Hadraada Description: The Hadraada is a creature that appears to have adapted to desert conditions. While not overly dangerous, it nevertheless appears to have developed an array of bony protrusions for protective purposes, and wont hesitate to charge anything that gets too close. Creature Type: Animal Damage Type: Stab50 %Impact50 %Statistical data: Strong-YoungMatureOldProviderGuardianDominantAlphaOld AlphaProwlerStalkerHealth LevelMediumToughToughToughStrongStrongStrongStrongMassiveMassiveDamage PotentialMinimalSmallSmallSmallLimitedLimitedMediumMediumMediumLargeAgility10111213141516171819Intelligence1010 1010101010101010Psyche9999999999Stamina1928374758698093107122Strength100105110115120125130135140145IFN Challenge: Stage 175 kills0.18 ped HandgunStage 2400 kills0.98 ped BLP Weaponry TechnologyStage 31200 kills2.93 ped AimStage 44800 killsHadraada Trophy Head + 7.55 ped Light Melee Weaponsor AthleticsStage 512.000 kills75 Intelligence Tokens + 5.20 ped Alertnessor Plasma Weaponry Tech.or Inflict Melee Dmg.Stage 660.000 killpointsHadraada Figurine + 6.13 ped EvadeRepeatableMaturities: Young lvl 8 190 hp Mature lvl 9 280 hp Old lvl 10 370 hp Provider lvl 11 470 hp Guardian lvl 12 580 hp Dominant lvl 13 680 hp Alpha lvl 15 800 hp Old Alpha lvl 16 930 hp Prowler lvl 17 1070 hp Stalker lvl 18 1220 hp Location: Mob maturityLocationWaypointDetailHadraada Young to OldSouth of Celeste Quarry(31200, 9200)small spawnHadraada Young to GuardianNorth/West of Kestrel Digsite(14100, 1300)-Hadraada Young to GuardianNorth of Relentless Firebase Academy(23400, 11400) / (22500, 12300)-Hadraada Old to StalkerNorth/East of Victoria Firebase(19900, 11500)-Minimum Global level: Loot: Spoiler: Loot - Hadraada - Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) - Bullseye 1 (L) - Corvus Thigh Guards - Piron PLR-12 (L) - Piron PBR-22 (L) - S & B Ardenner 20 (L) - Scott & Barlow BP-16 (L) - Scott & Barlow LR-6 (L) - Scott & Barlow LR-13 (L) - Skildek P 40 (L) - Teleportation Chip IV (L) - Animal Eye Oil - Animal Hide - Animal Oil Residue - Basic Cloth Extractor - Basic Metal Extractor - Basic Plastic Extractor - Black Lipstick - Blazar Fragment - BLP Pack - Electronic Stabilizing Component - Fine Hide - Hadraada Hide - Hadraada Spinal Plate - Interactive Simplifier Component - Lip Gloss (Burgundy) - Nova Fragment - Paint Can (Brown) - Paint Can (Navy) - Paint Can (Pink) - Paint Can (Violet Cream) - Paint Can (Yellow) - Rouge (Pink - Orange) - Shrapnel - Socket I Component - Socket II Component - Soft Hide - Thin Wool - Tier I Component - Weapon Cells - Wool (Only Loot listed that has dropped from VU 15.0 on.) Entropedia.info link. EP Wiki link.
Additional tips & info on Hadraada. - Link to the original Hadraada thread. - Max damage on avatar without armor (excl. crits): Young 18 hp to Stalker 60 hp. Video from EntropiaPlanets. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ For all the data: if there is something that should/could be changed, or added, please post or PM. (Info send through PMs will be added anonymously by default, unless the sender mentions otherwise.)
Thanks for posting: it's been added to the OP. Btw, lip gloss and rouge? Perhaps the Hadraadaas have found a new hobby...
Maturities: Young lvl 8 190 hp 10 Killpoints Mature lvl 9 280 hp 13 Killpoints Old lvl 10 370 hp 15 Killpoints Provider lvl 11 470 hp 18 Killpoints Guardian lvl 12 580 hp 21 Killpoints Dominant lvl 13 680 hp 24 Killpoints Alpha lvl 15 800 hp 28 Killpoints Old Alpha lvl 16 930 hp 31 Killpoints Prowler lvl 17 1070 hp 35 Killpoints Stalker lvl 18 1220 hp 39 Killpoints Added killpoints to maturity table.