i like that you can just like you can craft armour from TT on cally then you know you can just skill or try to get a bp drop and TT what you made and your not loosing market value or have to waste time trying to sell what you craft.
Same with armor and guns in the BPs, it is exactly the same as on calypso.. farm bps and skill as they require almost none to craft myself crafted a few tt guns faps and armor parts and found some new blueprints, worked very well
I see why at first this may seem odd but there are reasons. First, the value (TT) of a crafted item is often lower than that of one from the Trade Terminal. This makes it more attractive to buy for new players with small ped balances. This is why, for example, new players sometimes buy low TT Jester Guns cause they are cheaper than the Trade Terminal's Opalo. It is better of course for them to get an Opalo but at the start, for a new player, every ped counts. Another reason is that if you are making something that is available from the TT then it is easy to just chuck the results in the trade terminal without feeling too guilty that you are taking things out of the game. Its sort of the instant cash item. If you are making something that is otherwise unavailable its hard not to feel that you really aught to sell it to a player... and this takes time. There might be other reasons too? Wistrel
What he said Incidentally Rex, you can add your society and rank etc to forum account details now We should also have a chat about soc stuff maybe some time soon too. edit: oh weird... it doesn't display... odd