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Visual The scoria texture should not be CHANGED at all

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by cute781217, Mar 17, 2015.

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  1. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    There are over 10s different kind of creatures received appearance upgrade over the past few years in both Arkadia and Calypso, but none of them made any change to the textures. I don't know why Scoria has to be treated this way, the change is way too big and unacceptable. I hope Arkadia team can change it back in the coming patch. I really liked my original scoria textured sleipnir, I don't want to lose it.

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  2. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    Looks like scoria is the new black Instead of tiarak.
  3. Kaz

    Kaz Active Member

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    actually looks like it's the new grey instead of brukite. A very expensive brukite i might add :thumbsdown:
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree. I'm actually a bit in shock at the loss of scoria texture. Many people have paid big bucks for this primo Arkadian texture and it's been changed to gray... for no apparent reason. I'm waiting to hear the A-team's response before passing final judgment, but if not reverted, I think this is definitely going to make people rethink investing in the game, if their expensive clothes can be changed willy nilly.

    It definitely needs to be reverted back to the "Scoria" people paid for. Make an additional "Refined Scoria Texture" if you want one that matches the current mob, but don't change the existing one.

    Or, change the name of the old Scoria texture to "Ancient Scoria Leather Texture", clothes and textures already existing won't change. But scoria leather from this point on will be crafted into the new style scoria texture (called simply "Scoria Leather Texture".
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    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  5. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Agreed, if they want to change the texture they should make it a new item.
  6. May

    May Active Member

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    Looks more like a 'whoopsie'? [​IMG]
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Well, after talking to one of the officials, it looks like this is not a bug (oh well, I was hoping...).

    I'm still in shock and it sucks big time, but we have to try and make the best of it. I feel for those who spent hundreds of peds on their awesome scoria outfits. Some of the outfits probably look decent in dark gray/whatever color they mutated to. If yours doesn't look good, please everyone, make sure to PM Mathias here on the forum to get your item retextured. Make sure to ask for all fields retextured, if appropriate, so your item looks good. If you're not sure which of the Ark textures would look good on your formerly Scoria outfit, I know someone who's a good designer, send me a PM. ;)

    I just spent 10 minutes trying to find the place to PM someone on this forum... if you're like me, use this link to send a message to Mathias: http://arkadiaforum.com/conversations/add?to=Mathias+|+Arkadia

    And don't wait, you've got only 2 weeks to get your items retextured.
    • Informative Informative x 5
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
  8. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Thanks Neil, but it's extremely hard to accept it for myself, I have paid like 500 ped or so for the whole combination when it first came out. It's all real dollar things how can you change it without my permissions. I know I know TOU said nothing belong to me but really? Every other mobs that received appearance upgrades the texture remain the same, but why does Scoria has to be the only exception. There are always better way to do this thing just like what people suggesting above, I don't know why Mindark/A-team don't do it this way.
  9. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    It seams like recently there's this mindset that its ok to just change existing items at any time, and its getting a tad annoying.

    For example lets look at movement decay, that was retroactively added to existing vehicles, and made some of my favourite ones die in one day, when before hand I had used them for years. Another one is Cyrene which... wow that's a big can of worms I don't care to open at the moment.

    You should not be aiming to become like MA and the Cyrene dev's, Arkadia is better then this. The items still have the texture variables applied to them so its easy to turn back, just restore the old texture, rename it to ancient scoria texture or something, and from now on have the hide craft into a new scoria texture item.

    To be clear I am not affected by this issue, but I have been affected by numerous issues like this in the past, and would like to see this sort of thing stop.
  10. May

    May Active Member

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    Ouch, it was no 'boo-'boo'? [​IMG]
    That's very rough for anyone who did spend lots of peds on the texture, because they liked how it looked.
    The difference between the old and new texture is very big.
    But at least it there is the offer to get it re-textured in something else, instead of it just ending up buried in storage like so many other clothes.

    What I am curious about though: what was the reason that the Scoria needed a graphical update in the first place? [​IMG]
    Was there a problem with how they looked?
    Was it technically necessary, or was it a pure esthetic preference?
    I can imagine that learning the former was the case, could perhaps make it a tiny bit easier to swallow?
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Since the old texture was aesthetically better than the new one, which is just plain bumpy gray, I'm assuming they had to stop using it because of copyright infringment or something like that, in other words, a non-graphical reason. They might have chosen gray, deciding that this neutral tone would result in the most number of salvageable outfits.

    That's all my speculation btw.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  12. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    i'm not happy with the change of existing textures, especially the nice scoria texture. go on and change tiarak texure, and this planet will never see me again!
  13. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    I am demanding a more detailing reason why Scoria texture are the only one needs to be changed after receiving an appearance upgrades from A team
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  14. avalon

    avalon Member

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    My Scoria Outfit Before & After. :(
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    Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
  15. Nadie

    Nadie Member

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    Considering how many thousands of ped I have used to texture my own clothes with Arkadian textures I'm really concerned that any can be changed on a whim and ruin and devalue all my outfits. This change with the Scoria is totally unacceptable! As for only two weeks to allow people to get stuff retextured, well that sucks if your away on holiday or worse. As others have said, make a new texture and leave existing items as they are although I would also like to know why it was necessary to change it in the first place.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    I'm somehow split on that... while I understand that it can totally suck for some people that had spent a lot of PEDs for txtured items, truth is that EU is a dynamic universe and things may change at any time... so before doing any major expense we should think twice if we could afford to move on or not if it's get changed...

    But what we should not forget is that Arkadia Team was actually kind enough to offer free changing to any other texture... so it's quite clear that they did at laest tried to ease the pain... someone less caring would have changed it and don't care about complains... saw that happening in many other games. :(
  17. SoulNet "adDict" Twitch

    SoulNet "adDict" Twitch New Member

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    Hiya everyone, my names adDict.
    Long time lurker first time poster, you may remember me from such places as "that log next to the line" and "the other one just over there" I like blue.

    Wtf?. Oh hells no you did not just change my favorite texture in the whole game to a sharty elephant texture!?!
    How do you justify changing an already applied texture? it makes no sense? Not impressed, especially as it is an expensive one.

    100% agree with Neil about changing it back an calling it "ancient" (+1, green tick, smiley face) but lets face it that "aint gonna happen"
    At least Mathias is kind enough to offer a replacement texture, so onto my question:

    What other arkadian texture most resembles the old scoria in pattern and color? (i like blue)
    If none what other texture is just as expensive? (i don't want to feel ripped off) (i really like blue)

    I would rather the pattern and color but will go with most expensive if i have no other choice.

    Ostelok looks ok but...meh
    Tiarak perhaps if i can change it to light blue..
    Korwil maybe, but again i would have to color it

    Any ideas on a close match for the coolness that was (rip) Scoria the texture of textures?
    also i like blue.
    • Welcome! Welcome! x 1
  18. avalon

    avalon Member

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    Just in case anyone wants to see all the options you can Check out Emma's Site.
    I do believe she has all of them pictured there.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  19. SoulNet "adDict" Twitch

    SoulNet "adDict" Twitch New Member

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    Thanks avalon, also there is Summers thread from 2010 it has approximate maxed levels and cost (again from 2010) 3rd post for the ark textures. Think i might go with Korwil and paint it blue... i like blue.
  20. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm disappointed at a-team for no further reply. If you don't care, fine. Thread can be locked thanks.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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