE or otherwise.

    I started this game as non-depo for just that reason, and played that way successfully for around 9 months. I think you can safely assume I am no longer non-depo lol. Whether I am having more or less fun than before.... meh... depends on how the day went

    What I do know is if I had met antagonism like that which is all too often seen in chats and forums, then I would have quit, and EU would be short 1 investor, and I would have missed out on a great game.

    If we want this game to continue (and if you don't then please just leave instead of making it bad for others) then we need player retention, we all need to remember how our words of frustration and anger can be viewed by others. Let's remember chats are for socialising not trolling.
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  14. RavenJade

    RavenJade Active Member

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    Maybe it's not even that you tell people that you are a non depositor. You're a very chatty and for the most part friendly person that puts herself out there. In my experience when you put yourself out there, people either love you, or hate you. If it wasn't for being a non depoer , it could be for anything... (likethat you're a girl, or you talk too much, or you may or may not be a vampire..... ) Trust me, sometimes people are shit... but who cares? Just be you and forget the rest. :)

    I've deposited heavily in the 7 and a half years I've been in this game. Do I begrudge non depositors? nah... we all have our play styles. Truth is, I get bored doing eco things in the game. So hey, It's awesome that you like that kinda thing. Enjoy EU for what it is. :)
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  15. Dibbler

    Dibbler Member

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    Don't let it worry you, just everywhere you go in game or irl there will be assholes. I respect free players for getting by in EU without deposits, not an easy task by any means.

    Takes all types :)
  16. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Any time you stick your neck out, there are some who will try and chop at it. You just need better armour, better guns, better wits…

    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. MaxHecWalker

    MaxHecWalker Active Member

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    I've been on the internet since the mid 90's. Before google, or even yahoo mail, and back then the world wide web was free, and it was several years before the net had 50 million people... Well that ages me, & so I've been gaming for awhile, ikr boring!!!

    In short I personally have a play 30 days before depositing rule.
    (That came about because I normally loose interest in 3 days to 2 weeks, plus I stick to a budget now.)
    All MMO's or f2p (Free to Play) freemium games have a financial divide and they also have the semi-separate trolling issue.

    The financial issue boils down to is 2 mindsets or ways of playing:
    1. spend Cash to save time
    2. spend Time to save cash
    Regardless people are spending something.

    The trolling issue is caused by a very small group in any online game, where these few people troll/bash others for whatever reasons that only they know, & truly I don't care to know/understand them.

    Having said that, within EU's rookie chat I've seen players bashing depo players, and 4 hours later ppl bashing the no-depo players.
    Neither of those types of people doing the trolling/bashing have a clue what it's like to be on the "other side of the tracks" so to speak.
    Click mute and ignore them.

    On the other hand...
    The overwhelming majority of players just want to play, maybe get some direction/tricks from experienced players, and have Fun!
    I do and say crazy stuff all the time in games, & I hope my antics come across as amusing.
    See you all in game, & have fun ofc! ;)
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  18. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    The reason I gave you a 'Gratz!', which I'm sure is used in 'Share My Success' Threads, is because I am congratulating you on standing up for yourself and not being afraid to voice your concerns and opinions.
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  19. Saltkin

    Saltkin Member

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    i much agree, even thou i am depositter i also work as a business manager for Pathfinder XXX, the peds i earn with this is nothing compared to what i deposit. However having a job ingame makes me feel like a part of the universe therefore i enjoy it.
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