Nova 'Nick' Genesis Crafting Log

Discussion in 'Crafting' started by Nova Genesis, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. Nova Genesis

    Nova Genesis Member

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    Hello all, i like Crafting so I shall start a crafting log!
    Starting small ATM but we shall see where this goes!

    Run 1: Miluca Texture Blueprint
    Total # attempts: 1000
    Miluca Veneer - .1 pec per click= 100PED
    Basic Wood Extractor - .01 ped per click = 10PED
    Total 110PED
    Success percentage: 28.4%

    Item count:
    1820 x Miluca Texture (36.40 PED)
    1236 x Miluca Veneer (12.36 PED)
    332 x Basic Wood Extractor (3.32 PED)
    2139 x Metal Residue (21.39 PED)
    1 x Plumatergus Leather Texture Blueprint (L) (0.36 PED)
    1 x Prancer Leather Texture Blueprint (L) (0.74 PED)
    1 x Lysterium Texture Blueprint (L) (0.48 PED)
    1 x Zinc Texture Blueprint (L) (0.59 PED)
    1 x Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    1 x Coarse Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    Total PED earned: 75.66 PED

    68% Returns before MU
    Run 2: Explosive Projectiles 1 Blueprint
    Total # attempts: 1000
    Nanocube .02 Pec per Click = 20PED
    Success percentage: 32.0%

    Item count:
    85467 x Explosive Projectiles (8.54 PED)
    219 x Nanocube (2.19 PED)
    463 x Metal Residue (4.63 PED)
    1 x Welding Wire Blueprint (L) (0.72 PED)
    1 x Basic Sensor Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    1 x Basic Pump Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    1 x Basic Servo Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    1 x Basic Tube Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    1 x Super Alloy Plating Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    Total PED earned: 16.13 PED

    80% Returns before MU

    Current Total -/+
    Ped Used= 130PED
    Ped Returned = 91.79PED
    Return % = ~70%

    ALL BP's i pick up are for sale unless noted otherwise :D
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  2. Nova Genesis

    Nova Genesis Member

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    Few more runs. Some i was unable to get the Stats from because either i Timed out or Fell Asleep :p

    All are Explosive Projectiles BP 1 as i am skilling up!

    Total # attempts: 1000
    Success percentage: 33.0%

    Item count:
    87084 x Explosive Projectiles (8.70 PED)
    208 x Nanocube (2.08 PED)
    471 x Metal Residue (4.71 PED)
    1 x Basic Processor Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    1 x Basic Sensor Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    1 x Basic Wires Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    Total PED earned: 15.52 PED

    ~77% Return before MU


    Total # attempts: 1000
    Nanocube .02 Pec per Click = 20PED
    Success percentage: 32.9%

    Item count:
    81807 x Explosive Projectiles (8.18 PED)
    196 x Nanocube (1.96 PED)
    375 x Metal Residue (3.75 PED)
    1 x Explosive Projectiles Blueprint I (0.01 PED)
    1 x Basic Wires Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    2 x Basic Servo Blueprint (0.02 PED)

    Total PED earned: 13.93 PED
    ~67% Return before MU

    Total # attempts: 1000
    Nanocube .02 Pec per Click = 20PED
    Success percentage: 35.2%

    Item count:
    87880 x Explosive Projectiles (8.78 PED)
    218 x Nanocube (2.18 PED)
    921 x Metal Residue (9.21 PED)
    1 x Basic Filters Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    1 x Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    1 x Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint (0.01 PED)
    2 x Basic Tube Blueprint (0.02 PED)

    Total PED earned: 20.22 PED
    ~101% Return before MU

    This brings my totals to

    Current Total -/+
    Ped Used= 190PED
    Ped Returned = 141.46PED
    Return % = ~74%
  3. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    It's a good initiative to post these logs, but on crafting an extra would be necessary to be posted such as:

    -current level for that type of crafting
    -bp level at start and end
    -skill gain at end

    otherwise, crafters to be, might be mislead for your success rate.
  4. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Yeah, I totally agree with Murk. :)

    Very interesting log to follow, but please add all data. :)
  5. Nova Genesis

    Nova Genesis Member

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    I agree and will start getting more data to ponder over. That will start with the Run after the 5000 Click i'm currently doing! :D
    All the clicks logged here so far for Explosive BP are 100QR.


    Total # attempts: 1000

    Nanocube .02 Pec per Click = 20PED

    Success percentage: 31.7%

    Item count:

    79909 x Explosive Projectiles (7.99 PED)

    203 x Nanocube (2.03 PED)

    214 x Metal Residue (2.14 PED)

    1 x Basic Filters Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    Total PED earned: 12.17 PED

    ~60% Return before MU
    Total # attempts: 600

    Nanocube .02 Pec per Click = 12PED

    Success percentage: 28.8%

    Item count:

    45509 x Explosive Projectiles (4.55 PED)

    154 x Nanocube (1.54 PED)

    111 x Metal Residue (1.11 PED)

    1 x Welding Wire Blueprint (L) (0.39 PED)

    Total PED earned: 7.59 PED

    ~63% Return before MU
    Total # attempts: 2000

    Nanocube .02 Pec per Click = 40PED

    Success percentage: 34.3%

    Item count:

    165177 x Explosive Projectiles (16.51 PED)

    431 x Nanocube (4.31 PED)

    400 x Metal Residue (4.00 PED)

    1 x Welding Wire Blueprint (L) (0.53 PED)

    1 x Basic Power System Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Processor Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Relay Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Sensor Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Servo Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    Total PED earned: 25.42 PED

    63% Returns before MU
    Total # attempts: 1000

    Nanocube .02 Pec per Click = 20PED

    Success percentage: 31.7%

    Item count:

    77699 x Explosive Projectiles (7.76 PED)

    220 x Nanocube (2.20 PED)

    200 x Metal Residue (2.00 PED)

    1 x Basic Bearings Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    Total PED earned: 11.97 PED

    ~59% returns before MU

    Current Total -/+
    Ped Used= 282PED
    Ped Returned = 198.61PED
    Return % = ~70%

    Not the best Returns, but i'll keep a clickin till i hit something that puts me back @ ~90% :D

  6. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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  7. Allice A'Volante Fintch

    Allice A'Volante Fintch Member

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    Nice initiative. There is one factor You have not mentioned (or I have not noticed) : quantity vs condition. Likely the silent assumntion is that the slider is on quantity... but that is only assumtion. And I know that there seems to be no way to say what its possition is in numbers.
    Anyway, thanks for sharing and congratulations for having the patience to write it all done.
  8. Nova Genesis

    Nova Genesis Member

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    Latest Run. Also all runs are on quantity unless stated otherwise. Will update the main Post. And from here on out, i plan to post skills as well.

    Total # attempts: 5000

    2x Nanocube : .02 ped

    Success percentage: 33.4%

    Item count:

    416972 x Explosive Projectiles (41.69 PED)

    1065 x Nanocube (10.65 PED)

    1781 x Metal Residue (17.81 PED)

    1 x Welding Wire Blueprint (L) (0.82 PED)

    1 x Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Power System Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Processor Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Relay Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Sensor Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Simple I Conductors Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    3 x Basic Engine Blueprint (0.03 PED)

    4 x Basic Filters Blueprint (0.04 PED)

    1 x Basic Nuts Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Rings Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    1 x Basic Screws Blueprint (0.01 PED)

    2 x Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint (0.02 PED)

    Total PED earned: 71.15 PED

    ~71% Returns before MU
  9. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Thank you for sharing :)
  10. Daka

    Daka Member

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    Thank you for your posts. Not many crafting logs unfortunately, so this is real refreshment. I enjoy reading it. :)

    P.S. Have you considering crafting something else, that has some markup?